35.1. Plant Responses

    A. Organisms Respond to Stimuli

        1. One defining characteristicoflife is an ability to respond to stimuli.
        2. Adaptive organisms respond to environmental stimuli because it leads to longevity and survival.
        3. Animals have nerves and muscles; plants respond by growth patterns.

    B. Tropisms

        1. A tropism is plant growth toward or away from a directional stimulus.
            a. Directional is important; the stimulus comes from only one direction instead of many.
            b. Growth toward a stimulus is a positive tropism; growth away from a stimulus is a negative tropism.
            c. By differential growth, one side elongates faster; result is curving toward or away from a stimulus.
        2. Three well-known tropisms are named for the stimulus that causes the response.
            a. Phototropism is growth of plants in response to light; stems show positive phototropism.
            b. Gravitropism is response to earth's gravity; roots demonstrate positive gravitropism
                and stems demonstrate negative gravitropism.
            c. Thigmotropism is unequal growth due to touch (e.g., coiling of tendrils around a pole). 

    C. Phototropism

        1. Early researchers, including Charles Darwin and his son, observed plants curve toward light.
        2. Phototropism occurs because cells on shady side of stems elongate.
        3. It is believed that a yellow pigment related to riboflavin acts as a photoreceptor for light.
            a. Following reception, plant hormone auxin migrates from bright side to shady side of a stem.
            b. How reception of stimulus couples to production of auxin is not yet known.
        4. Auxin is also involved in gravitropism, apical dominance, and root and seed development.

    D. Gravitropism

        1. An upright plant placed on its side displays negative gravitropism; it grows upward opposite gravity.
        2. Charles Darwin and his son were first to show that roots display positive gravitropism.
            a. If root cap is removed, roots no longer respond to gravity.
            b. Later researchers showed root cap cells contain statoliths, starch grains within amyloplasts.
            c. Due to gravity, amyloplasts settle to lowest part of cell. (Fig. 38.2c)
        3. The hormone auxin underlies both positive and negative gravitropisms.
            a. The two tissues respond differently to auxin, which moves to lower side of both stems and root.
            b. Auxin inhibits growth of root cells; cells of upper surface elongate and root curves downward.
            c. Auxin stimulates growth of stem cells; cells of lower surface elongate and stem curves upward.

    E. Thigmotropism

        1. Unequal growth due to contact with solid objects is thigmotropism.
        2. Coiling of morning glory or pea tendrils around posts, etc. is a common example.
        3. Cells in contact with an object grow less while those on opposite side elongate.
        4. This process is quite rapid; tendrils have been observed to encircle an object in ten minutes.
        5. A couple of minutes of stroking can bring about a response that lasts for several days.
        6. Response can be delayed; tendrils touched in the dark will respond when illuminated.
            a. ATP rather than light can cause the response; need for light is a need for ATP.
            b. Hormones auxin and ethylene are involved; they induce curvature of tendrils in absence of touch.
        7. Thigmomorphogenesis is a touch response involving the whole plant.
            a. Entire plant responds to presence of wind or rain.
            b. A plant growing in a windy location has a shorter, thicker trunk.
            c. Even rubbing of a plant inhibits cellular elongation and produces a shorter, sturdier plant.

    F. Nastic Movements

        1. In contrast to tropisms, nastic movements are independent of the direction of stimulus.
        2. Seismonastic movements result from touch, shaking, or thermal stimulation.
        3. This response takes only a second or two, is due to a loss of turgor pressure within cells.
        4. When a Mimosa pudica leaf is touched, leaflets fold because petiole droops. (Fig. 38.4)
        5. A pulvinus is a thickening at base of such leaflets where turgor pressure can rapidly drop.
        6. Mechanisms are potassium ions that move out of the cell; water follows by osmosis.
        7. A single stimulus such as a hot needle can cause leaves to respond.
        8. Venus's-flytrap
            a. This plant has three sensitive hairs at base of the trap.
            b. When touched by an insect, an impulse-type stimulus triggers the trap to close.
            c. Turgor pressure in leaf cells propel the trap.

    G. Sleep Movements

        1. Sleep movements are nastic responses to daily changes in light level.
        2. Movement is due to changes in turgor pressure of motor cells in a pulvinus.
        3. Some plant movements correspond to environmental changes in light, temperature, etc.
        4. Circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm with a 24-hour cycle.
        5. Biological clock is an internal mechanism maintaining biological rhythms in absence of stimuli.
        6. Biological clocks are synchronized by external stimuli to twenty-four-hour rhythms.
        7. Photoperiod is more reliable an indicator of seasonal changes than temperature change.
        8. Stomates and flowers usually open in morning, close at night; some plants secrete nectar at same time of day.

