The Real X-Files
I enjoy looking for strange things. Fairly often, I find them. I consider myself to be a highly rational and logical individual. I'm neither a believer nor a skeptic, I just report what I experience, and I'm interested to know what other people claim to have experienced.
Without further ado, here's some stuff.
After talking about this for years on various UFO message boards, here it finally is. Well, some still shots from it, anyway. Hopefully I'll get the whole video clip online somewhere sooner or later.
This photo was taken on Clinton Road in New Jersey, which is one of the scariest places I have ever visited. You need to go there to understand. Note the blue anomaly at the top of the photo. This is probably just a side effect of my cheap digital camera, but it's still unusual.
Mapquest Clinton Road
Additional X-Files forthcoming. For now, here are some
National UFO Reporting Center
News items about UFOs, NASA, government secrecy, etc.
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