42.1. How Animals Reproduce

    A. Two Patterns of Reproduction

        1. Asexual—one parent involved.
        2. Sexual—two parents involved.

    B. Asexual

        1. Some animals usually reproduce asexually but most use a combination of sexual and asexual
        2. Hydra undergo budding; a new individual arises as an outgrowth (bud) of a parent. (Fig. 50.1)
        3. Obelia polyps produce medusa by budding; the medusa produce eggs and sperm.
        4. Fragmentation followed by regeneration is seen among sponges and echinoderms.
        5. Parthenogenesis is common among some insects, worms, fish, lizards and some other animals; an
            egg develops without fertilization.
        6. In honey bees, the queen can decide to fertilize or not fertilize eggs, producing workers or drones.

    C. Sexual Reproduction

        1. In sexual reproduction; the egg of one parent is fertilized by sperm of the other.
        2. Hermaphroditic organisms possess both male and female organs.
            a. Pair of earthworms cross-fertilize each other.
            b. Sex reversal involves changing sex; a male wrass (reef fish) has a harem-if it dies, the largest
                female becomes male.
        3. Gonads are organs specialized to produce gametes.
            a. Sponges are an exception since their collar cells give rise to sperm and eggs.
            b. Hydras produce only temporary gonads in fall, when sexual reproduction occurs.
            c. Animals in other phyla have permanent gonads.
        4. There are two types of gonads: testes produce sperm and ovaries produce eggs.
        5. Eggs and sperm cells derive from germ cells that specialize early for this development.
        6. Other cells in gonads support and nourish developing gametes or produce hormones for reproduction.
        7. Accessory organs form ducts and storage areas that aid in bringing gametes together.
        8. Sexually-reproducing animals must ensure gametes find each other.
            a. Aquatic animals that practice external fertilization must synchronize egg release.
            b. Lunar cycles are one trigger that cues animals by tides.
            c. Hundreds of thousands of palolo worms rise to surface to release eggs during a 2-4 hour period.
        9. Copulation is sexual union to facilitate reception of sperm by a female.
            a. Penis is a male copulatory organ typical of terrestrial males; deposits sperm into female's vagina.
            b. Aquatic animals have other types of copulatory organs or employ other strategies for delivering sperm:
                1) Lobsters and crayfish modified swimmerets.
                2) Cuttlefish and octopuses use an arm.
                3) Sharks have a modified pelvic fin to pass packets of sperm to female.
            c. Birds lack a penis and vagina; they transfer sperm from cloaca to cloaca.

    D. Life History Strategies

        1. Many aquatic animals use external fertilization; eggs and sperm join outside in the water.
        2. Terrestrial animals tend to practice internal fertilization; eggs and sperm join inside female's body.
        3. Both types of animals are usually oviparous; they deposit eggs in external environment.
        4. Eggs are produced in ovaries; they mature and increase in size as a result of accumulation of yolk.
            a. Yolk is stored food to be used by developing embryo.
            b. To prevent insect eggs from drying out, their eggshell has several layers of protein or wax.
            c. In insects, small holes are left at one end to allow entry of sperm.
        5. Some insects have a special organ to store sperm so eggs can be fertilized later.
        6. Larval stage is often quite different in appearance and way of life from the adult form.
            a. Larva is able to seek its own food to sustain itself until it becomes an adult.
            b. Metamorphosis is a major change in form that some animals undergo during development.
            c. Incomplete metamorphosis lacks a pupal stage and nymphs look more like adults.
            d. Larval aquatic forms can utilize a different food source than the adults.
            e. Bilaterally symmetrical sea star larvae attach to substrate to become radially symmetrical adults.
            f. Free-swimming barnacle larvae metamorphose into sessile adults with calcareous plates.
            g. Crayfish lack a larval stage; eggs hatch into tiny juveniles with same form as adults.
        7. Reptiles and birds provide their eggs with plentiful yolk; there is no larval stage.
            a. Complete development takes place within a shell containing extraembryonic membranes.
            b. Chorion is the outermost membrane that lies next to the shell and functions in gas exchange.
            c. Amnion forms a water-filled sac around the embryo ensuring it will not dry out.
            d. Yolk sac hold yolk which nourishes the embryo.
            e. Allantois holds nitrogen waste products.
            f. Shelled egg frees animal from need to reproduce in water and helps it live completely on land.
        8. Birds tend their eggs.
            a. Newly hatched birds have to be fed before they develop to where they can seek food on their own.
            b. Parent bird reproductive behavior involves complex hormone and neural regulation
        9. Oysters and sea horses are ovoviviparous; eggs remain in body until they hatch fully-developed.
        10. Garter snakes and pit vipers retain eggs until they hatch and give birth to live young.
        11. Mammals are viviparous; embryo remains in female's body during development.
            a. Nutrients needed for development are constantly supplied by the mother.
            b. Viviparity represents the ultimate in caring for the zygote and the embryo.
            c. Evolution of viviparity can be seen in primitive mammals.
                1) Exceptions are the duckbill platypus and the spiny anteater, which are egg-laying mammals.
                2) Marsupials give birth to immature offspring that finish developing within a pouch.
                3) In all other mammals, development occurs in a placenta.
        12. Placenta is a complex organ comprised of maternal and embryonic tissues.
            a. Placenta exchanges O2, CO2, nutrients, wastes, etc. between fetal and maternal circulations.
            b. Evolution allowed embryos to exchange materials with mother; this made shell unnecessary.

