Little things in life that can make the biggest difference

We are all Mortal, until the first kiss and the second glass of wine.
Eduardo Galeano

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?  And if I am only for myself, what am I? 
And if not now - when?

Aboth 1:14, saying of Hillel.


Best Astrological Advice:

Received:  Fri Aug. 1, 2003

There is a great deal of fun to be had today, dear Capricorn. Remember that money isn't a necessary object to make this happen, however. In fact, money is a pretty lousy way to keep score. Consider the sacrifices you make each time you strive to earn more cash for your bank account. There is a dynamic feeling in the air today that is asking you to expand your mind in order to consider other ways of having fun.


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