Beauty and the Beast
One night, in the Fall of 1987, I was reading a novel at my home.  My mother was watching television in the next room.  While I was reading, I heard a voice from the den, soft and gentle, yet underlined with passion and strength.  It was truly a voice that spoke with the texture of the finest silk, yet also reminded me of walking barefoot on a pebble beach.  I was mesmerized and I followed that voice to its source.

On the TV, I found the speaker with those amazing tones.  I was intrigued.  Then I saw the bluest, brightest eyes of my young life.  They confirmed everything I had heard in that velvet voice.   I asked what show it was- it was "Beauty and the Beast", a new show that season.  I sat down, my novel forgotten; my life hasn't been the same since.

For me, this amazing show has always been, first and formost, about love.  Not just about the love between Vincent and Catherine, but on a more general level.  This series came at a time of great stress and strife for me.  There were nights (and sadly, still are) when I despaired of being loved- loved as the person I am, not for who I knew, what I did or what I possessed.  The lovers, Father and the Tunnel community taught me that everyone, every person on this earth, deserves to be loved for love's sake.  Their love for each other continues to shine a small light of hope on my dark days.  Because of this show, I know that somewhere, someday, someone will come, and I will find love.
The Fandom
A few years ago, I stumbled onto the online fandom for this wonderful series.  I was amazed with the amount of ordinary people who felt similiar about the show.  They came from all walks of life, all occupations and cultures, even from countries from around the world.  The fandom of Beauty and the Beast are in a sense, a family- an extended family that clings to the creed of the world Below- to help one another, and to accept help from those around you when needed.

My life is truly blessed by these people.  To my friends, my online family-
  Thank you.
My Fan Fiction
Original stories written based upon the series...
Other sites pertaining to Beauty and the Beast...
picture copyright (I think) Republic Pictures
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a poem written in honor of my favorite character
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