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there's gabby, shreena, margret, and me. all three of them look so pretty!

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well, there is everyone. if you can't see it, michael has his eyes closed.

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me and ashley, i love the color of her dress.

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me and a mask. that sounds like the title of a book...

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no shibani come back!!

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there she is

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carly, rachie, and me. rachel's dress is so bright

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me and saarika in front of that...white thing...

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wow, only me and gabby are looking at the camera. angela may be looking at it, but i can't tell. when my mom saw this picture, she thought enrico looked drunk.

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us in front of the baby pictures. shibani and i are wearing the same dress.

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emily is soooo pretty!!!

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all of us looking normal in a picture!!

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the last song of the dance was really nice. everyone was told to make a huge circle around the room and put their arms on the shoulder of the people next to them. then everyone started swaying to the music together, it was so fun. i thought that was the best part.

then we were kicked out by fogartie as soon as the music ended. the magic suddenly stopped if you can get the picture. as we walked out, the teachers gave us wristbands that were black and red and said "CLASS OF 2010". a lot of people were complaining because last year everyone got soda bottles, but i think this one is much more meaningful, don't you?

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