42.2. Male Reproductive System    A. Male Gonads

        1. Paired testes are suspended in scrotal sacs of scrotum. (Fig. 50.3)
        2. Testes began development in abdominal cavity but descend into scrotal sac during development.
        3. If testes do not descend, without surgery or hormonal therapy, sterility results.
        4. Lower temperature of scrotum is vital to normal sperm production.

    B. Sperm

        1. Sperm produced in testes mature within epididymides.
            a. These are tightly coiled tubules outside testes in which sperm undergo maturation.
            b. Maturation time in epididymis is required for sperm to swim to egg.
        2. Once sperm have matured, they are propelled into vasa deferentia by muscular contractions.
        3. Sperm are stored in both the epididymides and the vasa deferentia.
        4. When a male is sexually aroused, sperm enter urethra, part of which extends through penis.
        5. Penis is a cylindrical copulatory organ used to introduce spermatozoa into female vagina.
            a. Three columns of spongy, erectile tissue extend down shaft.
            b. During sexual arousal, nervous reflexes cause an increase in arterial blood flow to penis.
            c. Increased blood flow fills and distends erectile tissue, and the penis stiffens and increases in size.
            d. These changes cause erection; failure to achieve erection is called impotency.
        6. Semen (seminal fluid) is thick whitish fluid that contains sperm and glandular secretions.
            a. Seminal fluid is formed by seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands.
            b. Seminal vesicles lie at the base of urinary bladder.
                1) Each joins a vas deferens to form an ejaculatory duct that enters urethra.
                2) They secrete into ejaculatory duct a thick fluid containing nutrients for use by sperm.
            c. Prostate gland is located just below urinary bladder and surrounds upper portion of urethra.
                1) It secretes a milky, slightly alkaline solution that promotes sperm motility and viability.
                2) In older men, prostate gland may become enlarged constricting the urethra.
                3) Prostrate cancer is also common in older men.
            d. Bulbourethral glands are located below prostate gland on either side of urethra; release mucus
                secretions that provide lubrication.
        7. Urethra also conducts urine from bladder during urination.

    C. Ejaculation

        1. Ejaculation results in expulsion of semen; it is achieved at peak of sexual arousal.
        2. First phase of ejaculation is emission.
            a. Nerve impulses from spine trigger epididymides and vasa deferentia to contract.
            b. Subsequent motility causes sperm to enter ejaculatory duct; seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and
                bulbourethral glands release their secretions.
            c. Small amount of secretion from bulbourethral glands may leak from end of penis; function to clean
                urethra of acid and may contain sperm.
        3. Second phase of ejaculation is expulsion.
            a. Rhythmical contractions at base of penis and within urethral wall expel semen in spurts.
            b. Rhythmical contractions are a release from myotonia, or muscle tenseness, a sexual response.
        4. An erection lasts for a limited time and the penis returns to a flaccid state following ejaculation.
        5. Refractory period follows during which stimulation does not bring about erection.
        6. Orgasm is physiological and psychological sensations that occur at climax of sexual stimulation.

