Chapter 1

Alexis walks in the house with Kristen and Jonathan in toe. She had just picked them up from kindergarten. Ned, who working at the kitchen, smiles at them. When Kristen and Jonathan see Ned, they fling themselves at him.

�Daddy!� Ned leans down and picks them up carrying them to the sofa where Alexis is sitting. Ned leans over and gives Alexis a kiss on the lips. Jonathan and Kristen look at their parents with big brown eyes and dimply smiles.

�Mommy, Daddy can we go camping?� Jonathan asks with a smile. Alexis is shaking her head no.

�Why do you want to go camping?� Alexis asks with a terrified expression on her face.

�Michael and Jackie went and we really want to go,� Kristen says. �Please please please.�

�Let me talk to mom,� Ned says as Kristen and Jonathan get off his lap. �Why don�t you go upstairs and play.�

�OK we love you mommy and daddy,� they both say as the run upstairs to their playroom. Ned looks over at Alexis who is shaking her head no.

�No way, Ned. We are not going camping. I refuse to go.�

�How can you disappoint your children? Ned says as he leans closer to her. Just as he is about to kiss her he says ,�You know they make 2 people sleeping bags. We could share one.� Just has Alexis is about to protest Ned kisses her. �You know it would be fun. Sing songs, roasting marshmellows, and our children really want to go.�

Alexis gently kisses Ned who is giving her a puppy dog face. She throws up her hands. �Fine we can go but I don�t have to like it.� Ned gives her another kiss.

�Oh, but you will,� Ned says with an suggestive smile. �You�re such a good sport. Kristen, Jonathan come here,� Ned yells up the stairs.

�Yes Dad,� Kristen says as she appears at the top of the stairs.

�Where�s your brother?�

�Right here Daddy,� Jonathan says has he appears next to his sister. They both walk down the stairs huge smiles on their faces.

�We discussed it and decide that we will go camping next weekend.� Kristen flings herself at Alexis while Jonathan flings himself at his father.

�Thank you Mommy, Daddy,� Kristen says with a smile. �I love you. Can Emily come too?� Jonathan grabs Kristen hand and pulls her towards the stairs. �Let�s go call her,� Jonathan says as they run upstairs. Alexis looks at Ned.

�I can�t believe we are going camping, Ned. We don�t have a tent or anything.�

�We�ll go shopping this weekend.� Just then Kristen and Jonathan ran downstairs.

�Emmy said she would come camping with us and Nikolas wants to come too.� Ned leans over towards Alexis.

�I guess we should get our own tent.� Ned says as Alexis elbows he in the stomach. �We are going to have so much fun.� He gently gives her a kiss on the cheek while chuckling her expression.
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