�Give me that!� Alexis yelled as she grabbed the note from him. �This isn�t funny.�

�Actually I find it quite amusing.� Ned laughs

�This was you�re sick idea, wasn�t it?�

�No it wasn�t, but I must admit it is a rather good idea. I only wish I would have thought about kidnapping you myself.�

�I can�t believe you conned Nikolas and Chloe into helping you!�

�Alexis get this through that thick skull of yours.� He said as he tapped the side of her head. �This wasn�t my idea.�

�And I�m suppose to believe that.�

�Yes you are!� He yelled �I don�t know why I though for a moment us being stuck out here was a good idea.�

�See you admit it this was all your doing!�

�No. I was just thinking that maybe it would give us a chance to work a few things out between us. But clearly you don�t believe there�s anything worth working out!�

�I never said that.�

�Alexis you don�t have to.� He walks back and fourth the room trying his hardest not to lose control. �You show it in everything you do.�

�I�ve always given 100 percent in making this relationship work!�

�Yea sure until things started getting a little to close for comfort and you started putting things between us.�

�Putting things between us?�

�Yes putting things between us.�

�Like what?�

�Oh I don�t know Alexis how about every client you have.�

�I don�t understand why all of a sudden you hate what I do?�

�I don�t hate you being a lawyer Alexis. I hate the fact that you put clients ahead of me no matter what the circumstance may be.�

�I don�t believe it!�

�Believe what?� Ned asked confused

�You�re jealous.�


�Yes jealous! Because every since I left Cassidine Industries I still have a career and am still doing what I love to do best.�

�Why on earth would I be jealous of you doing what you love?�

Alexis thought for a moment and actually became shocked about her discovery. �Because you�re not.�

�I have my music Alexis and I love to sing.�

�But you were happier being CEO of ELQ.�

�No I wasn�t!� He yells as her words hit too close to home.

Alexis just looked at him.

�There is no way the two of us are going to survive a night together, let alone a week.�

�Where are you going?� She asked as he grabbed his coat.

�I�m going to walk back to that gas station Nikolas and I stopped at and call for help.�

�Ned that gas station must be at least 30 miles back.�

�That�s okay the fresh air will do me some good.�

�It�s nearly dark out.� Alexis stated with concern in her voice.

�I�ll be fine.� He replies as he looks at her. �Don�t worry I�ll get a hold of Nikolas and have him pick you up in the morning.�

Ned started for the door but Alexis grabbed his arm. �You can�t just leave me here.�

�Alexis you make it sound like I�m leaving you in some dump.� He looks around. �This place is gorgeous and there�s nobody around to bother you for miles.�

She looked away from him. �Truth be told I don�t like the woods much. And I hate the idea of being stuck out in no mans land, by myself, even more.�

�Well you�re more then welcome to walk with me, if you�d like.�

�I�d never make it that far and you know it.� She replied as she walked over to the couch and sat down.

Ned looked over at her and smiled a sad smiled before opening the door and walking out.

Alexis looked over as the door closed and the tears began to fall.


About an hour later Alexis came walking out of the bedroom wearing her black silk pajamas.  She kept thinking how much Ned loved them as she walked over to the window and looked out.

A shiver rain through her body as she continued to stare out the window. Her mind playing such cruel tricks on her as she thought about Ned the darkness and the one thing she hated more then anything, being alone.

She couldn�t take the silence anymore so she walked over to the radio and turned it on. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the door open.

�I thought I�d build a fire.� Ned said as he stood in the door frame with his arms full of wood.

�I thought you left.�

Ned walked over to the fireplace and placed the wood down. �And leave you here to freeze. I wouldn�t dream of it.�

�Thank you.�

�For what?�

�Coming back.�

�I would have been back sooner but I kinda got lost.�

�I�m just glad you�re here now.� She said as she held herself back from throwing her arms around him.

�So where�d ya get the PJ�s from?�

�Nikolas and Chloe were nice enough to pack us some clothes.� She stated sarcastically.

�Great.� Ned said as he threw some wood into the fireplace. �Right after I get this fire going I�ll change into something a little more comfortable myself.�


~ An hour later ~

Ned�s sitting on the floor with his back against the couch staring into the fireplace.

�Well it may not be microwave popcorn but it�s popcorn none the less.� Alexis says as she comes out of the kitchen with a bag in one hand and a wine bottle and two glasses in the other.

�Here I�ll pour that.� He states as he takes the glasses and bottle from her.

She sits down next to him on the floor.

�Here you go.�  Ned said as he handed her a glass.


Ned looked at her and smiled slightly. �So should we make a toast?� 

�To what?�

�Good question.� he replied before looking away from her and taking a sip.

