

1.      WAP of displaying “Hello World!!”

2.      WAP of  displaying variables

3.      WAP of describing the structure of ‘C’ program

4.      WAP of converting unsigned decimal to hexadecimal number

5.      WAP of converting unsigned decimal to octal number

6.      WAP of reading variables and print them. (you can generate  your own example to justify the question)

7.      WAP of displaying ASCII code table

8.      WAP of finding greatest between 5 numbers given by the user. (With if...else if construct)

9.      WAP of calculating simple interest & compound interest

10.  WAP of converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit & vice-versa
hint: Fahrenheit = 1.8 x Centigrade + 32

11.  WAP of calculating area of triangle given the base & height

12.  WAP of identifying whether the given number is odd or even

13.  WAP of identifying whether the given number is prime or not

14.  WAP of identifying how many prime numbers are there in-between 1 & 100
note: [This question should be done through for loop & while loop both]

15.  WAP of creating Fibonacci series
hint: series should be - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21………………

16.  WAP exploring the facilities offered by ‘printf’

17.  Draw pyramids using loops – [for, while]

18.  WAP of calculating sum of squares of n numbers

19.  WAP of generating PASCAL’s triangle

20.  Write any five above programs using functions. [Non-returnable]

21.  Write any five above programs using functions. [Returnable]

22.  Write any five above programs using functions. [Call by value method]

23.  Write any five above programs using functions. [Call by reference method]

24.  WAP of reversing the digit

25.  WAP of reversing the string

26.  WAP of identifying whether the given digit is palindrome
hint: 121 is palindrome         – [reverse is 121]
       123 is not palindrome     – [reverse is 321]

27.  WAP of identifying whether the given string is palindrome
hint: nitin is palindrome       – [reverse is nitin]
       manoj is not palindrome   – [reverse is jonam]
       malayalam is palindrome   – [reverse is malayalam]

28.  WAP of reversing the array of numbers and filled into the another array

29.  WAP of adding two matrices

30.  WAP of multiplying two matrices

31.  WAP of adding two matrices using functions [passing array to functions]

32.  Accept four integers and print the 4-digit number formed by concatenating them.

33.  Accept the string and print it in between any line.

34.  WAP of calculating the factorial of the user given number.

35.  WAP of identifying the Armstrong number.

36.  WAP to illustrate the sum of squares.

37.  WAP to compute exponential series.
ex = 1 + x + x2/2 + x3/3 + ………….xn/n

38.  Convert at least 20 programs of your choice into functions of non-returnable behaviour.

39.  Convert the other programs of your choice into functions of returnable behaviour.

40.  Create a header file and save all the functions in your header file and attached into your any ‘C’ file and use the functions as per your desire in your ‘C’ file.

41.  Use any of the above programs to practice the command line argument concept.

42.  Write a function that takes a string and a number between 0 and 9 as parameters, display the string that many times, and returns its length.

43.  Write a function to accept 10 characters and to display whether each input character is a digit, or a lower case alphabet or an upper case alphabet.

44.  Write a function to perform addition and subtraction of two numbers. Use them in a program to compute the sum and difference of input numbers.

45.  Write a function to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable. What type of parameters would you use?

46.  WAP using functions to concatenate two strings, extract a substring from a string, and replace a substring in a string and to find the length of string.

47.  Write a function to perform Linear Search.

48.  WAP to compute Y=Xx……n up to as many terms as required. Use longint and ensure the maximum value is not exceeded.

49.  WAP that consists of two files sum.c and mainJi.c. The file sum.c has a function that takes two integers arguments and stores the result in a global shared variable called sum. Accept the two inputs in mainJi.c, call the function sum.c and print the result in mainJi.c.

50.  WAP as an example of showing the difference between using the static keyword with variable inside functions and global variables?

51.  What is the use of the extern keyword? Illustrate with an example

52.  WAP to trace the order of matrix from the user and print the matrix as per the order traced from the user.

53.  WAP of storing 5 to 10 names in a double-dimension array and show the retrieval for use by printing them.

54.  WAP of strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strlen(), strchr().

55.  WAP of calculating grades of n students from 3 tests.

56.  WAP of calculating Mean, Variance and standard deviation.

57.  WAP to find the symmetry of the matrix.
hint: through transposing matrix

58.  WAP to count the vowels, consonants and spaces in a line.

59.  Accept the names and marks of 10 students in 6 subjects. Print the list. Also print the name of the first ranker, his/her percentage and his/her result and division.

60.  WAP to find the smallest value in an array of ‘n’ elements using pointers.

61.  WAP for the following output:
  Addresses of variables ‘val1’ and ‘val2’ :-
       a : 2147483476
       b : 2147483472
  Addresses pointers ‘ptr1’ and ‘ptr2’ hold :-
       ptr1 = 2147483476
       ptr2 = 2147483472
  values of ‘val1’, ‘val2’, ‘val3’ and ‘val4’ :-
       val1 = 5
       val2 = 10
       val3 = 15
       val4 = 14
  values accessed by pointers ‘ptr1’ and ‘ptr2’ :-
       *ptr1 = 5
       *ptr2 = 10

62.  WAP of illustrating the declaration and use of pointers to pointers.
hint: double pointers

63.  WAP for illustrating void pointers.

64.  Write a function that accepts character into a string by using a pointer. Compute the length of the array using a pointer, given that the string is terminated by a null [‘\0’] character. Finally print the string in reverse order using pointer.

65.  Write a function that accepts a string as argument and returns 1 if it is a palindrome and 0 if it is not.

66.  Illustrate the main purpose of passing variables by pointers, with the help of a function which swaps two integers.

67.  WAP to process student records by using structures.

68.  WAP Class.c to ensure that the address field is itself a structure which contains the following fields: street, block, area, city and country
Query: The search for the address should be conducted based on any of these fields

69.  Create a database of a cricket team. The information should be categorized into: runs achieved, wickets taken, catches taken, catches dropped and run outs. Each player should be designated as either a batsman or a bowler. The captain, vice captain and wicket-keeper should have special status. Print the statistics of each player at the end of the season, giving all the information possible.
Note: Here database means structure of structures.
               Creation of database is compulsory but to create the above program is
               optional, which can provide you the bonus internal marks.

70.  Construct a program for managing the membership of a library. There are 2 kinds of members; those who can borrow

a.       2 books at a time for 2 days

b.      4 books at a time for 4 days

      WAP that accepts the name, code number and duration of the books borrowed and, displays the names and other information of all those members having dues.

71.  WAP to copy a file to another.

72.  WAP that accepts two filenames as command line parameters/arguments and appends the second file to the first. Note that in main, the first file is opened in the append mode, while the second one in read mode.

73.  WAP to convert the case of alphabets in a text file. Uppercase letters should be converted to lower case and vice versa.

74.  WAP to store the data of students – name, register number, and marks for 6 students. Display the data stored. Use a menu to enter the choice from the user to create a new data file or read the content of a previously created file.

75.  WAP to implement the following data encryption technique.
d a positive integer to the ordinal values of each of the character in the file.

76.  WAP to change the alphabets in a file in the following manner.
Replace each alphabet with the succeeding one i.e., A with B, B with C, ……., Z with A.

77.  WAP of illustrating self-referential structures.

78.  WAP of illustrating dynamic memory allocation using integer values and using structures.

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