    D. The Testes

        1. Longitudinal section shows compartments called lobules; each contains one to three seminiferous tubules.
            a. Altogether, seminiferous tubules have a combined length of about 250 meters.
            b. In microscopic cross section, tubules show cells undergoing spermatogenesis.
            c. Sustentacular (Sertoli) cells support, nourish, and regulate spermatogenic cells.
        2. Mature sperm (spermatozoa) have three parts.
            a. Head contains nucleus covered by an acrosome.
                1) Acrosome is caplike covering over anterior end of nucleus; stores enzymes to penetrate egg.
                2) Human egg is surrounded by several layers of cells and thick membrane sperm must penetrate.
            b. Middle piece contains mitochondria wrapped around microtubules of flagellum; provides energy for movement.
            c. Tail also contains microtubules as components of a flagellum; its movement propels sperm.
        3. Ejaculate of a normal human male contains several hundred million sperm.
        4. Fewer than 100 ever reach vicinity of egg; and only one sperm normally enters an egg.

    E. Hormonal Regulation in Males

        1. Hypothalamus has ultimate control of testes' sexual function through gonadotropic-releasing hormone
        2. There are two gonadotropic-releasing hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
           hormone (LH) found in both males and females.
        3. FSH stimulates spermatogenesis in seminiferous tubules which also release the hormone inhibin.
        4. In males, luteinizing hormone is also called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH); it stimulates
            testosterone secretion by interstitial cells of testes.
        5. Hormones of hypothalamus-pituitary-testis system are involved in a negative feedback relationship that
            maintains fairly constant production of sperm and testosterone.

    F. Functions of Testosterone

        1. Testosterone is main sex hormone in males.
        2. It is essential for development of male secondary sex characteristics and for maturation of sperm.
            a. It causes growth of a beard, axillary hair and pubic hair.
            b. Testosterone causes larynx and vocal cords to enlarge, causing a deeper voice.
            c. It is responsible for greater muscle strength of males; some athletes take supplemental anabolic steroids
                that are testosterone or mimics (but which have serious side effects).
            d. Testosterone is largely responsible for sex drive and may contribute to aggressiveness.
            e. It causes oil and sweat glands in skin to secrete; it is largely responsible for acne and body odor.
            f. Testosterone is also involved in triggering baldness if genes are present.

42.3. Female Reproductive System

    A. Internal Reproductive System

        1. Female reproductive system includes: ovaries, oviducts, uterus, and vagina.
        2. Ovaries produce an egg each month; are located in the abdominal cavity. (Fig. 50.7)
        3. Oviducts (Fallopian tubes) extend from ovaries to uterus.
            a. Oviducts are not attached to ovaries.
            b. Fingerlike projections called fimbriae sweep over ovaries and waft in egg when it erupts.
            c. This is normal site for fertilization; embryo is slowly moved by ciliary movement to uterus.
        4. Uterus is a hollow, thick-walled muscular organ the size and shape of an inverted pear.
            a. Embryo completes development by embedding itself in uterine lining, the endometrium.
            b. A small opening at cervix of uterus leads to vaginal canal.
        5. Vagina is a tube at a 45 degree angle with the small of the back.
            a. Mucosal lining lies in folds and can extend.
            b. It receives the penis during copulation and also serves as birth canal.

    B. External genitalia of women are known collectively as the vulva.

        1. Mons pubis and labia minora and labia majora are to side of vaginal and urethral openings.
        2. At juncture of labia minora is the clitoris.
            a. This is homologous to the penis in males.
            b. Clitoris has a short shaft of erectile tissue, capped by a pea-shaped glans.
            c. It contains many sensory receptors that allow it to function as a sexually sensitive organ.
        3. Orgasm involves release of neuromuscular tension in muscles of genital area, vagina, and uterus.

