Note: The shooting takes place before the wedding.

Part 1

Alexis, Emily, Zander, and Sonny leave the PCPD with huge smiles on their faces.  Zander was free for the time being.  Alexis feels a sharp pain in the chest, shoulder, and stomach.  As she falls to the ground, Sonny who had pushed her on floor and was now laying on top of her.  Zander lies on top of Emily.   The shooters run off while Mac and the rest of the police coming rushing out of the PCPD.  Mac runs over to the group and assesses the situation.  Taggert grabs his cell phone and dials 911.  Mac runs over to Alexis who is the most injured and kneels down next to her.  Mac takes off his jacket, covers her wounds, trying to stop the bleeding from her many wounds. He gently taps her facing, trying to get her attention.  Alexis� blood is everywhere. Taggert goes over to Zander, Emily, and Sonny, all who were not injured. 

�Alexis!�  Mac yells.  �Can you hear me?�  Alexis slowly opens her eyes, looking pale and in bad shape. 

�I�m,� Alexis takes a deep breathe,  �pre�pregnant, Mac,� Alexis says as she looses consciousness.

�Alexis!� Emily screams as she runs over to Mac and Alexis.  Sonny grabs her before she can get in the way. 

�She�s not breathing Taggert. Get over here.�  Mac and Taggert start CPR on Alexis.  They conintue doing CPR until the ambulance comes.  The EMT�s load Alexis onto the stretcher and load her into the ambulance. Emily gets in the ambulance with Alexis while the rest go in Sonny�s car to the hospital.  Emily grabs her cell phone to call Ned and Nikolas. 

�Nikolas, it�s Emily�Alexis was shot outside the PCPD�I am with her in the ambulance. You should meet us at General Hospital�Bye.�  Emily looks over at Alexis who is being worked on by the EMT�s.  Emily dials Ned�s cell phone number but gets no answer.  Then she remembers that Ned was in Brooklyn with his daughter, spending time with Brooke Lynn before the wedding.  She dials Lois� number and gets Lois on the other ends. 

�Lois. Is Ned there?�He is where? California�Can you get in touch with him?�Tell him to call me on my cell phone.  And tell him that he needs to get back to Port Charles immediately. Thanks Lois.�  She hangs up with Lois and soon they are at General Hospital.  The EMT�s rush Alexis into the emergency room. 

�OMG Alexis,�  Monica yells as she sees who is being wheeled in. 

�36 year old female. BP falling, not breathing, been unconscious the whole ride here,� The EMT rattles off. 

�Put her in ER room #1. Has anyone called Ned?� 

�Monica, Alexis told me she was pregnant,� Mac states. 

�Call Dr. Newman,�  Monica yells as she turns to Emily. 

�I did mom,� Emily says as Monica rushes into the ER room to help Bobbie with Alexis.  Just then Emily�s cell phone rings.  �Hello�Ned�You have to get back to Port Charles�Alexis was shot and it does not look good�I know you are in California�Just hurry home. I�m all right.,�  Em tells Ned in a worried voice.  Nikolas and Stefan rush into the ER looking for Alexis and finds Emily.  Nikolas hugs Emily.

�What happened Ms. Quartermaine?� Stefan asks on the brink of breaking down.   Nikolas grabs Emily and sits her down in the chairs in the waiting room. 

�She was shot in front of the PCPD.  It was so bad,�  Emily tells them as she breaks down.  �She�s pregnant.  Did you even know that?� Stefan who is now crying shakes his head no.  Stefan knows that since he saw Alexis� condition his nephew or niece might not have made it.   `  Everyone just sits there quietly. 

An hour later

Monica and Dr. Newman come out the ER a sad expression on her face.  Stefan, Nikolas, and Emily stand up looking at her.  �Alexis has major injuries.  They just brought her into the operation room. The surgeon is amazing so there is nothing to worry about.�  Dr. Newman looks at the group who as assembled in the waiting room. 

�Alexis came in yesterday and we found out she was pregnant with twins.  Unfornately, she lost one of the babies. I�m very sorry.�  Dr. Newman leaves as Emily breaks down crying.  Monica gives her a hug before going to the OR. 

5 hours later

Alexis is still in the operating room when Ned comes rushing into the waiting room with Brooke Lynn in his arms.  By now, all the Quartermaines and Cassadines are assembled in the waiting room.     �What happened to Alexis?� Ned asked out of breath.  Emily tells him what happens.  �I�m going to kill him!�  Ned yells.  Ned does not know that Alexis is pregnant cause she had planned on suprising him. 

�Ned?� Emily asks unsure if he knew Alexis was pregnant.

�What?� Ned yells. �I�m sorry Emily.�  Emily takes his hands in hers. 

�Did you know Alexis was pregnant with twins? She found out yesterday.�

�No,� Ned tells Emily as he starts crying.  �That is probably why she had the romantic dinner planned tonight. 

�Dr. Newman said one of the twins survived,� Emily says as she gives Ned a huge hug.   Brooke Lynn who was in the kid�s playroom with Lila comes into the room.  Brooke Lynn sees that Ned is upset and runs straight into her father�s arms. 

�Daddy, what�s wrong?�

�Alexis has the owies. Aunt Monica is making her all better.�  Brooke Lynn gives him a hug.

�I love you daddy and Lexie too.� 

�I love you too.�  Brooke Lynn sits in Ned�s lap and gives him a kiss on the cheek.    

10 minutes later

Monica and the surgeon walk into the waiting room and Ned stands up with Brooke Lynn in his arms.  Members of both Ned and Alexis� families gather around. �Monica how is she?� Ned asks with tears in his eyes.  Monica takes Ned�s hand in his.

�Alexis is in critical condition.  She is in recovery right now. The next 24 to 48 hours will be the most critical. There was a lot of internal injuries. She is on a respriator because a bullet made her lung collapse.  You can see her when she is in ICU. I�m sorry, Ned.�   Monica�s pager goes off and she looks down at it. �Sorry Ned I have to leave,�  Monica says as she hugs Ned.  �Everything is going to be all right.�  Monica leaves the room and Ned sits down in the chairs. 

�Alexis is going to be all right, Daddy,�  Brooke Lynn tells her dad with a smile on her face.  Brooke Lynn and Alexis are close every since Ned and Alexis told her they were getting married.   Since it was getting late everyone says goodbye. Lila wanted to take Brooke Lynn home with them but she puts up a fight so they let her stay.  Stefan comes up to Ned.

�Please give us a call if anything happens,� Stefan requests.  �I�m not feeling to well.�  Ned nods while Stefan and Nikolas leave.   Ned puts his feet up on a chair and tries to get some sleep with Brooke Lynn in the chair next to him.         

Another hour passes when Bobbie comes into the waiting room.  Bobbie gently nudges Ned awake.  �Ned, Alexis is in an ICU room.  You can go see her now.�  Ned says as he picks up Brooke Lynn and follows Bobbie.  

The End of Part 1
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