What the hell is going on?!
My screwy summer plans explained... and so much more..
Oh. My. Gawd, Becky! When the  hell are you coming?!
Heres the deal with that. My dads letting me go to jersey this thursday (The 17th) and he's letting me stay for up to 2 weeks.. I may or may not have a car depending on whether or not the parts we ordered come in, in which case I'd like to only stay for a week so I can get my car together. After I return back to MI after that, (oh yeah.. someone can come to MI with me if they want) then I have to figure out who the hell I'm living with this summer, and then once all that crap is figured out, thats when I'll be back in jersey for good. Now. When I get there I fully expect to go to the shore. ANDDD you guys can't get mad at me if I don't spend massive amounts of time with you because you have to remember I have a lot of friends and a lot of groups of friends that don't all hang out with eachother.. so I have to time manage. (Aw, your little Becky's all grown up. Blah..
Help meeee!
^^ How can you say no to a face like that? So heres the deal. I need a place to stay for the summer... If you have an extra room I'll pay rent to stay there... cuz honestly I'd rather set myself on fire with napalm than spend my summer in Michigan... I mean think about it.. 3 months with no one but my parents for the last real summer I'm gonna have?? (I'll be interining for college summers) Thats crap. Not the cool kind either.. assuming there is a cool kind. ANYWAY let me know if you can do something, cuz at this point all I have is a bunch of half ass commitments, and thats not gonna get me anywhere. Thanks!
And because you guys mean so much to me...
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