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Albus Dumbledore Rubeus Hagrid Harry Potter Hermione Granger You-Know-Who Sirius Black Prof. Snape Prof. Trelawney

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Albus Dumbledore Rubeus Hagrid Harry Potter Hermione Granger You-Know-Who Sirius Black Prof. Snape Prof. Trelawney

The Magical World Of Harry Potter

Harry Potter Top of the Page

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is famous in the wizard world for his apparent defeat and disappearance of the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort (Vol-deh-more).
The evil wizard killed his parents and Harry was left an orphan. Albus Dumbledore left him to the care of Harry's mother's sister and her family, the Dursley's. His cousin, Dudley, and his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were cruel to Harry and made his life miserable. And all the time, Harry didn't have any idea that he was a famous wizard, or that
the funny people in purple cloaks that bow to him in shops and on the streets are wizards and witches, too, and know who he is. But after ten years, things change...
Harry starts to get mysterious letters a few days before his eleventh birthday. Hagrid shows up and tells Harry about his past and that he is awizard, and when Harry opens one of the letters, he discovers that he has been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid takes him to Diagon Alley, the shopping alley for wizards, which is hidden from Muggle eyes in London. There Hagrid buys Harry a Snowy owl for his eleventh birthday present, and Harry names her Hedwig. A few days later, Harry takes The Hogwarts Express, a train that is also hidden from Muggle eyes, to Hogwarts.

He meets his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, on the train.
Each year at Hogwarts holds an adventure for Harry.


Hermione Granger Top of the Page

The Know it all Bushy Haired Girl. Click the image for more pics of her.. I told you so ....

Hermione Granger (Her-my-O-NEE), 14 is the smartest student in her year. But besides always knowing the answers to teacher's questions, she is very brave and ready to participate in Harry and Ron's adventures. So the Sorting Hat saw fit to place her in Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw. She is of Muggle parentage, her parents are both dentist, but she was "ever so excited" when she got her letter of exceptance at Hogwarts. She buys her cat, Crookshanks, at the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley in book three. In the first book Harry and Ron don't like her very much, until they save her from being eaten by a troll, and they have been friends ever since that incidence (mostly).

Sirius Black Top of the Page


At the beginning of book 3 Sirius Black (also known as Padfoot, since he is an illegal Animagi) has been in the wizard prison, Azkaban, for 12 years for killing 13 people with a single curse. But he was wrongfully imprisoned! Actually Peter Pettigrew (a.k.a. Wormtail) staged the scene. Muggle witnesses say Peter sobbed "Lily and James, Sirius! How could you?" then Sirius killed Peter and 12 others and caused a huge crater in the street. Officials from the Ministry of Magic covered the whole thing up by saying there was a gas explosion and performed Memory Charms. Actually, Peter cried "How could you?" before he killed 12 with his wand behind his back. He cut off his right index finger before transforming into a rat (hence his nickname Wormtail) and joining the other rats in the sewer.
Azkaban is situated in the North Sea and is guarded by horrible cloaked figures called Dementors. Dementors take away all happiness in the air and leave you with only the worst experiences of your life. So those who are in Azkaban normally go crazy in just a short period of time. But Sirius managed to escape from the Dementors and Azkaban. At difficult times he could change into a dog (hence the name Padfoot), since animal feelings confuse dementors. Also, he managed to not go crazy by concentrating on a thought, not a happy one so Dementors couldn't take it away, the thought was that he was innocent. Finally, one day he turned into a dog and snuck past the dementors. Then he swam to the mainland and since then has been living on the run posing as a loveable stray.

Before he escaped the guards heard him saying in his sleep 'He's at Hogwarts...he's at Hogwarts...' so everyone assumes Sirius is after Harry. But, in fact, Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) found a wizarding family to stay with. Peter Pettigrew is Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers! At the end of book 3 Sirius corners Peter to kill him but Peter manages to escape.

In book 4, Harry keeps in touch with Sirius, and Wormtail is back again.


Professor Dumbledore Top of the Page Headmaster D'dore


Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump,
International Confed. of Wizards, Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Professor Dumbledore is headmaster of Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He might be the most respected wizard of all time. He was asked to be the Minister of Magic (the leader of the magical world) but declined since he was kept busy as the headmaster of Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore is one of the few who will refer to Voldemort by that name and not You-Know-Who and dislikes for people to say the latter.


Lord Voldemort You-Know-Who !!! Top of the Page


Voldemort is the evil wizard who was brought over to the Dark Side, and became so evil and so powerful that he was feared by every wizard. He was so evil that he even killed Muggles, who had no idea that there was a wizard war going on between good and evil. Some came over to his side, and some stood up to him. His name was so feared in the wizard world that no one dared to speak his name, and only referred to him as You-Know-Who. Everyone, that is, except Professor Dumbledore. Dumbledore seems to be the only person in the world that Voldemort fears. His reign of terror lasted for eleven years, until little Harry Potter threw him into an existence of only shadow and vapor. He dissapeared for ten years, and was rumored to be in the Albanian Forest. Some thought that he was dead; some thought that he was just biding his time, waiting for a loyal supporter to come and help him. Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone brings about the first real proof in nearly eleven years that he still is around. In all Harry Potter books, it is a battle between good and evil, and every single evil person in the book has had a background with Voldemort. Read the books to find out how Voldemort is never really brought to power, what with the help of Harry Potter and his friends.

Rubeus Hagrid Top of the PageHagrid, the Gentle Half Giant ..


Rubeus Hagrid (Ru-BAY-us) is an extremely huge and extremely sweet human being that is a great friend of Harry, Ron and Hermione. We find out a lot about his past in the fourth book. He was expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, but Dumbledore allowed him to stay and gave him the job of gamekeeper and the title Keeper of the Keys.
He lives in a cabin on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. In the third book, he is appointed Care of Magical Creatures teacher. When Hagrid was expelled, his wand was snapped in half, but Harry suspects that the pink umbrella that he carries with him almost everywhere may contain the pieces. Hagrid buys Harry his pet owl, Hedwig, a Snowy owl, for a birthday present in the first book. Hagrid is always ready to help Harry and his friends with anything that they might need.


Professor Severus Snape Top of the Page


Professor Snape is the head of the Slytherin house, and the Potions master. He dislikes students from any other house except his own, especially Harry and Harry's friends. His favorite student is Harry's enemy, Draco Malfoy. A school-boy grudge leads to Snape nearly killing someone in the 3rd book, but he is helpful in the first book, and really isn't as bad as everyone thinks. Also, rumor is that Snape wants the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position

Professor Trelawney Top of the Page

Professor Trelawney, the Divination teacher, is mysterious and rarely comes down from her tower to mingle with the others. She firsts comes in to the Harry Potter story in book 3. Professor McGonagall does not believe in the Professor's subject, so she and Professor Trelawney do not get along well. Professor Trelawney predicts Harry is going to die, she claims she has never seen anyone with such a short life line as Harry's (while reading palms) and claims to see the Grim (the omen of death) in Harry's tea leaves.

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