    C. The Ovaries

        1. Ovaries alternate in producing one oocyte each month.
        2. Ovaries produce an egg (ovum) and female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone, during ovarian cycle.

    D. The Ovarian Cycle  

        1. In longitudinal section, an ovary shows many cellular follicles, each containing an oocyte (egg).
        2. A female is born with as many as two million follicles; the number is reduced to 300,000-400,000 by the
            time of puberty; and only a small number of follicles (about 400) ever mature.
        3. As a follicle matures, it develops from a primary follicle to secondary follicle to a Graafian follicle.
        4. Oogenesis is occurring; a secondary follicle contains a secondary oocyte pushed to one side of fluid-filled cavity.
        5. A Graafian follicle fills with fluid until follicle wall balloons out on surface and bursts, releasing a
            secondary oocyte surrounded by zona pellucida and follicular cells.
        6. Ovulation is rupture of Graafian follicle with discharge of a secondary oocyte into pelvic cavity.
        7. Secondary oocyte completes a second meiotic cell division when fertilization occurs.
        8. Meanwhile, the follicle develops into corpus luteum; if pregnancy does not occur, corpus luteum
            begins to degenerate in 10 days.
        9. Ovarian cycle is under control of gonadotropic hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
           luteinizing hormone (LH).
        10. Gonadotropic hormones are not present constantly but are secreted at different rates during cycle.
        11. During follicular phase, FSH promotes development of a follicle that secretes estrogen.
        12. As estrogen level in blood rises, it exerts feedback control over anterior pituitary secretion of FSH; the
            follicular phase comes to an end.
        13. Estrogen levels in blood rise, causing hypothalamus to secret more GnRH; this causes surge in LH secretion.
        14. LH spike triggers ovulation.
        15. Luteal phase is second half of ovarian cycle, following ovulation.
            a. LH promotes development of corpus luteum, which secretes large amounts of progesterone.
            b. Progesterone causes endometrium to build up.
            c. As blood level of progesterone rises, negative feedback to anterior pituitary's secretion of LH causes
                corpus luteum to degenerate.
            d. Luteal phase ends and menstruation occurs.

    E. The Uterine Cycle

        1. Estrogens and progesterone affect endometrium of uterus to cause a cycle of events known as the
           uterine cycle.
        2. An average 28-day uterine cycle is divided into four sections.
            a. During days 1-5, low levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body cause menstruation.
                1) Menstruation is periodic shedding of tissue and blood from endometrium; lining disintegrates
                    and blood vessels rupture.
                2) Flow of blood and tissues, known as menses, passes out vagina.
            b. During days 6-13, increased production of estrogens by an ovarian follicle causes endometrium to
                thicken and become vascular and glandular (proliferative phase).
            c. Ovulation usually occurs on day 14 of 28-day cycle.
            d. Days 15-28 see increased production of progesterone by corpus luteum causes endometrium to
                double in thickness; uterine glands mature, producing thick mucoid secretion (secretory phase).
                1) Endometrium is now prepared to receive a developing embryo.
                2) If no pregnancy occurs, progesterone and estrogen levels decline and corpus luteum degenerates.
                3) With low levels of progesterone, uterine lining also begins to degenerate.
                4) During menstruation, anterior pituitary increases FSH production; a new follicle begins to mature.
        3. Ovarian cycle controls uterine cycle. 

    F. Events Following Fertilization

        1. If fertilization occurs, embryo begins development as it travels down oviduct to uterus.
        2. Embryo becomes embedded in endometrium several days following fertilization.
        3. Placenta develops from both maternal and embryonic tissues.
            a. Placenta functions to exchange gases and nutrients between the fetal and maternal circulation.
            b. There is normally no mixing of blood itself.
        4. Initially, placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which maintains corpus luteum.
        5. Corpus luteum is maintained by HCG until placenta produces its own progesterone and estrogens.
        6. Progesterone and estrogens have two effects at this stage.
            a. They shut down the anterior pituitary so that no new follicles mature.
            b. They maintain lining of uterus so corpus luteum is not needed.
        7. There is no menstruation during pregnancy.

