" A Deadly Game"

"What do you mean he's missing?" Alexis yelled into her phone.

"I'm sorry Alexis but nobody has seen him in the last forty eight hours and Nikolas thinks something bad has happened to him." Mac sadly told her .

Alexis tried to hold back the tears to no avail. " Thank you for letting me know Mac. I'm going to try and find him."

"What happened?" Chloe asked as Alexis hung up.

Alexis got up and ran out without so much as a word. Chloe wasn't sure what just happened so she picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Yes it's me Mac Scorpio just called and Alexis ran out of here practically in tears He's what I don't recall this as part of the plan. Yes I know you know what's best, but. okay I'll track her down and let her know I'm there for her .',

Chloe picked up her keys and went to look for Alexis. "God if I don't find her I don't know what she'll do." She said out loud before shutting the door .


"Ned thank God I found you." Alexis yelled running up to him on the docks and throwing her arms around him. "Something terrible has happened."

Ned held her tight. " Alexis what happened to get you so upset? Did Stefan or Helena threaten you again?"

"No it's not me Ned it's Stefan he's missing." She blurted out. "I think Helena had him killed."

Ned pulled her back slowly to look into her eyes. She told him she was okay but he needed to see it for himself. "Alexis you're trembling, maybe we should go back to the Gatehouse."

"No." Alexis yelled, "we need to go to Windermere and see if Stefan has left any clues as to what has happened to him, come on the launch is waiting for us."

Ned went with Alexis over to Spoon Island he didn't like the idea of going over there in the dark with Helena lurking around but he sure as hell wasn't going to let her go alone.


" Andreas a toast." Helena said handing him a glass. "To my late great." She almost choked on her words. "Son"

" A job well done ma'am" Andreas replied while toasting with her.

"Now all we have to do is get rid of the annoying little monster we've created." Helena wickedly laughed. "Do you have the music box?"

"Yes ma'am it's right here." He said handing it to her.

"Oh yes such a priceless little box " She said admiring it. "Oh course nobody knows just how priceless it is."

"Helena I looked all over and couldn't find Alexis anywhere." A worn out Chloe yelled running into the room.

"No problem dear ." Helena informed her walking over to her. "She'll resurface soon enough." Helena took Chloe' hand and lead her over to the couch. "Come sit my dear and I'll explain to you the next part of my plan."

Chloe sat down and Helena opened the music box. Chloe instantly got a major headache as Helena' raise her eyebrows.

"That's good my dear you can hear me perfectly fine now can't you." Helena said looking directly into Chloe' eyes. "Stefan is dead my darling little one and now you must die as well."


"There's isn't a clue anywhere in this house to help us find Stefan." Alexis yelled walking into his study.

" Alexis you need to calm down." Ned said grabbing her from behind. "We don't even know if Stefan is hurt let alone dead."

"But what if he is hurt Ned? What if Helena has him held up somewhere and he's waiting for me to find him?" Alexis said pulling away from him.

"Sweetheart we are going to find him" Ned try to reassure her as she once again pushed him away.

"Maybe you should leave." Alexis yelled. "1'11 be fine here and besides Chloe needs you right now a lot more then I d."

"What?" Ned yelled, "You want me to leave you here all alone and take care of Chloe, that's absurd."

"Ned please just leave me alone"

"NO I want leave you here Alexis and that's final, besides Chloe has Jax to take care of her ."

"Ned you know darn well that Jax is still in Europe." Alexis said as she looked away from him.

Ned walked over to her and put his arms tightly around her waist. "You listen to me Alexis Davis I love you and if something bad did happen to Stefan I'm going to be here for you every step of the way."

Alexis rested her head on his shoulders. "Ned I know you love me but if Stefan is dead, and Helena killed him I could be next."

"That's why I'm not leaving you." He said firmly while running his fingers threw her hair .

Alexis put her hands up to his chest and tried to push him away but this time he refused to let go. "Ned please I will just die inside if anything were to happen to you." She looked up and deep into his eyes. "Especially if I were the cause."

Ned placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled her lips to his. "And I'd never forgive myself if I walked out that door and allowed Helena to just hurt you." He kissed her lightly. "Face it Alexis until we find Stefan you aren't going anywhere unless I'm right there by your side."

"Thank you." She said grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a deep passionate kiss.


Chloe sat in her car and waited, she knew what she had to do and that it had to be done tonight. She kept getting a sharp pain up the back of her neck and into her head. The pain was so sharp that she almost missed seeing Ned and Alexis stepping off the elevator and into the parking garage.

"Okay we've checked the house, we've called the Islands back in Greece and we've checked out every possible place Stefan could be and still found nothing." Alexis said in frustration.

Ned took her hand as they made their way towards her car. "Don't give up hope sweetheart." He kissed her on the forehead. "We are going to find him."

Alexis stop in the middle of the parking garage. "I pray you're right Ned I don�t know what I'd do with out him."

