The Story of Tigger

My Mistress, Susan walked into a high priced pet store four years ago, laid her green eyes on me and promptly whipped out her charge card...she was in love with my cuteness and cuddly nature. I barely fit in the palm of her hand; the runt of the litter.

I rule the house now. I'm usually very aloof, not one of those 'lap cats' like Heidi. I'll tell you more about her later. We are total opposites, but I indulge her. I like to lounge around on Susan's window in her computer room where I can keep one eye on the cat in the window across the way and the other on Susan.

My Favorite Spot

Susan has a guest room with a very comfortable bed. I consider it "my room" where I love to lounge on the warm clothes she tosses there to fold later. She's never happy to find me snoozing and snuggling in those clean clothes, but heck, if she'd get off the computer, fold them right away, I wouldn't nestle in those Downy fresh tee shirts for an afternoon catnap!

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