35.2. Plant Hormones  

    A. For plants to respond to stimuli, activities of plant cells and structures have to be coordinated.

        1. Almost all plant communication is done by hormones.
        2. Hormones are low concentration chemical messengers active in another part of an organism.
        3. A responses is influenced by several hormones; requires a specific ratio of two or more hormones.
        4. Hormones are synthesized in one part of a plant; they travel in phloem after plant receives appropriate stimulus.
        5. Each naturally-occurring hormone has a specific chemical structure.
        6. Other chemicals that differ only slightly from natural hormones also affect the growth of plants.
        7. Plant growth regulators are hormone imitators plus naturally-occurring plant growth hormones.

    B. Auxin

        1. Indoleacetic acid (IAA) is most common naturally-occurring auxin.
            a. It is produced in shoot apical meristem and found in young leaves, flowers, and fruits.
            b. Apically-produced IAA prevents growth of axillary buds; this provides for apical dominance.
            c. When a terminal bud is removed, nearest buds begin to grow and the plant branches.
            d. Application of a weak solution of auxin causes roots to develop from ends of cuttings.
            e. Auxin production by seeds promotes growth of fruit.
            f. As long as auxin is concentrated in leaves and fruits rather than stem, they do not fall off.
        2. Auxin-controlled cell elongation is involved in gravitropism and phototropism.
            a. When gravity is perceived, auxin moves to lower surface of roots and stems.
            b. Darwin discovered with oat seedlings, phototropism would not occur if tip of a seedling is cut off
                or covered by a cap; they concluded cause of curvature moved from coleoptile tip to rest of shoot.
        3. Frits W. Went experimented with coleoptiles in 1926. (Fig. 38.7)
            a. He cut off tips and placed them on agar.
            b. Agar block was placed to one side; coleoptile would curve away from that side regardless of light.
            c. He deduced a chemical caused curved growth and named it auxin after Greek word for "to grow."

    C. How Auxins Work

        1. In a plant exposed to unidirectional light, auxin moves from bright side to shady side of a stem.
        2. Auxin binds to receptors and activates the ATP-driven proton (H+) pump.
        3. As hydrogen ions are pumped out of the cell, cell wall becomes acidic, breaking hydrogen bonds.
        4. Cellulose fibrils are weakened and activated enzymes further degrade the cell wall.
        5. Electrochemical gradient established causes uptake of solutes; water follows by osmosis.
        6. Turgid cell presses against cell wall, stretching it so that elongation occurs.
        7. Auxin-mediated elongation occurs in younger cells; older cells may lack auxin receptors.

    D. Gibberellins

        1. Gibberellins are a group of 70 plant hormones that chemically differ.
        2. GA3 is the most common of natural gibberellins.
        3. Gibberellins are growth promoters that elongate cells.
        4. Gibberellins were discovered in 1926 by Ewiti Kurosawa, a Japanese scientist investigating a fungal
            disease of rice plants called "foolish seedling disease."
            a. His fungus-infected plants produced an excess chemical gibberellin, named after the fungus.
            b. By 1956, gibberellic acid was finally isolated from a flowering plant rather than fungus.
        5. Mode of action (Fig. 38.11)
            a. Hormone GA3 binds to a receptor; a second messenger (Ca2+) inside cell combines with the protein calmodulin.
            b. Ca2+ -calmodulin complex activates a gene codinng for the enzyme amylase.
            c. Amylase acts on starch to release sugars used as a source of energy by the growing embryo.

    E. Cytokinins

        1. Cytokinins are a class of plant hormones that promote cell division.
        2. Cytokinins are derivatives of the purine base adenine.
        3. A natural cytokinin zeatin is found in corn kernels; kinetin is a synthetic cytokinin.
        4. Researchers discovered cytokinins in work on growing plant tissues in culture. (Fig. 38.12)
        5. Oligosaccharins, chemical fragments released from cell wall, also direct differentiation.
        6. Researchers hypothesize that auxin and cytokinins are part of a reception-transduction-response
            pathway that activates enzymes that release these fragments from cell wall. 

    F. Senescence

        1. Aging processes are senescence; large molecules break down and transported elsewhere.
        2. Cytokinins prevent senescence of leaves; they also initiate development of leaf growth.
        3. Cytokinins initiate growth of lateral buds despite apical dominance.

    G. Inhibitory Hormones

        1. Abscisic acid (ABA) is called "stress hormone"; it maintains seed and bud dormancy and causes
            closure of stomates.
        2. Dormancy occurs when a plant organ readies itself for adverse conditions by stopping growth.
            a. ABA moves from leaves to vegetative buds in fall; thereafter these buds are converted to winter buds
                which are covered by thick, hardened scales.
            b. Reduction in ABA and increase in gibberellins break seed and bud dormancy; seeds germinate and
                buds send forth leaves.
        3. Abscisic acid brings about closing of stomates when a plant is under water stress.
            a. By some unknown mechanism, ABA causes K+ ions to leave guard cells.
            b. As a result, guard cells lose water and stomates close.
        4. Although external application of ABA promotes abscission, it is not believed to function in this process;
            the hormone ethylene is considered to have this natural function.

