Chapter 2

               (this chapter is short setting up the rest of the story)

Setting: two days later; Camping store

Ned and Alexis are being helped by a young saleswomen.  Ned's arms are full
of camping equipment and Alexis is not looking happy at all.  "Is there
anything else I can get you?"  the salesperson asks.

"We need sleeping bags,"  Ned says with a grin.  "Six of them."  Ned had
wanted to share a sleeping bag built for two but Alexis said no.   The
salesperson puts them in the cart.  Alexis looks at all the equipment and
shakes her head while Ned pays the cashier.

Setting: In the car

Alexis turns and looks the back of the car, which is now full of camping
equipment. Alexis turns towards Ned and stares at him.  "Honey, are you sure
we need all these?"  Alexis asks.  Ned senses that she is not happy with the
idea of camping.

"I love you Alexis and the children appreciate this,"  Ned says as he gives
her a kiss on the cheek.  "Let's go to the grocery store and pick up some
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