Where are Roz and Nick?

Vital Statistics

Country    France
City    Nancy
Date    25th August 2004
Doing    Watching Olympics in French. Riding bikes around Paris. Doing the Eiffel. Visiting long lost grandparents.
Health    Fine. Hair could use a little work thogh.
Drinking    2.99 euro bubbles. The Best Hot Chocolate in the World.
Eating    Cheese, cheese, and more cheese. Le Pique-nique.
Tan    Being washed away by even more French rain.
Money    Didn't we just get out 500 euros yesterday?
Locals    Hard to find amongst the tourists.
Where to Next?    UPDATED - Itinerary
Latest Message    Paris is pretty cool. The Louvre was a 6 hour endurance test, and at the end we just couldn't look at any more art/sculptures. Worthwhile though. Visited the grand and magnificent Palace of Versailles. It's big. Really, really big. Saw all the must see's, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, etc. Picniced under the sparkling Eiffel Tower. Lots of touts annoyed us by trying to sell us crappy trinkets and bottles of booze. It was a pleasure to see them fleeing from the police. Didn't keep them away long though. Stayed in a hostel called 'Friends Hostel'. Remember that name and never ever go there!
Now in Toul, a small town close to Nancy, that has a military cemetery. Walked 3km in the rain to put some flowers on Nick's Grandfather's grave. Sun came out just as we arrived. Done with the French and going to Luxembourg tomorrow. Then onto Belgium and Amsterdam, before hitting Germany. Not long to go.
Back in time     

Images supplied courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency. Really.


Rebecca, Nick, Roz and Eileen at some Irish pub, Madrid
Practicing her moves, Lagos, Portugal
Charmed, I'm sure!, Marrakesh
Camel ride in the Sahara, Sahara desert
Rozzies arty smokey souq photo, Fes

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