Chapter 22……Cell Reproduction

Students should be able to:


·       Relate some benefits of mitosis

·       Identify cell parts involved in mitosis

·       Trace the steps of mitosis

·       Explain the results of meiosis

·       Trace the steps of meiosis

·       Compare the sex cells of males and females

·       Compare mitosis and meiosis

·       Explain some effects of aging

·       Describe the causes and effects of cancer


Chapter Outline:


1.  Cell are of three types : body cells , germ cells and sex cells


2.    A body cell divides  by mitosis producing  2 body cells with the same genetic material


3.    A germ cell divides by meiosis producing 4 sex cells with half the genetic material


4.    steps of mitosis and meiosis : (go to links and check there the animation of cell division)


5.    males produces sex cells called sperm from the division of a germ cell by meiosis while females produces sex cells called eggs  from the division of a germ cell by meiosis


6.    differences between eggs and sperms


7.    Aging : causes and effect


8.    Cancer : causes and effect


          Terms not found in the text book:

                   Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase,Cytokinesis, Germ cells, Somatic Cells, Sex Cells , Spindle Fibers, Cell plate, Chromatin-Chromosome-chromatids, Homologous Chromosomes, Centromere , Centrosomes.


Study guide papers 127-132








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