Michael Crawford
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Michael as Inspiration
Okay- we know he can sing.  We know he can make us laugh.  The man is a heartthrob- we'll admit it.  Why the tribute?  What makes you go ga-ga over this guy?
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Since receiving my first POTO tape (of which I destroyed two sets from overplaying before finding the CD) I've been enamoured with Michael's expressive voice.  I've read articles on him, collected his albums, and have deliberately gone looking for movies he's been in, etc.  I've been a fan of his since my teenaged years.

But I have to admit, I really didn't know much about the man himself- he's very shy and private.  For years I sang along with his albums, cried at least for one song on each of them, searched the internet, watched TV for any sightings and hoped that someday I'd be fortunate enough to finally see him perform live.
Then I finally got around to ordering his autobiography Parcel Arrived Safely: Tied With String in November 2001 (first published in 1999).  From the childhood years to humble beginnings in London's acting scene to his amazing run in "Phantom", Michael shared so much with his audience.  In this book, he was remarkably candid and down-to-earth.

Ah, how [I] laughed!  Ah, how [I] cried!  Honest almost to a fault, Michael wrote about the good times of his life and the not-so-good, along with hilarious stories and desparately sad tales.  And throughout the entire book, I snatched little pieces of advice I will never forget.  I was detirmined to take what I had learned from his experiences and apply it to my own life.

Even if I never get a chance to tell him in person how his music and his story influenced me, I will never forget the tears and the laughter.  His words touched my heart in ways I am still learning.  Michael's approach to music will forever be imprinted within me.  I only hope that someday I can reach out to give back half of what he's given to me- and to others.

To Michael-  Thank you.
Michael signing autographs at the Minskoff Theater Stage Door (photo courtesy of Linna Martel)
more soon... please be patient... thank you
Links to Other Sites
The Michael Crawford International Fan Club
The only 'official' fan club since 1990, the MCIFA was created to support not only Michael's career but to further his charity work.
The Michael Crawford Mailing List
This mailing list, now at Yahoo Groups, is one of the longest running discussion lists on Michael's career to date.
Krista's Michael Crawford Website
Fan site maintained and ran by Krista, and is considered one of the best fan-run Michael Crawford sites on the Internet.
Wonderful World of Michael Crawford
Another Yahoo group devoted to Michael, this friendly discussion group is always open to his fans.
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