Transfer Pak
Transfer Pak Detailed Specs

The Transfer Pak is an accessory that allows you to transfer Game Boy game data to an N64 game via the Controller. The Transfer Pak could also be used to transfer data from an N64 game to a compatible Game Boy game.
The Transfer Pak will only work with games designed to support it. For example, the Transfer Pak can be used to export data from Mario Golf for Game Boy Color to Mario Golf for the N64. The Transfer Pak can also be used to export Pok�mon from Pok�mon Red, Blue, or Yellow to Pok�mon Stadium.

The Transfer Pak also allows players to play certain Game Boy games on their N64, when using certain N64 software. At this time, Pok�mon Stadium is the only N64 game that will allow you to play a Game Boy game on your television using the Transfer Pak. It will only allow you to play Pok�mon Red, Blue or Yellow.

Physical Configuration  
The only way to transfer game data to and from your Game Boy and N64.  The Transfer Pak is the only way to transfer game data to and from your Game Boy and N64. A standard Game Boy cartridge slides into a slot in the Transfer Pak. The Transfer Pak then plugs into the N64 Controller slot that is also used by the Controller Pak and the Rumble Pak.
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