Later on that night Brooke-Lynn came flying down the stairs when she heard her mother yell daddy�s here. Ned held his little girl so tight it nearly brought tears to his eyes.

�So how�s my little girl?� Ned asked as he placed her down.

Brooke grabbed his leg and held on tight. �I missed you daddy.�

�I missed you too.� He replied as he looked up at Lois.

�We were just getting ready to have dinner.� Lois stated. �Would you care to join us?�

Ned shook his head yes and the three of them enjoyed a nice peaceful yet awkward dinner. After dinner Brooke-Lynn took Ned upstairs to show him all the neat stuff she got for Christmas. As he stood there looking around her room and listening to her ramble on it hit him how much he�s lost over the years.

He sat down on the floor next to her and leaned his back against her bed. He played with her hair as he thought about what life would have been like had he fought for partial custody. He always believed Lois was right and keeping her away from the Quatermaine� was the best thing for her. But now for the first time in his life he wasn�t so sure he made the right decision. He really needed to talk to someone about it but the only person, who truly knows him or could help him, was no longer in his life.

�Daddy I saw Alexis today.� Brooke-Lynn said as she handed him her new baby-doll.

�You what?� Ned asked making sure but knowing he heard her right.

�Grandma and I ran into Alexis at the playground today.�

Ned smiled brightly and hugged his little girl. New York he thought to himself of course that�s where she�d go. Ned got up off the floor kissed his little girl on the top of the head and told her he�d see her in the morning.


A few hours later

Alexis just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She reached into the closet and pulled out another one when she heard a knock at the door. She turned off the bathroom light and ran the towel across her hair before answering the door.

�Just put it over there...........� She said as she opened the door and caught eye contact with the last person she expected.

The two of them just stood there for several minutes staring at one another before Alexis turned her head and invited him in.

Ned walked passed her and couldn�t help but turn around and stare at her. She looked so beautiful with her hair wet and wearing practically nothing.

�Do you always answer the door like that?� He asked as she looked down and blushed.

�I thought you were room service.�

Ned eyes continued to grace her beauty, which only made her more self-conches.

�Lucky them.� He replied.

Alexis excused herself and went into the other room to change. Meanwhile Ned took off his coat and made himself comfortable on the couch. A few minutes later Alexis emerged from her bedroom wearing a pair of jeans and a warm sweater.

�I always liked that sweater on you.� He stated as he turned and looked at her.

�How have you been?� She asked as she sat on the couch across from him.

�Better and you?�

�Adjusting.� She nervously stated as she looked down.

�This is so weird and I hate it.� Ned said as he got off the couch and sat next to her.

Alexis just smiled at him as he took her hand in his. �I�ve missed you so much Alexis that I can�t even see straight.� Alexis looked away from him so he placed his hand under her chin and pulled her face to his. �These past weeks have been nothing but pure hell. I�ve never felt this way in my entire life.� He took a deep breath. �Even after Lois left and took Brooke-Lynn I didn�t feel like this.� You can see the tears threaten to fall from her eyes as she desperately tries to look away. �I need you Alexis I love you.� Alexis tried to get up but Ned grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss. She tried her hardest at first to break away but she so longed for the feel of his touch and the taste of his kiss that she let her so go and went with it.

Ned not breaking the kiss pushed her body back against the couch. Her whole body tensed slightly as he began kissing her neck and chewing on her ear. �I need you Alexis.� He whispered in her ear as his hand made it�s way inside her shirt.

Alexis knew they couldn�t do this but he was driving her crazy and she needed him as much if not more then he needed her. �Make love to me Ned.� She whispered back as she pulled his shirts from his pants and rubbed his back.

Ned carefully pulled her into a sitting position and removed her sweater before removing his shirt. She grabbed him and pulled his mouth to hers. As their tongues intertwined with one another�s he unclasped the hock of her bra. As her bra slowly feel off her shoulder he broke the kiss and began chewing on her newly exposed skin.

Alexis pushed him back against the couch and trailed tiny little kisses across his chest as her hand found it�s way down his stomach and she unbuckled his pants. Ned pulled her head up to his face and kissed her as they struggled to remove the rest of the clothes from each others body and once again become one with each other.
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