Ned pulled her close to him as she slowly let out the tears that threaten to fall all day. As Alexis cried on his shoulder he couldn't help but think about all the pain Stefan has caused her over the years. They were so wrapped up in their own insecurities of what actually happened or what it all means that neither one noticed the car heading right towards them.


"Oh Andreas it will all be over soon." Helena said very pleased with herself. "And I didn't even have to get my hands dirty, that little twit is doing it all for me." She laughed and motioned for Andreas to sit on the bed next to her. "Oh my how the mighty have fallen. First Stefan my poor weakling son and now Natasha my husband' bastard daughter, or so she thinks." Helena leans over and kisses Andreas eagerly. " And then Chloe, yes poor innocent Chloe. Nobody can save her now."


"NO!!!" Someone screamed as they ran in front of the oncoming car, barely pushing Ned and Alexis out of the way, before it hit them. Ned landed on top of Alexis as her head slammed into the pavement.

" Alexis are you okay?" Ned asked in sheer panic seeing the blood runnin2 down her face and through her hair .

"Yea I think So." She replied. "But what happened?"

"I don't know a car came out of nowhere and almost hit us." He told her. "Someone yelled and pushed us out of the way.

"Who?" She asked.

Ned looked around. "1 don't know I don't see anyone."

"We have to get up and make sure no one was hurt." Alexis said trying to get up.

"No" Ned said. "You sit right here and don't move I'll see if anyone is out here."


"I killed him!" Chloe yelled into her cell phone.

"Him" Helena calmly said on the other end. "Who are you talking about? Calm down dear child and tell me what went wrong."

"Alexis was there just like you said she would be but she wasn't alone Ned was with her ." Chloe said.

Helena laughed. "So you killed Ashton don't worry my dear its no big loss."

"No it wasn't him I kill it was Jax. " Chloe said hysterical.

Helena' face went pale as she dropped the phone.

"What is it madam?" Andreas asked while catching Helena before she hit the floor ."

"He's dead." Helena stated clearly upset. "I never got a chance to show him how good the two of us could be together and he's dead.


"Ned do you see anyone." Alexis yelled from across the parking garage.

"Not yet." He answered back. "But stay there and I'll keep checking. Who ever it was is probably gone by."

His sentence trailed off as he saw Jasper Jax lying there covered in his own blood. He reached down to check for a pulse but felt nothing.

"What is it?" Alexis yelled even louder then before. "Ned what's going on your scaring me."

Ned didn't answer her he just stared down at Jax' lifeless body and knew if it wasn't for him both Alexis and he would be dead.

"Ned what did you find?" Alexis asked coming up behind him.

" Alexis no." he yelled turning around to stop her from seeing him.

"Oh God no." Alexis yelled as she looked down at her ex husband.

Ned grabbed her and helped support her. "You need to get to a hospital Alexis before you lose to much blood."

"Is he dead?" She asked breaking down in tears.

"Yes" he answered almost inaudible. "Come on lets go back over to your car and call for help.

"We can't just leave him here Ned." As she threw herself down on top of him.

He pulled her face towards his. " Alexis he's dead and nobody can help him, but you need help right now. We are going to walk over to your car and call the police." Ned said firmly but lovingly.


"Oh no what have I done" Chloe yells out loud while walking into the Penthouse. "1 killed Jax I was suppose to kill Alexis and I killed Jax. Why is this happening to me." She continued to yell as her back hit the door behind her and she fell to the floor.

A few moments later there was a knock at the door. Chloe got up and answered it.

"Stefan" She yelled before hitting the floor .

"Chloe wake up!" Stefan yelled repeatedly while slapping her across the face.

"Um what. ...what happened" She said looking around and then up at Stefan. "Your alive but how that's impossible."

"You don't really think I'm stupid enough to fall for a plan of my Mothers do you?" he asked.

"Helena said it would kill you." Chloe said panicking.

"Well as you can clearly see Ms. Morgan it didn't work. " Stefan told her as he picked her up off the floor and placed her on the couch.

"What do you plan on doing to me?" Chloe asked.

"1 don't know," he replied with an evil smirk. "What do you think I should do to the woman who tried to kill me?"

"1 didn't have anything to do with killing you I swear. Helena only said she had to neutralize you some how." Chloe yelled.

Stefan looked straight into her eyes. " And what do you think neutralize means little girl?" He grabbed her hands and held them tight. "Now why did Helena want me out of the way so bad?"

"Helena wanted you out of the way so I could kill Alexis without you interfering." Chloe blurted out.

"You tried to kill Alexis?" A shocked Stefan asked,

Chloe pulled her hands out of his. "Yes I did. I almost killed her and Ned Ashton tonight but instead I hit Jax. "

"It was you" Alexis yelled as she walked through the door .

Chloe jumped off the couch and screamed. "I'm sorry Alexis she made me do it I don't know how but she told me I must kill you."

