Chapter One

~ L&B  10 am ~

�Thanks for getting here so fast.�  Chloe states as Nikolas comes walking through the door.

�No problem.� He throws his keys down on the desk. �What�s the emergency?�

�You�re aunt and her should be husband.�

�Oh those two.� He smirked. �What they�d get caught doing now?�

�Nikolas this isn�t funny it�s serious. I need you�re help.�

�I�m listening.�

Chloe grabbed his hand and walked him over to the couch. �I found this cabin about 30 miles out of town and I need you to get Ned there.�


�Because someone has to do something before it�s to late.�

�Before what�s too late.�

Chloe stood up and handed Nikolas a piece of paper. �For Ned and Alexis to ever come to a compromise.�

Nikolas looked at the piece of paper.

�Now make sure you get him to that address by six tonight but don�t mention Alexis.�

�And just how do you expect me to get him there.�

Chloe grabbed her coat and handed for the door. �Basically the same way I plan on getting Alexis there..........Lie�


~ Penthouse 1 pm ~

Alexis is on the phone yelling at Dara about Zander� case. �No I could care less that really isn�t my problem.........well I�m not the one trying to railroad an innocent boy.�

There�s a knock at the door and Alexis goes to answer it. Chloe walks in and makes herself comfortable on the couch while Alexis continues to yell at Dara.

�Well I�m sorry if that in convinces you but I have a court order by Judge Ames.........No for the last time I will not reconsider.......I�ll see you then.�

Chloe looks up at Alexis, who throws her cell phone across the room and onto the couch.

�Bad day I take it?�

Alexis lends against her desk. �I�ve had better.�

�So.� Chloe states in her oh so cheerful tone. �Have you spoken to Ned?�

Alexis gives her an evil look.

�Okay.� Chloe states as she stands up and makes her way over to her. �How would you fell about taking a drive with me?�

�Chloe I�m not going over to the Quatermaine�, the PC hotel or where ever Ned is living these days to tell him I�m sorry for something I didn�t do.�  Alexis says very defensive.

�Well then you�re in luck because this has doing to do with Ned.� Alexis just looks at her. �I have a client who is willing to pay me a great deal of money to design a dress for his wife. The only problem is he wants me to go to her.�

�I wasn�t aware you made house calls.� Alexis jokes

�Well normally I don�t but this client is a real close friend of a client who I basically owe everything to.� Chloe takes Alexis� hand �please say you�ll come with me?�

�When?� Alexis asks basically to tried to fight with her.

�I�ll be back in two hours.� Chloe yells as she picks up her coat and runs to the door.

�Chloe wait.� Alexis yells after her. �I�ve got work to do I can�t just leave.......�

�You already said you�d go, so you can�t change you�re mind now.� Chloe said cutting her off. �I�ll be back in two hours wear something comfortable.� She adds as she closes the door behind her.


~ L&B  2:30 ~

Nikolas walks into L&B and sighs as he makes he way over to the couch. �Damn you Ned Ashton where the hell are you and why aren�t you answering you�re cell phone.� He states out loud as he dials a number. �Great still not answering.� He replies defeated. He dials another number.� Thank god you�re there I can�t find Ned anywhere.� 

�Nikolas you need to find him.� You hear Chloe scream through the receiver.

�I�ve looked everywhere.� Nikolas yelled back.

�Looked everywhere for what?� Ned asked as he walked out of the back room.

�Never mind I have to go.� Nikolas said as he hung up and looked at Ned. �Where the hell have you been?�

�Here mostly, why?�

�I�ve just made arrangements to put L&B on the map with one of the most amazing future groups and we now thanks to you have less then one hour to meet them before the deal falls through.�

�Thanks to me?� Ned asked confused.

Nikolas walks over and grabs his hand and throws his coat at him. �Yes thanks to you so let�s go.�


~ Penthouse  3:00 ~

�Coming!� Alexis yells as she walks down the stairs and opened the front door.�

�Ready to go?� Chloe ask as she walks in.

Alexis looks at her watch. �Wow this client must be really important to you.�

�Why is that?�

�Because I don�t think you�ve ever been on time for anything.�

Chloe laughs and looks at her. �I thought I told you to wear something comfortable.�

Alexis looked down at her attire. �I am comfortable.�

�Sorry Alexis but a business suit just won�t cut it. Don�t you have a pair of blue jeans and a sweater you could wear?�

�You want me to wear blue jeans and a sweater?�

�Yes!� She immediately replied. �Now go upstairs and change I don�t want to be late.�

Alexis gave her a strange look

�It�s a New Year�s resolution.�


~ The Cabin 4:30 ~

Ned and Nikolas are just getting out of the car.

�I thought you said the place was only 30 miles out?� Ned asked

�That�s what I was told.� Nikolas states shaking his head.

