Nuns' Island Tenants Association  (NITA)
Association des Locataires de l'�le des Soeurs  (ALIS)
C.P. 63008
40 Place du Commerce,  �le des Soeurs
Verdun, QC  H3E 1V6
Phone: (514) 767-1003 FAX:  767-1003
E-mail: [email protected]

FAQ - OK, I�ve refused the increase� what next?

- The Landlord will file an application for fixation with la R�gie du logement (Quebec Rental Board), and will send you a copy.

- Sometime in early 2004, you will receive a hearing notice from the R�gie.

- The R�gie will then fix your rent according to its criteria, which takes into account the Landlord�s 2002 expenses, and applies various weighting factors based on the its own indices.

NITA - May 2003.

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