    G. Functions of Estrogen and Progesterone

        1. Estrogens maintains secondary sex characteristics of females.
        2. There is less body and facial hair; more fat beneath skin provides a more rounded appearance.
        3. Pelvic girdle enlarges and pelvic cavity is larger; therefore, women have wider hips.
        4. Both estrogen and progesterone are required for breast development.

    H. The Female Breast

        1. Female breast contains 15-24 lobules, each with a mammary duct.
        2. Mammary duct begins at nipple and divides into numerous ducts which end in alveoli (blind sacs).
        3. Prolactin hormone is needed for lactation (milk production) to begin.
        4. Production of prolactin is suppressed by the feedback inhibition that estrogens and progesterone have
            on the anterior pituitary during pregnancy.
        5. It takes a couple of days after delivery of a baby for milk production to begin.
        6. Breasts produce a watery, yellowish white fluid (colostrum) similar to milk but containing more protein,
            less fat and rich in Ig A antibodies providing some immunity to newborn.

42.4. Control of Reproduction  

    A. Infertility

        1. Two major causes of female infertility are blocked oviducts and failure to ovulate due to low body weight.
            a. Endometriosis, spread of uterine tissue beyond uterus, is another cause.
            b. If no obstruction is apparent and body weight is normal, HCG from urine of pregnant women, along
                with HMG (human menopausal gonadotropin) from postmenopausal women, causes multiple ovulations.
        2. Most frequent causes of male sterility and infertility are low sperm count and abnormal sperm.
            a. Disease, radiation, chemical mutagens and too much heat near testes can cause sterility.
            b. Use of psychoactive drugs can also contribute to this condition.

    B. Birth-Control Methods

        1. Most reliable birth control is abstinence; it has advantage of preventing transmission of a STD.
        2. Numerous birth-control methods and devices are available to prevent pregnancy.
        3. Effectiveness is based on number of sexually active women per year who do not get pregnant.
        4. Male and female condoms also offer protection against STDs.
        5. Researchers are searching for a "male pill."
            a. Analogues of gonadotropic-releasing hormone prevent hypothalamus from stimulating anterior
                pituitary but causes feminization.
            b. Inhibin inhibits spermatogenesis but must be administered by injection.
        6. Morning-After Pills
            a. These regimens either prevent fertilization or stop fertilized egg from ever implanting.
            b. Previn is a kit of four synthetic progesterone pills.
                1) Two are taken up to 72 hours after intercourse.
                2) Two more are taken 12 hours later.
                3) Previn upsets the normal uterine cycles making implantation difficult; 85% effective.
            c. Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, causes the loss of an implanted embryo.
                1) It blocks the progesterone receptors of the cells of the uterine lining.
                2) Without functioning receptors for progesterone, uterine lining sloughs off carrying embryo with it.
                3) Taken in conjunction with a prostaglandin to induce uterine contractions, it is 95% effective.
                4) It can be taken by women with delayed menstruation without knowing if they are pregnant.

    C. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)  

        1. STDs are caused by organisms ranging from viruses to arthropods.
            a. Humans cannot develop lasting immunity to any STDs; therefore, prompt medical treatment should be
                received when exposed to an STD.
            b. To prevent STDs, a condom can be used; spermicide with nonoxynol 9 gives added protection.
            c. It is difficult to cure STDs caused by viruses; treatment is available for AIDS and genital herpes.
            d. STDs caused by bacteria (e.g., gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis) are treatable with antibiotics.