Ned looks around. �Well it seems pretty secluded.�

�That it does.�

Ned shuts the car door and walks up to the front door. He finds a note tapped to it and pulls it off.

�What does it say?� Nikolas asked.

�He said to meet him down at the lake he�ll be back in 15 minutes.�

Nikolas looks around. �Which way is the lake?�

Ned listens for a moment. �Hear that sound?�


�It�s this way, come on.�


30 minutes later Chloe and Alexis pull up on the other side of the cabin.

Alexis gets out of the car and looks around. �Wow it sure is beautiful out here.�

�I�m glad you think so.� Chloe says with a strange tone that Alexis notices but ignores. �Come on lets go inside, it�s freezing out here.�

Alexis starts to follow her and stops. �Chloe isn�t that Nikolas� car?�

Chloe takes her hand and pulls her to the door. �Why would Nikolas be all the way out here?� Chloe pushes the door open and they walk in. �Hello hello anybody here?�

�Don�t you think you should have knocked first?� Alexis asks

�No her husband said she has bad hearing and to just walk in.� Chloe looks around. �Maybe she�s in the kitchen, have a seat and I�ll be right back.�

Alexis sits down on the couch and Chloe makes her way into the kitchen and quietly out the back door. She walks outside and looks around. �Okay Nikolas where are you?�


Meanwhile Nikolas and Ned are talking down by the lake.

�Okay Nikolas ten more minutes and if this guy doesn�t show up we�re out of here.�

Nikolas looks at his watch.  �Why don�t I go up to the cabin and see if he�s there?�

�Good idea.� Ned states as he starts to get off the ground.

�Why don�t you wait here in case he shows up? I�ll be right back.� Nikolas states quickly and runs off.


�Ready?� Nikolas asks as he runs up behind Chloe.

�Yea lets get out of here before either one of them realize they�ve been set up.�

�Good idea.� Nikolas says as they both run over to their cars and take off.


�Chloe I think someone�s here.� Alexis yells towards the kitchen. �Chloe?� She says again but gets no answer. She gets up and walks into the kitchen. �Chloe where are you?� She looks around the kitchen and finds no one so she opens the back door and looks out. �Chloe you out here?........Guess not.� She walks back inside only to make her way out the front door. �Chloe?� She yells one last time as she realizes both cars are gone. �This isn�t funny!� Alexis yells as loud as she can before walking back into the cabin and slamming the door. She walks over to the couch and picks up her purse in an effort to call for help. �Where the hell is my phone?............ She must have taken it out when she made me go upstairs and change.� She yelled as she threw her body onto the couch. �Ok Chloe what�s the joke?�


15 minutes later Ned comes walking up the hillside.

�Nikolas where are you?� He yells �Nikolas?�

Alexis who is inside the cabin comes walking out. �Ned?�


�What are you doing here?� They both asked at the same time.

Ned looked around. �Where�s Nikolas� car?�

�I knew that was his car!�

�Alexis if this is you�re sick idea of trying to get the two of us back together.......�

�My sick idea?� She yells cutting him off. �What makes you think that you�re worth the effort?�

�Oh that�s right, something like this would require you to put my needs and wants ahead of you�re clients.� Ned yells back.

Alexis doesn�t say a word as she walks into the cabin and slams the door.

�Oh yea like that�s going to solve anything.� He yells as he makes his way to the door only to find it locked. �Alexis Alexis this isn�t funny let me in!�


�Alexis please it�s cold out here!�

�It�s not in here.......... Unless of course I let you in then it would be colder in here then it is out there.�

�You�re being juvenile Alexis now open this door!�

�Forget it as long as the two of us are stuck here you can stay outside.� She yells. �I hope Nikolas comes back for you before you freeze.�

�I have no intention of freezing.� He simply states as he walks up behind her making her jump. �The back door was open.�

Alexis doesn�t say a word as she crosses her arms and walks past him.

�I think you�re juvenile behavior must be coming from the drug dealing kidnapper you have living with you.�

�Zander is a good kid!�

Ned throws his arms up in the air. �Every parent should be so lucky to have a kid as good as him!�

�I don�t suppose you have you�re cell phone?�

�You know me I don�t travel anywhere without it.� Ned sarcastically states. � Oh no wait that�s you!�

�Does that mean you do or don�t have it?�

�Yes I have it.� Ned replies as he pulls it out of his jacket pocket.

�Good call someone.� Alexis yells. �So we can both get out of here. Somehow I have a feeling neither Chloe nor Nikolas are coming back till morning.�

Alexis looks over at him. �Why aren�t you calling and what�s that you have in you�re hand?�

Ned looks up at her. �Well Ms. Davis I�d say you better make yourself comfortable.�


�Because my phone is stone dead and this in my hand is a note.�

�What does it say?�




End of Part One
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