RaidHammoud    MuhammadAlFateh    NihalZahed    MaherMansour

My memories
Well, what can I say except "May God have mercy on your soul".
Nabil sure was a very nice person, honest, funny and we had a lot of good and fun times together in Lafayette, Louisiana and specially at 409 Lamar St.
I remember that when he laughed, and I mean "really" laughed, he used to roll and probably get stomach-aches !!
There is one very nice incident I remember from the days of Lafayette. I would say it was 1982, and one day he rented a car ... but not any car, specially back then. It was a TransM, brand new ... I asked Nabil if I can take it for a ride and he, very willingly and without any hesitation, agreed !! For me, it was dream come true. He rode next to me and I drove it for about five-minute. I did not need more than that. It was the ride of my life ! I did not spin the wheels, but I did go fast. Something I can still remember as if it happend yesterday. I think I never thanked Nabil enough back then, so, thank you Nabil again and again and may you rest in peace and may Allah look after your family and protect them.
Riad Hammoud (February 14, 2004)


Well, Mr. Nabil was my boss in Rawnaa, Saudi Arabia; we’ve been working together 10 hours a day, eating launch most of the time together, going to meet customers together. Actually I knew him very well in the last 3 yrs of his life he was like my big brother basically he was always telling people that I’m his young brother. His death was a shock to me. I’m praying for him and I hope God will accept him. I promise that I will do write about him and things which no one knows about it to be available on his website, I’ll be there ready always for wherever his family ask me to do, his son and his daughter I loved them so much and I could not contain my tears while I was reading what they wrote for my big brother Nabil, I’ll keep my promise for ever.  

Mohammad Al-Fateh (February 18, 2004)



I will never forget the fun we shared. He was the 1st one to take me to Daiquiri Factory (Drive thru for drinks), or when we went on a trip to Panama City in Florida where he took a short cut and the trip lasted 12hrs instead of the usual 6hrs, or when he cleaned our apt. when my parents were coming from Lebanon for he 1st time to USA. He was always very helpful and fun to be with. Went out of his way to help us out. At one point in my life, he was the shoulder I cried on. One time Maher cut some Styrofoam into small pieces (to resemble the shell pasta), mixed them with yogurt, sprinkled on top some Butter and pine seeds and hid it so that when Nabil finds it, Maher will tell him that its Nawwar's lunch. Of course Nabil found it and was told he cannot eat it and of course Nabil just ignored Maher's comment and started eating what he assumed to be Pasta with yogurt. It was so funny once he realized the trick.
There are so many stories and anecdotes to remember, but I can't even know where to start from. I sure miss him.
Nihal (Nino) Zahed (February 18, 2004)


Dear Esaam and Leila 

I’ve been putting writing about your dad ever since he left us all behind. Don’t get me wrong, he had to go. He was called from above. And, when you get a call from upstairs, you just can’t put it off. You have to go, you understand.

The reason I’ve been dreading putting my thoughts into words is YOU really. Once a thought is put down in letters and words, it’s no longer private. So whatever I say and write is for all to see, especially YOU.

I’ve shed some tears when Nabil left. Sure not as much as you did. He was YOUR DADDY, he was just my friend.

I can’t say that I’ve known your daddy more than all his other friends. No point in mentioning that we’ve probably spent more time together than he or I spent with anyone else. We’ve shared the same bed in times of hardships. We’ve spent money like the filthy rich when we had a few bucks in our pockets. We’ve ridden in the same decrepit car from Lafayette to Washington DC to Cleveland Ohio to GOD knows where in Alabama before making it back home to Louisiana in 2 weeks time. The car never moved after the trip. It was towed away by the police.

Speaking of the police, we were riding in our pajamas one stormy winter night in Lafayette. We were stopped by the Sheriff simply because we crossed in front of a freight train after the barrier was lowered. If you’ve seen your daddy in his pajamas in the middle of the night speaking to the officer you would’ve been proud. We almost had a fit and could’ve died laughing then. He was unbeatable! We returned to our trailer (we lived in a trailer you know, once upon a time) and ate eggs and chicken gizzards. It might not be an important fact, but 18 years later, I can count at least 7 different places where Nabil and I lived together. We had other dear roommates at times. Zeid (the Bent) is probably the most consistent one. The three of us looked too much like the 3 Stooges.

So your daddy was my first roommate and my last one. We met each other on January 8th, 1978. On the very first night, we had to share the same bed. Both of us were guests at someone’s house then.

Oh, yeah listen to this. One time, I had $100 on me. Nabil had a big car. I dressed in a 3abaya (Jallabiah), Nabil in a 3-piece suit and we went to an ice cream parlor. It was late at night, and there were only the 3 old ladies working at the place. Nabil introduced me as Prince Bukhshayar and the 3 ladies were very excited to meet a prince for the only time in their lives. Too bad they weren’t a little bit younger, or prettier (oops, I don’t know if that last thought should escape the censorship of your mom… Please Om Esaam and Leila, let it pass!) I too, felt like a prince when I was around your dad.

We came back home to Tripoli and Tartous, your dad and I, and we remained. I use to come over to your place with Maha and the kids. You came a few times with Daddy and Mommy to Tartous and Bmalke. It could’ve gone on for a long time until your daddy and I became really old men an nobody would’ve bothered much when it would’ve been time for us to go. Nabil, however, had to leave early. Much earlier than normal. But then again, it’s only normal that God acts this way with us. HE has HIS own reasons. Sure, they make us cry, they make us wake up in the middle of the night in search of Daddy, they make us disappointed, they might even make us angry. I just know that Nabil is in a better place than this. Don’t ask me how I know that for certain, but it must be. I mean look at it this way, he left in such a hurry, it must be loads and barrels of fun. He wouldn’t go unless he was summoned. God knew how good your daddy was, how much everyone liked him and especially how much YOU loved him! Still God decided that he needed Nabil.

I’m sure there’s a big party going on up there. We’re all invited to it, each in due time.

God bless you and may your Mom see you a young man and young woman. May you live in happiness and bliss. You’ve started life with a great gift. You had Nabil and Huda for Dad and Mom.

Maher Mansour (February 20, 2004)


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