-~ Alexis� Penthouse ~

Alexis is sitting on her couch crying her eyes out over the past days events.


It�s Ned and Alexis� wedding day. Alexis is standing at the back of the church on Nikolas� arm, she�s looking more radiant then ever.

Ned who is looking as charming as ever can�t help but gasp at her beauty. He has never seen her looking more beautiful then she did at that moment.

Alexis took a deep breath as she motioned to Nikolas that she was ready to being her adventure down the aisle and into holy matrimony. Slowly they made there way down the isle and Nikolas handed Ned Alexis� hand. They both stood there motionless as their hearts began to race.

Alexis could feel herself about to cry so she closed her eyes and shook of the urge. When she reopened them she caught a glance of Helena as she entered the church. Alexis couldn�t help but remember the last words Helena spoke to her. Alexis closed her eyes again and then lend forward and kissed Ned.

Ned broke the kiss and gave her a strange look.

�I�m sorry Ned but I can�t do this....I can�t marry you.......I won�t marry you.�

�Alexis don�t do this ...I know you want to get married.....I love you Alexis Davis.� Ned replied with tears in his eyes.

The tears began pouring down Alexis� eyes as well as she took turns looking between him and Helena. She loved Ned too much to allow Helena to bring him or his family harm, so she did the hardest thing she has ever had to do. She looked Ned straight in the eyes and said......�Ned I�m sorry but I don�t love you.....I loved the idea of being in love but I don�t love you.� And with that she turned and ran out of the church.

Alan Ned�s best man caught Ned as he slowly fell to the ground. The last thing Alexis heard before the doors slammed behind her was Ned yelling. �I know you love me Alexis Davis and I will always love you.�



It�s been two days since Alexis Davis left Ned Ashton standing at the altar. He still doesn�t understand how she could have told him with a straight face that she didn�t love him.

Emily walks up to him in the Q living room. �Ned why don�t you join the rest of the family for dinner?�

Ned who has been starring aimlessly at the Christmas tree in front of him didn�t even turn around as he answered her. �This would have been our first Christmas together as husband and wife.�

Emily placed her hand on his shoulder as she could feel his pain. �Maybe you and Alexis can work this out.� Ned laughed slightly as he poured a glass of vodka down his throat. �In spite of what she said I real do believe she loves you Ned.�

Ned turned and looked Emily square in the eyes. �If she truly loved me Emily she would have never been able to stand in the house of god and tell the whole world she never did!�

Emily wanted to say something but Ned didn�t give her a chance as he picked up the first full bottle of vodka and stumbled out the door.
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