    D. AIDS

        1. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
        2. HIV attacks helper T cells that stimulate activities of B lymphocytes to produce antibodies.
        3. After HIV infection begins, helper T cells decline in number; a person becomes susceptible to infections.
        4. AIDS has three stages of infection called category A, B, and C
            a. Category A stage may last about a year.
                1) Individual is asymptomatic but can pass on infection.
                2) Immediately after infection but before testing positive, a large number of infectious viruses are in blood.
                3) After testing positive, a person may remain well as long as he or she can maintain sufficient helper T
                    cells (above 500 mm3).
            b. Category B stage may last six to eight years.
                1) Lymph nodes swell.
                2) There is weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, fever, and diarrhea.
                3) Infections such as thrush and herpes recur.
            c. Category C stage is full-blown AIDS.
                1) Nervous disorders and opportunistic diseases (e.g., unusual type pneumonia or skin cancer) occur.
                2) Without intensive medical treatment, an AIDS patient usually dies about 7-9 years after infection.
                3) Recent combination therapy of several drugs allows AIDS patients to live longer.
        5. Transmission
            a. AIDS is transmitted by sexual contact with an infected person (vaginal or rectal intercourse and
                oral/genital contact).
            b. Needle sharing among intravenous drug users is a high-risk behavior.
            c. Transfusions of blood or clotting factors is now a rare mode of transmission and can be screened.
            d. Largest increases in AIDS cases now involve heterosexual contact and intravenous drug use.
            e. Women now account for 19% of all newly diagnosed cases of AIDS.
            f. Increase of AIDS among women of reproductive age causes an increase in AIDS in children.
            g. HIV crosses the placenta or is transferred through breast feeding.

    E. Genital Warts

        1. Genital warts are caused by human papillomaviruses (HPVs).
        2. Many carriers are asymptomatic or they have minimal symptoms.
        3. If visible warts are removed, they may recur.
        4. HPVs are now associated with cancer of cervix as well as tumors of vulva, anus, and penis.
        5. Some researchers believe viruses are involved in 90-95% of all cases of cancer of cervix.

    F. Genital Herpes

        1. Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus.
        2. Type 1 causes cold sores and fever blisters; type 2 more often causes genital herpes.
        3. Individuals infected with this type can be an asymptomatic carriers.
        4. Symptoms include painful ulcers on genitals, fever, painful urination, and swollen lymph nodes.
        5. Exposure to herpes in birth canal can cause neurological disorders and even death in a newborn.

    G. Hepatitis

        1. Hepatitis A is acquired from sewage-contaminated drinking water; also an STD by oral/anal contact.
        2. Hepatitis B is spread in same manner as AIDS but is more infectious; vaccine is available.
        3. Hepatitis C is called post-transfusion hepatitis.
        4. Hepatitis infections infect liver and can lead to liver failure, liver cancer, and death.

    H. Chlamydia

        1. Chlamydia is named for bacterium that causes it: Chlamydia trachomatis.
        2. New chlamydial infections are higher than any other STD.
        3. It also causes pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
        4. It also causes cervical ulcerations which increase risk of acquiring AIDS.
        5. If a baby is exposed at birth, inflammation of the eyes or pneumonia can result.

    I. Gonorrhea

        1. Gonorrhea is caused by bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
        2. Male diagnosis is easy; typical symptoms include urination pain and a thick, greenish yellow discharge.
        3. Latent infections lead to PID; vasa deferentia or oviducts become infected and inflamed.
        4. As tubes heal, they may become partially blocked, resulting in sterility or infertility.
        5. If a baby is exposed at birth, an eye infection can lead to blindness; all newborns are given eye drops.
        6. Previously easily cured by antibiotics, nearly 40% of modern strains are antibiotic resistant.

    J. Syphilis

        1. Syphilis is caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum.
        2. Disease has three stages typically separated by latent periods.
            a. Primary stage involves the appearance of a hard chancre (ulcerated sore).
            b. Second stage involves the appearance of a rash all over the body, including palms and feet.
            c. Third stage involves neurological and cardiac disorders.
                1) Infected individual may become mentally retarded, blind, walk with a shuffle, or insanity.
                2) Large destructive ulcers (gummas) develop on skin or within internal organs.
        3. Syphilitic bacteria can cross placenta, causing birth defects or stillbirth.
        4. Unlike other STDs discussed, there is a blood test to diagnose syphilis.
        5. Tracing sexual partners is very important to control syphilis.

    K. Vaginitis

        1. Vaginitis is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis (flagellated protozoa) or Candida albicans (yeast).
        2. Protozoan infection causes frothy, foul-smelling discharge with itching.
        3. Protozoan infection transmitted through sexual intercourse.
        4. Yeast infection causes white, curdy discharge with itching.
        5. Candida albicans is a normally-occurring organism in the vagina; yeast infections can result from
            taking birth-control pill or antibiotics


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