Chapter 3

Setting: Three days later

Ned, Alexis, Kristen, Jonathan, Nikolas, and Emily are standing outside the
Ashton house.  The two cars are already packed and they are ready to leave
for the camping grounds. The car is full of camping equipment.  Everyone but
Alexis is ready to go camping.  "Everyone let's go,"  Ned says with a smile
on his face.  "Kristen, Jonathan you can go with Emily and Nikolas if you

"Thanks Daddy,"  Jonathan says as he runs into Nikolas' arms.  He carries
him to the car and puts him in the car seat.  Then he turns towards Kristen
and she runs into his arms, giving him a kiss.  Emily gets into the car
while Nikolas puts his cousin in her cat seat.  Ned gives Nikolas the
directions to the camping grounds and then they leave.


Setting: 3 hours later; the Camping grounds

Ned pulls into the camping grounds with Nikolas behind them.  The camping
ground is near the lake.    Everyone gets out of the cars.  Ned looks around
at the camping ground.  "Ok first we have to unload the car,"  Emily tells
everyone.  They start unloading the car and in 2 hours they are finished
unpacking.  Emily, Nikolas, Kristen, and Jonathan go to set up their tent. 
Alexis looks at Ned with a fake smile on her face.

"Let's go set up our tent,"  Ned tells Alexis as he grabs her hand.  "You
are going to love this."

"Ned you can set it up. I don't want to help,"  Alexis complains.  Ned takes
Alexis' hand and drags her over to the spot where they are going to sent up
the tent.  Ned leans down and whispers in Alexis' ear.

"Think of all fun we will have after we are finished."  Alexis blushes a
deep shade of red.
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