    H. Ethylene

        1. It was an early practice to prepare citrus fruit for market by storage in a room with a kerosene stove.
        2. Later work revealed incomplete combustion of kerosene produced ethylene which ripens fruit.
        3. Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone; it ripens fruit by increasing activity of enzymes that soften fruit.
        4. Ethylene stimulates production of cellulase enzyme that hydrolyzes cellulose in plant cell walls.
        5. A barrel of ripening apples can induce ripening of a bunch of bananas some distance away.
        6. Ethylene releases from site of a physical wound; therefore one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch.
        7. The presence of ethylene in air inhibits growth of plants in general.
        8. Ethylene is present in auto exhaust and in homes heated with natural gas.
        9. Inhibition of plant growth occurs in low concentrations (one part ethylene per 10 million parts of air).
        10. Ethylene is involved in abscission, the dropping of leaves, fruits, or flowers.
            a. Lower levels of auxin in these areas (compared to stem) probably initiate abscission.
            b. Once abscission begins, ethylene stimulates production of enzymes such as cellulase that cause leaf,
                fruit, or flower drop.

35.3. Photoperiodism  

    A. Many physiological changes in plants (e.g. seed germination, the breaking of bud dormancy, flowering,
        and the onset of senescence) are related to a seasonal change in day length.

        1. Photoperiodism is a physiological response to relative lengths of daylight and darkness.
        2. Research by U.S. Department of Agriculture in controlled greenhouses revealed this mechanism.

    B. Plants can be divided into three groups, based on photoperiodism.

        1. Short-day Plants
            a. These flower when day length was shorter than a critical length.
            b. Examples include cockle-bur, poinsettia, and chrysanthemum.
            c. In effect, they require a period of darkness that is longer than a critical length to flower.
        2. Long-day Plants
            a. These flower when the day length is longer than a critical length.
            b. Examples include wheat, barley, clover, and spinach.
            c. In effect, they require a period of darkness that is shorter than a critical length to flower.
        3. Day-neutral Plants
            a. These are plants for which flowering is not dependent on day length.
            b. Examples include tomato and cucumber.

    C. A long-day and a short-day plant can have same critical length.

        1. These plants differ in specific sequence of day lengths as a season progresses.
        2. Spinach is a long-day plant that flowers in summer when day length increases to 14 hours.
        3. Ragweed is a short-day plant that flowers in fall when day length shortens to 14 hours or less.
        4. In 1938, K. C. Hammer and J. Bonner experimented with artificial lengths of dark and light periods.
            a. Cocklebur, a short-day plant, flowers as long as the dark period lasts over 8.5 hours.
            b. If dark period is interrupted by a flash, it does not flower; darkness amidst day cycle has no effect.
            c. Long-day plants require a dark period shorter than a critical length regardless of length of light period.
            d. Therefore, length of the dark period controls flowering, not length of the light period.

    D. Phytochrome and Flowering  

        1. U.S.D.A. scientists discovered phytochrome, a blue-green leaf pigment that exists in two forms:
        2. Pr(phytochrome red) absorbs red light (wavelength of 660 ;nm); it is converted to Pfr.
        3. Pfr is phytochrome far-red and absorbs far-red light (wavelength of 730 ;nm); it is converted to Pr.
        4. During a 24-hour period, there is a shift in ratio of these two pigments.
            a. Direct sunlight contains more red than far-red light; Pfr is present in plant leaves during the day.
            b. Shade and sunsets have more far-red than red light; Pfr is converted to Pr as night approaches.
            c. There is a slow metabolic replacement of Pfr by Pr during night.
        5. Phytochrome conversion may be a first step in reception-transduction-response pathway resulting in flowering.

    E. Other Functions of Phytochrome

        1. The Pr ----> Pfr conversion cycle controls other growth functions in plants.
        2. In addition to being involved in flowering, Pfr promotes seed germination and stem branching.
        3. Following germination, presence of Pr dominates; stem elongates and grows toward sunlight while
            leaves remain small.
        4. Once a plant is exposed to sunlight and Pr is converted to Pfr, the plant begins to grow normally-leaves
            expand and the stem branches.
        5. Pfr form of phytochrome triggers activation of one or more regulatory proteins in cytosol.
        6. These proteins migrate to nucleus and bind to "light-stimulated" genes coding for proteins found in chloroplasts.


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