They both sat there and stared into the fire for what seemed like most of the night. It was so peaceful that neither one of them really wanted to ruin it by bringing up anything remotely serious.


~ The Next Morning ~

Alexis walks out of the bedroom fully dressed.

�Good morning.� Ned says as he sits up.

�Sleep well?� She asks.

He nods his head yes. �And you?�

�Fine thank you.�

They both looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

They knew instantly that the tension that left the room last night once again fill the air. 


An hour later, Ned who was out getting more wood for the fire came back in.

�Alexis is something the matter?� He asked noticing her pacing about the room.

�I just can�t believe that Chloe did this to me.....she knows my work is important to me and she knows I just can�t take off at a moments notice and do as I please.�

�Maybe you should every now and again.�

Alexis just turned and looked at him. �You know I really don�t want to fight with you about my work.�

Ned threw some wood on the fire. �You�re the one who brought it up.�

�You�re the one who asked!�

�I was just trying to make small talk.�

�Well I say we don�t talk at all.� She yelled

�Works for me!� He yells back



�Fine� they both scream in each other�s face.

They just stood there with their faces inches apart from one another�s. Neither wanting to move and both fighting the desire deep down inside them.

�I can�t do this.� Ned finally yelled as he threw his arms up and looked away.

�Oh great now where are you?� She yelled as he walked towards the door.

Ned looked back at her and then picked up a fishing poll. �Fishing!� He stated as he slammed the door behind him.

Alexis was so mad that she ran over and opened the door. �I hope you fall in!� She yelled and then slammed the door as well.

�That man is so damn aggravating.� She yelled as she made her way into the kitchen and started looked through the cabinets. �I don�t know how........or why I ever put up with him�.  She pulled out a bag of chips and went back into the main room. �He thinks I�m juvenile?� She threw her body back onto the couch. �At least I�m not the one who always gets mad and storms off like some two year-old.� She yelled towards the door.


45 Minutes Alexis can hear Ned coming. She gets off the couch and starts yelling at him before he even walks in. �I don�t care how much fish you caught there is no way I�m eating it and if you think I�m going to try and cook.............� Her words fell short as she busted out laughing.

�You think this is so funny, don�t you?� Ned yelled extremely annoyed.

�Did you have a nice swim?� She said through laughter as she looked at him standing there soaking wet with what looked like seaweed in his hair.

Ned walked over to her mad as all hell. �You know I am so tried of you and you�re juvenile attitude.� Her grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

�Put me down.� She yelled

�I plan on it!� He yelled back as he walked out the door.

�Ned Ashton I mean it put me down now or I�ll scream.�

�Go ahead Alexis, scream all you want. There isn�t anyone around for miles.�

�Ned this isn�t funny put me down.� She yelled louder then before.

�If that�s really what you want.�

�Yes it is!�

�Fine� He yelled as he threw her into the lake. �Have a nice swim.� He then stated as he walked back towards the house.

�Damn you Ned Ashton.� She screamed as she came out from under the ice cold water. �You are so going to pay for that� She added as she got up and ran after him. �You think you�re so damn funny don�t you.�

Ned stopped and turned around to look at her, which caused her to run smack into him.

�No I just though you needed to cool down.�

Alexis stood there shivering. �Well now I�m not only freezing but madder then hell.�

�You�re just mad because I got the better of you!�

�How the heck do you figure that!�

Ned looked her up and down. �Just look at�re standing there soaking wet.�

Alexis turned her face and looked back towards the lake. �That�s because you threw me into the water.�

�I only threw you in because you were laughing at me!�

She turned back and looked at him. �And you call me juvenile?�

�If the shoe fits!� he yelled as he raised his hands

�You Ned Ashton are the most.....most..........most........�

�Most what Alexis?�

�Aggravating, annoying, SOB that I've ever meet.� She screamed really loud as she punch him in the chest.

Ned grabbed her arm.

�Let me go!�

�Why so you can hit me again, forget it!�

�Let go of my arm!�

He pulled her closer and got right in her face. �NO!�

Alexis just looked into his eyes madder then hell and then out of nowhere grabbed his face with her free hand and kissed him.

Ned let go of her arm and placed his hands around her lifting her slightly off the ground.

The kiss intensified itself and before long their hands roamed one another�s body.  Ned kissed down the front of her with so much built up desire and need that he didn�t even realize how hard Alexis� back had hit the ground.

They both knew what they were doing wasn�t going to solve anything, but they both wanted each other so much.  The desire, lust, rage, passion and over all heat was just to strong to deny any longer as Alexis whispered in his ears �make love to me.�
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