All answers are in order as the questions were given
How'd ya do?  Now count the number you got right and read on about your rank or scoring
Score: 26 plus answering the two questions with additional questions
Someone call the cops or the asylum and have you locked away you're a potential hazard to Nick.  Just kidding! Congratulations I guess you aren't just all talk if you answered these right!
Score: 13 - 25

Don't break out the straight jackets yet but maybe Nick should start watching his back.  So what if you didn't know his dad's name just as long as you don't cry after this we know you're sane enough to withstand a close encounter with him.
Score: 6 - 12

So maybe your Nickology is a little rusty maybe you haven't surfed the web enough or paid attention to Soap magazines or you were misinformed about some things.  It happens to the best of us.  At least you still rank in good ways and I don't think Nick would be afraid to be seen around you or he wouldn't run away in fear of his own safety upon your arrival
Score: 1 - 5

Rusty doesn't even begin to describe your Nickology!  A score this bad makes me wonder if the Antonio question through you off.  If you scored this low you should be ashamed of yourself!  Either that you're illiterate and don't pick up magazines.  But thanks for playing you are the Weakest Link...GOODBYE!
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