The look in Alexis' eye was beyond anger. The person standing in front of her was her best friend and she tried to kill not only her but the man she loved as well. Alexis' anger was building up so much in her that she lunged forward and grabbed Chloe by the throat. "You killed him!" Alexis yelled as she threw Chloe up against the wall. " And you could have killed Ned"

" Alexis stop!" Stefan yelled as he ran over to her and pulled her hands off of Chloe' neck.

Chloe grabbed her neck and gasped for air. "I'm sorry Alexis I really am."

"Get off of me." Alexis yelled while jerking out of Stefan' grip. "You're going to pay for killing Jax He loved you." She said between tears and walking closer to her. " Do you have any idea how much he loved you?� Alexis showed no mercy as she looked down on a helpless Chloe. �DO YOU?" she screamed.

Ned walked up behind Alexis and wrapped his arms around her. "Come on Alexis let's get out of here."

�No I�m not going anywhere, not until I take care of her.� Alexis yelled as she pulled out of Ned� arms and once again grabbed Chloe. �I will kill you with my bare hands! I gave up my life for you, I allowed you to marry my boyfriend just so you wouldn�t lose you�re precious stupid company.........you know the one you never cared about in the first place.....and this is how you repay me.....BY TRYING TO KILL ME?� The anger in Alexis� face grew stronger with every word.

" Alexis let go of her." Ned yelled pulling her off. He took her in his arms and made her face him.

" Just let me kill her Ned let me kill her ." Alexis said her voice mixed with a tone of both angry and pleadings.

Ned picked her up and carried her over to the door. "NO Alexis we're leaving." Alexis looked him in the eyes and was about to say something but Ned spoke first. "Stefan will take care of her, and I will take care of you." He stated in a firm voice.

As they started to leave the phone rang. They turned back and watch as Chloe slowly made her way over to answer it. Her face was all swollen from her tears and her composure was less then to be desired, she looked like a wounded animal. "Hello" Chloe answer through her tears.

Everyone watched as Chloe' facial expression suddenly changed. It was like she was a completely different person. She wasn't the wounded animal they saw just seconds ago answer the phone. No she was a person who was calm and in complete control.

Stefan walked over to her and grabbed the phone from her. "Who is this" he yelled and was complete shocked by what he heard before the phone went dead.

"Who was it?" Ned asked putting Alexis down but holding her tight.

Stefan looked at them. "No one."

"All I heard was music and then the phone went blank. " Stefan replied.

"Who was on the phone." Alexis yelled at Chloe,

"It wasn't for you so it doesn't matter." Chloe said point blank. "Now if you don't mind I want you all to leave right now." She yelled.

"You're kicking us out?" Ned asked shocked.

"We aren't going anywhere." Alexis added. "You tried to kill me tonight and you killed Jax the only person whose leaving here is you
and in a body bag might I add." She threatened.

Chloe looked at Alexis like she lost her mind. " Alexis what are you talking about you're my best friend, I'd never hurt you I love you."

Ned just looked at Alexis who then in turn looked over at Stefan. Chloe as normal just looked confused.


" Andreas my darling fetch me my slippers will you and then draw me a bath." Helena said getting out of bed and putting on her robe.

"Yes madam, right away ." Andreas answered before leaving.

"Ob my dear boy you do know bow to make me feel better ." Helena said to herself looking into her mirror .

"Here are you're slippers madam." Andreas said bending down and putting them on her feet.

"You know Andreas it really is a shame that things are taking so long." She said looking into his eyes. "I guess if you want things done right you have to do them yourself."

"Yes ma'am you do." He answered.

Helena laughed. "Well its late and I need my beauty sleep so I'll take my bath now and take care of poor little Natasha in the morning."


"Alexis please don't hate me I love you." Chloe pleaded walking over to her.

Alexis almost felt sorry for her she knew Helena must be behind what ever is happening with Chloe. As Chloe pleaded with her Alexis wanted so much to hold Chloe and tell her she understood, but she couldn't let her guard down, not now, not knowing that Chloe was under Helena' spell.

"Listen it's late." Stefan said. "Why don't you take Alexis down to her suite and change those bandages on her head while I keep my eye on Chloe."

"No!" Alexis yelled "I'm not letting her out of my sight, not for a minute."

" Alexis she isn't going anywhere." Stefan said trying to reassure her. "1 have my man posted outside the door nobodies coming or going anywhere with out my permission."

" Alexis, Stefan has a point it's late and you really need to get your head looked at by a doctor soon." Ned begged her. "1'11 take you down stairs and call Monica, we'll deal with all of this in the morning."

Alexis looked up at Ned and then over to Stefan. "You'll call me if anything happens."

"Yes I will" Stefan said walking over to her. "Go home let Ashton take care of you. Nothing or no one is going to hurt you Alexis that much I promise."
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