Faith and Begorrah, I love St.Paddy's Day! Mom, bless her heart,was half Irish and very proud of her heritage. She loved to have fun and St.Paddy's Day was more fun than a barrel of leprechauns at our house.

Wearin'green was MANDATORY,or else you'd be pinched by a leprechaun! My folks had a ritual every St.Paddy's Day. Dad would come downstairs and he was NOT wearin'green. When Mom asked him WHY he replied,"I'm not Irish." (But I do remember him saying Erin Go Braugh-less). Getting back to my story...he would go back upstairs, returning in a few moments wearin' a green tie, green sox, and green handkerchief. Mom was pleased. They did this routine every year as long as I can remember.

The morning specialty was ALWAYS Green French Toast. Yup. That's what I said! Mom would sprinkle green-colored sugar on top and we had Green French Toast. Years later, I told friends about this traditional St.Paddy's Day breakfast and bewilderment would cross their faces, or was it disgust? Green eggs and ham ? NO WAY ! Serve me some colorful Green French Toast !

Obligatory Irish Links

A Wee Bit O'Fun

For Kids of All Ages

Irish Ballads

Marlene Buchanan's Realms




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