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A diamond is forever...

How know to Care for your Diamonds?

Diamonds may be the hardest substance known to man, but they still can be damaged or dulled. Diamonds do need care to keep them at their brilliant best. A clean diamond not only reflects light better, but also actually looks bigger than one that's been "dulled" by skin oils, soap, cosmetics and cooking grease.

Diamonds are often thought to be un-shatter able. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Your diamond and jewelry will benefit from the some useful handling and care tips.

Cleaning & Protecting:

The best method for cleaning is a jeweler's polishing cloth. Most jewelers will clean your diamond ring free if you are making another purchase in the store. Protecting Your Diamond Even though diamonds are the hardest substance known to man, a diamond will scratch another diamond. So it is important that jewelry not be stored together since it can be scratched or tangled. In addition, diamond jewelry should never be worn while doing heavy work. Points are vulnerable to chipping and even everyday activity can loosen a setting. This is why it’s important to visit a professional jeweler every six months or one year to have your diamond’s mountings and settings checked.

Diamonds have an affinity for grease and should be cleaned at the home by the home tips at least once time in every month to keep their fire at its brightest.

By the Detergent Bath: Prepare a small bowl of warm suds with any mild liquid detergent. Brush pieces gently with a tooth brush while they are in the suds. Transfer to a wire strainer and rinse under warm running water. Pat dries with soft, lint less cloth. 

The Cold Water Soak: Make a half and half solution of cold water and household ammonia in a cup. Soak the diamond for 30 minutes. Lift out and tap gently around the back and front of the mounting with a small brush. Swish in the solution once more, and drain on paper. No rinse is needed. 


"Do's and Don'ts” Caring for Your Diamond

Do take your diamonds to your jeweler professionally for a cleaned and a "check-up" at least once a year. Your jeweler will check your piece for loose settings and signs of wear. Your jeweler will usually give your diamonds a professional "shine-up" too.

Don't jumble your diamond pieces and diamond jewelry in a drawer or jewelry case, together or with other pieces, because diamonds can scratch each other and scratch other jewelry. Keep your diamond jewelry in a fabric-lined jewel case or in a box with compartments or dividers.

Do clean your diamonds regularly using either commercial jewelry cleaner, a mix of ammonia and water, or a mild detergent. Dip the jewelry into the solution, and use a soft brush to dislodge dust or dirt from under the setting.

Don't wear your diamonds when you’re doing rough work or doing the dishes.  Even though a diamond is durable, if you hit hard, they WILL crack or can be chipped by a hard blow along its grain.

Don't let your diamond come and contact with chlorine bleach or other chemicals, when you're doing housework. It won't hurt the diamond, but it can pit or discolor the mounting.

The Quick-Dip Method: Buy one of the brand-name liquid jewelry cleaners with its kit, and follow the instructions.

Jewelry Care

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