Ned and Alexis had both fallen asleep on the couch in the living room after spending most of the evening making love. He opened his eyes slightly and looked around the room when he didn�t feel the pressure of her body against his. He got off the couch and walked into her room. He stood there in the doorway and listen to Alexis speak to someone on the phone. He couldn�t make out who she was talking to at first and he didn�t really bother him all that much. She just looked so beautiful sitting there in nothing but his shirt with her hair flung across her face.

Alexis was so into talking to the person on the other end of the phone that she didn�t even know he was standing there watching over her.

Slowly Ned made his way over to the bed and kneeled behind her and start massaging her neck.

Alexis relaxed herself into his hands as she allowed him to release the pressure she was feeling. She closed her eyes and went with it as the person on the other end continued to talk. Finally after a few moments Alexis remembered there was someone on the other end and told them she�d have to call them back. She hung up the phone and Ned grabbed her around the waist and removed his shirt from her body. He pushed her back and rolled her over so that she was laying on her stomach. He reached over and grabbed a bottle of hand lotion off her end table and squirted some on her back.

�Are you mad?� She asked

�Do I seem mad?� He asked back as he gently massaged her tight muscles.

Alexis closed her eyes and moaned at his touch which brought a smile to Ned� face. He so loved to make her feel relaxed and safe.

Alexis bit her bottom lip. �Ned as right as this feels we can�t go back.�

Ned leaned down and kissed her neck several times before whispering in her ear. �Then lets go forward.�

Alexis rolled her body over to face him and he began massaging the front of her.

�We can�t.� She stated as she looked him in the eye and melted under his touch.

His hands continued to caress her body as he looked her in the eyes. �Please tell me why you didn�t marry me......and don�t tell me it�s because you didn�t love me. I didn�t believe you then and I won�t believe you now.�

Alexis took a deep breath. �I do love you Ned and it�s why I didn�t marry you.�

Ned laughed slightly. �Some days Alexis Davis I really just can�t figure you out.�

�It was Helena.� She replied as she closed her eyes.

�It took me a while but after I got over the hurt you caused me by running out on me that day I kinda figured she played a major part in why you couldn�t say I do.�

�Ned I�m so sorry and if she knew you were here with me now she�d killed both of us.�

�Why didn�t you just tell me she threatened you?� He asked as he rolled off of her and laid beside her. �It�s not like she hasn�t in the past.�

�There�s something I�ve never told you and I didn�t know how to.�

He placed his hand on her face and began rubbing it lightly. �There isn�t anything you can�t tell me sweetheart, I love you too much to allow anything from you�re past to come between us.�

Alexis once again closed her eyes. �Even if I told you I�ve been married before?�

Ned bent down and kissed her lips causing her to open her eyes. �Do you want to tell me about it?�

�You�re not mad?�

�Do I look mad?�

She smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his hair. �I was 19 and I honestly believed marrying someone was the only way out.� She looked away from him. It was my second year of College and I met the most wonderful man.� She looked back at him. �That is until I met you.� Ned didn�t say a word instead he kissed the top of her head. �He loved me so much and one day he asked me to marry him and I said yes.�

�Did you love him?�

�No.� She replied as closed her eyes and held back the tears. �I know it wasn�t right to let him believe I did. I never actually told him I did but he just thought it was because I was scared.�

�You never told him because you didn�t know back then what true love really was.�

�Not until I met and fell in love with you.�

He brushed a strain of hair behind her ear. �Go on.�

�So we got married in a small town just outside the city limits.� She pauses  �I honestly thought everything was going to be alright and nobody could ever harm me again.�

�What happened?�

�It was the middle of the night and these two men came into the houses.� She took another deep breath as Ned placed his arms tightly around her giving her the courage she needed to let it all out. �One of them placed a gloved hand over my mouth and held me back as another man stabbed my husband in the chest several times before finally killing him as the knife cut across his throat.�

�Helena ordered the hit didn�t she?� Ned asked with tears in his eyes.

�I knew it was her I just couldn�t prove it and really what would have been the point?�

�So Helena is the reason, you told me you didn�t love me and couldn�t marry me.�

Alexis looked at him. �I�ve always loved you Ned and I�ll never stop but we couldn�t get married then and we can�t get married now.�

Ned picked up her left hand and kissed her ring. �You see this Ms.�s never leaving your finger.�

�I�d never take it off Ned.� She says closing her eyes. �But that doesn�t mean things can ever be the way the were.�

She tried to get out of bed put he wouldn�t let her.

�I�m not going to let Helena come between us Alexis!�

�She already has.�

�The hell she has.� Ned yelled as he got out of bed picked up his pants and put them on.

�Where are you going?� Alexis asked out of confusion.

Ned picked up her clothes and threw them at her. �It�s more like where are we going.�

Alexis wasn�t sure what Ned had in mine but she got dressed like he ordered and the two of them took off in his car.

The whole time they were in the car Ned tried his hardest to reassure her that Helena wasn�t going to hurt him.

Ned stopped just outside a small chapel and Alexis� eyes grew wide.

�Ned we can�t!� she pleaded

Ned got out of the car and basically dragged Alexis out of the passenger seat and inside the chapel.

�Ned really we can�t do this!� She stated firmly as she tried to drag him back outside.

�Can I help you?� A man asked as he walked over to them.

�Yes my fianc�e and I would like you to marry us.� He looked at Alexis and smiled. �Right here and right now.�

�Do you have a marriage license?�

�We have everything we need right here.� Ned stated as he pulled some papers out of his pocket and handed them to him.

�Ned you�ve been carrying those around with you this whole time?�

�Yes.� He placed his hands on her face. �In the hopes that you�d come running back and tell me you�ve changed your mind.�

�But if Helena finds out Ned she�ll........�

�Forget about Helena!� Ned pleaded cutting her off. �The only thought that should be in that pretty little head of yours is where�s he going to take me on our wedding night.�

Alexis couldn�t help but smile at him. He looked so handsome standing there in a church begging her to say I do.

Finally after a little more reassurance from Ned she said yes. And in a lovely quiet chapel just outside New York City they said I do.
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