Ned laid there on his bed watching the ceiling fan spin round and round. He couldn�t seem to find a reason to get out of bed ever since he got that letter from Alexis. He looked over and saw it sitting there on his dresser right next to a picture of the two of them Jax and Chloe in Vegas. Maybe that�s when it all fell apart he thought to himself as he walked over and picked up her letter. His eyes were still focused on the framed photograph, they all looked so happy. He took his hand and placed it behind the picture and pushed it down on it�s face cracking the glass. He laughed and shook his head as he walked back over to his bed and once again opened her letter.

My dearest Ned

I know you�re thinking why should I even bothering
reading this right now but please indulge me and hear me out.

There is no way I can possible make up for all the pain
I�ve caused you so I�ve decided to leave town. I�m not writing you
this letter in hopes that you�ll try an stop me or come looking for me.
I�m writing you this letter to say good-bye the best way I know how.

I hope you find the happiness you so richly deserve. You�re a
good man Ned Ashton and don�t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Ned couldn�t believe it had been two weeks since the bellboy brought this letter up to him one morning and worse yet couldn�t believe the pain he still felt inside. He got off the bed walked into the bathroom and turned on his shower. He had to start his new life sooner or later so he decided today was the day. He took a deep breath before getting undressed and stepping into the shower. The water that hit his body was still on the cold side but he was so numb inside he really couldn�t tell  the difference. As he stood there in the shower letting the cool water run across his face and down his body he still couldn�t get her out of his mind.

�Damn it� He yelled as he tighten his fist and punched the tiled wall. Alexis Davis was under his skin and in his thoughts no matter what he did and her absents in his life was hitting him harder and harder with each passing day.


The afternoon sun was at it�s strongest point as Alexis Davis made her way through the park. She really should have been at the office closing up a major deal but for some reason she got this urge to go for a walk. Alexis looked around the playground shaking her head and thinking why on earth am I out here. Her thoughts were interrupted when a soccer ball hit her feet. She looked down at the ball and picked it up as the sight of a little girl came running towards her.

�This must be yours� She stated as her eyes caught contact with the little girls. �Brooke-Lynn�

Brooke-Lynn just stood there and smiled at Alexis not sure what to say to her.

Alexis handed her the ball. �Are you here with your mommy?�

Brooke just shook her head no.

�Then I take it you�re here with your grandma.�

Brooke shook her head yes and smiled.

You could here a woman yelling Brooke�s name in the background as she got closer to them. Alexis looked up and the two woman exchanged smiles.

�Why did you leave my daddy in the church?� Brooke-Lynn asked out of the clear blue.

Alexis looked down at the little girl and could see the confusion in her eyes. She really didn�t know what to say to her because in a sense she doesn�t know why she ran away either. It wasn�t like it was the first time Helena ever threaten her and she knew it wouldn�t be the last.

Alexis took a deep breath and looked up at Brooke�s grandmother with a disparate plead for help.


�Good Morning all Ned yelled as he walked through the doors of L&B.�

Emily Nikolas and Elizabeth all stopped what they were doing and looked over at him. This was not the same pitiful man who for the last three weeks came in everyday. He was actually smiling and extremely pleasant.

Ned walked over to the desk and pulled out a bunch of papers handing them to Nikolas. Nikolas looked at the papers and his eyes grew wide.

�You�re selling L&B?�

�And I�m giving you Nikolas Cassidine first bid.�

Everyone just continued to look at him as he spoke.

�I�ve seen what you can do with this company and apparently it means a lot to do. So take the contract look them over and if your interested let me know.�

�Where are you going?� Emily questioned as he walked out the door.

�To spend time with the one woman who will always love me unconditionally.�


After Brooke�s grandmother made it perfectly clear that she wasn�t going to help Alexis out she walked off and gave them some time alone.

Alexis picked Brooke-Lynn up and placed her on the ledge of a near by flower bed. Brooke-Lynn just stared at Alexis with her big brown eyes which made her feel even more uncomfortable then before.

�Don�t you love my daddy anymore?� Brooke-Lynn asked as she looked away

�I love your daddy more then he�ll ever know.�

�Then why didn�t you marry him?�

�Because I was scared.� Alexis stated as Brooke looked up at her. �You ever been so scared of something that you just ran away?�


�Do you remember how you felt?�


�Well that�s kinda how I felt in that church that day in front of all those people.�

�Does that mean you and daddy will never get married?�

Alexis gently kissed the top of her head. �Never is a word like forever.....the both mean two different things but they both have the same out come.�

Brooke just titled her head and gave her a strange look.

�I�m not making much sense am I?�

Brooke-Lynn shook her head no.

Alexis bite her bottom lip and was about to say something when Brooke-Lynn jumped down and ran off.

She watched her jump into her Grandmothers arms and sarcastically mumbled �That went well.�  before turning and walking away.
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