Controller Pak
Controller Pak Detailed Specs
The Controller Pak is an optional accessory that enhances the memory-saving features of selected games. These games have the Controller Pak icon on the Game Pak packaging. The Controller Pak can save game progress, Controller button configurations, built-up character attributes, created characters and more.

Game information saved on a Controller Pak can be uploaded later to another N64 system. For example, if you are playing a football game, you can save your favorite team's statistics to a Controller Pak. You can then take your Controller Pak to a friend's house, upload your stats, and see whose team is better.

How It Works  
Information from multiple games can be saved to a single Controller Pak.  Information from multiple games can be saved to a single Controller Pak. One Controller Pak has 123 pages of memory.

Depending on the game you own, there are a couple of different ways to delete the saved information on a Controller Pak.

1. While turning on the Nintendo 64 (N64), hold down the START on Controller #1. If the programmers utilized this feature, an N64 Controller Pak menu should appear. On this menu, you will be able to view and/or delete the contents of the N64 Controller Pak.

2. If the first option doesn't work, then the Game Pak most likely has a feature that can only be accessed within the game. For example, in Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey, you can only access this feature under the Options screen. To find out how your Controller Pak works with a specific game you own, check out the instruction manual for the game in question.
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