
 The Ant Colony Cycle

This site features ten pictures of different ant colony cycles and includes comprehensive descriptions. Click on a picture to enlarge it. Great detail and a lot of good information. Good for classroom use.

 Ant Coloring Sheet

This diagram of an ant is a printable coloring sheet with information about classification, life cycle, anatomy, colonies, and jobs. Suitable for all ages.

 Gakken's Photo Encyclopedia: Ants

This photo encyclopedia features excellent information about ants including: scientific names, photos, cartoons images, information about ant meals, fighting, enemies, their bodies, nesting, mating, family, winter life, species, insects who mimic ants, how to catch ants, keep ants, and a "guidance for individual research on ants," which includes such things as how to study ant speed and information on twelve study points including steps to use. Easy for teachers to use with students; easy to read and understand; could be used for all ages.

 Ants: Stranger Than Fiction

This award winning site shows an animated ant nest, a photo of a queen ant, "record feats," a listing of ant jobs, a list of "how ants and humans share same endeavors," plus links to more ant (and other insect) sites. Suitable for all ages.

 Argentine Ants

This site is devoted solely to the Argentine ants. Information about habitats, colonization, feeding and communication, social structure, unique Argentine ant jobs, and the impact on the environment. Good reference for teachers and older students.

 Red Imported Fire Ants

This site about red imported fire ants has sections on taxonomy, origin, "work," "troublemakers," as well as information about the chemical Mirex which was used to fight fire ants. Some related links are also listed. Good teacher information.

 The Ultimate Guide: Ants

This Discovery Channel site features excellent photos, an "ant cam," ant videos, a "Science Live" link, and links to other ant sites. Real Player required. Good for classroom use.

 The Definitive Source For Ant Enthusiasts

While this site includes some advertising for books, it also features articles about different kinds of ants, a frequently asked questions page, terminology, information about collecting and keeping ants, and good photographs. Good teacher resource.

 Ant Information

This site contains information and diagrams about ants, appearance, gender, history and collection. There are links to lesson plans and information sheets about ants and other insects, as well as "rearing sheets" about how to keep ants and other creatures. Diagrams on sheets can be printed and enlarged for children to color. Excellent resource for teachers.

 Great Ant Activity Ideas

These ant activity ideas are designed for children five years and younger, and would be useful when doing a unit on ants. Included are art projects, songs, ant farm science projects, and snacks.


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