Fishing Companies
Berkley - Makers of powerbait and Fireline
Case Plastics -  Makers of Madtoms and the Salty Sinkin' Shad
Table Rock Tackle - Home of the stinkiest tubes around - the Chompers line
Lurenet - Home to Bomber, Rebel, Arbogast, BooYah and other lure companies
Mepps Lure Company - Makers of the classic spinners
Mister Twister - For all of your soft plastic needs
Northland - A great website for the leader in the bulk tackle industry
Rapala - From the classic floating minnow to the new glass Shad Rap, you can find it here
Storm - The best in crankbaits and soft plastics
Strike King - Creaters of the new 3X soft plastic bait line
Terminator - The strongest spinnerbaits ever made
Yamamoto Custom Baits - Makers of the often imitated Senko and the bulky Hula Grub
Lindy Little Joe - From spinners to Fuz-E-Grubs, this site has it all.

G.Loomis Rods - The top of the line for most anglers starts here
Pfleuger Reels - Makers of quality reels
Shakespeare Fishing - For the best in rods and reels, check out this site
St. Croix - Makers of the Avid, one of the best all around rods
Quantum - Quality components go into every reel that this company makes

Frabill - Makers of nets, minnow buckets and top end accessories
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