Tribute to my Friends

I feel the need to mention ( in no particular order ) the people that have effected my life here on chat. Men and women I consider my friends and feel blessed to have in my life. I have been collecting pics for some time and have recently added them here. Click on the nic!!!

Wingy, for never backing down from a challenge, ever! I truely respect that!

Doc_22, you've always been there when I needed to talk or when I need help, thanks darlin'.

Debbie, I just love you for your constant honesty and if you ever need a *good karma nerf*, just ask.

Andyizme, for always making me face the truth about the way life is!

FrostFlame, I can only express to you how you mean to me as MY friend, thanks! **Moosh**

Play, for always being in my corner and rooting me making me smile and who can type faster than anyone I on!

Ginacp, my baby sis for always know!

Sweet-n-Sexy4u, for always being my *NERF* partner and for always having a sweet thought to share.

MJ, for always keeping me busy in *da attic* ;)

Capt_Morgan72, for constantly reminding me how cute he is...hehe

Robo, you always fill my heart with your *silvery words*...thanks darlin'

Phebes, for always having a sweet and positive atittude..licks :)

Bmrman, for always lending his compassionate nature to every conversation

Stormy, for her sweet silliness and her sincere caring nature...hugs

Convinced, for his sensitive and sweet nature, you'll always be my *blueberry muffin*

Cherri, for her constant creativity and for showing the proper use of the ignore feature.

ImaVibratingBagel, for your unique atittude and your innocence...stay true to who you are!

Moby_56...what can I say, you are the most blunt honest and creative person I have have met online. Thanks for always being you!

MichelleNicole, for always saying what's on your mind...just call her Nic!

lilwildchild, for your sensitivity and being able to do it all in CAPS :)

Duste, for having the cutest knees in da pub

Moe_Man, My Moosh buddy, for being a dear friend to me always

JoeMack, da man in da hat...great to meet you in Vegas, ya sweetie

*Moe & Cappy*

Piney, for putting up with me while getting lost in Detroit...miss you!

^TweetHeart^, you always make me feel welcome, thanks for your kindness

^Tx, for keeping me on my toes, I never know your mood until I see your *nic of the day *

Stacy, my woman ; ), it's good to have you back girl!

BeautBlonde, a truely honest and sincere lady, stay true to youself girl

Triggerman, a man with a beautiful soul and the largest collection of 80's music I know :)

HunnieBe, for proving you can be tough and soft at the same time

Beauti, for her always making a *newbie* feel welcome

Nikko, for always keeping me on my toes, I never know what to expect from you

Olddog, sweet, dear man, the protector of the ladies

SummerStorm, for your innocent, yet not so innocent way >wink<

OKHorseman, for always being my *darlin*

BigBear & RiverMist, for showing us all the love can conquer all!!

Crazy_Woman, for being a true sis to me, thanks girly :)

Hawk, probably the biggest, but cutest flirt in TooCool ;)

....And to the rest of my TooCool *family* and the Citypub *nuts*, you all are an extention of who I am and hopefully I have let you all know how much you mean to me! And if we haven't chatted or I haven't told you, talk to me!!

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