
When a Fish Became A Bird

On the lake I could see in the sun glistened waters..................a fish. Up, up, up it went�dancing on the water top�twirling round and round�in the air. When a fish became a bird.�Then blurp, blurp�back down,�down into the water,�Back to being -a fish. Then I looked again on this warm autumn day and I saw a bird. �Flying on the breeze gently�with its wings outstretched. Then plunge�into the water�the bird went and disappeared.�For a moment�then two.�Bubbles rising to the surface When a bird became a fish.�Just then a splash�and up out of the water flew the bird.�Back to being -�a bird. Then I heard the Great Wind whisper,�"What did you see?" "Who me?" I replied.�"Why I saw a fish who became a bird�and a bird who became a fish." The Great Wind whispered again,�"What did you see?" "I saw a flying fish that danced on the waves and a diving bird that blurped in the waters." And again the Great Wind said,�"What did you see?" I closed my eyes in frustration as if to recall call I had just seen. Then I recognized what I say�a fish being a fish�and a bird being a bird. Each one knowing who and what it was and stretching the boundaries of its existence. And the Great Wind whispered, �"Now look into the water; what do you see?" I peered out over the waters edge at my own reflection. "I see me, of course," I said. The Great Wind said,�"What do you see?" "I see blonde hair, blue eyes, some tiny wrinkles and a smile." And again the Great Wind said,�"Now close your eyes; what do you see?" I closed my eyes and I saw.

Glossed�echoes of shattered dreams and broken hope
footsteps of unwanted intervention intensity of strangers in private affairs �and a dance with no music
�both partners leading
once lovers exchanging vows in the presence of family and friends
�laughter and love now alone�in the witness of stranger
�a last dance
�not of triumph or tribute�but haunting hurt and pain�shadows of spite, infidelity and disappointment fill the hall
�strangers determining destiny or�finalizing an inevitable conclusion
one just now facing the pain
one struggling to press on
�neither in the same time
both occupy the same
space�time and space are strange companion
finding themselves in the company one of another but never quite able to hear the melody�and a song plays the ancient of days
still sings a song of deliverence
faint and subtle but soothing
inviting all who wonder to sing
some never listen
�some can only hear and still yet some whisper a familiar tune long forgotten
four doors
�four choices
four directions �
each one to its own
into the sunlight of the day
into the next moment
cool breeze warm sunshine�
the sound of my own footsteps
the repetition of assurance.�
assurance of my ability to sing.
bright clear brilliant familiar songs sing on oh sing on.

�Often the unreachable realm of tranquility. Her cost is more than most can afford �yet within the reach of all. �She brings calm in the midst of storm, clarity in confrontation, purpose in meaninglessness,�direction in chaos, �hope in surrender. She feeds the dry thirsty soul with the water of truth and the bread of justice. �She speaks and the shout of her whisper �shatters the darkness and pierces the silence.

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