Nuns' Island Tenants Association  (NITA)
Association des Locataires de l'�le des Soeurs  (ALIS)
C.P. 63008
40 Place du Commerce,  �le des Soeurs
Verdun, QC  H3E 1V6
Phone: (514) 767-1003 FAX:  767-1003
E-mail: [email protected]

FAQ - I�ve gotten a rent increase notice asking for 3%. Is this excessive?

Depending on several factors, the answer will vary. However, after discussions with Metropolitan Structures Inc. (MSInc), NITA estimates that MSInc�s proposed increase of 3% for 2004 is reasonable and justified, for MSInc tenants living in gas-heated dwellings (the majority of MSInc�s units are gas-heated).

This being said, there are exceptions. Tenants are especially urged to attend our workshops or contact us if they are in one of the following categories:

- They have more than one year�s fixing of rent pending (e.g. 2002 and/or 2003);
- They live in an electrically-heated or unheated dwelling;
- They live in a dwelling that underwent major repairs or renovations in the past years.

We recommend you read the complete 2004 flyer on lease renewals for more information.

NITA - February 2004.
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