Alexis is sitting outside on the front porch looking up at the sky.

�I so love this time of night.� Ned stated as he sat next to and wrapped his arms around her.

�The sky looks so beautiful tonight.� She replied as she laid her against his chest.

Ned kissed her hair. �Not half as beautiful as you.�

She looked up and kissed his lips. �I love you Ned Ashton.�

Ned looked up at the sky. �I love you more then you know Alexis Davis.�

Alexis smiled and rested her head against him. �I love the way the colors all seem to fade together.�

�I know what you mean.� He kisses her hair again.



�I�m sorry about what happened earlier.�

Ned gave her a strange look. �You�re sorry we made love?�

Alexis smiled and kissed his cheek. �Just everything else.�

Ned held her tight. �So do we dare talk about it? Or will we just end up in yet another fight?�

Alexis looked at him. �I can�t see why we can�t have an actual adult conversation without getting into a fight.�

�Ok, then lets give it a try.�

�Where do we start?�

Ned got up and took her hand. �How about by going inside?�

Alexis took his hand and they walked in. �It was getting rather cold out there.�

Alexis sat on the couch and Ned threw a blanket over her legs. �I�m glad I wasn�t the only thinking so.�

�So now that we�re inside ......... what�s next?�

�This� he stated as he sat down next to her and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss.

Alexis broke the kiss and looked at him. �No matter what we decide, I want you to know that I don�t resent what happened earlier.�

�I could never resent making love to you Alexis.� He said as he kissed her lips lightly. �Our love making is the most purest thing we have and nothing can ever change that.�

Alexis placed her forehead against his and closed her eyes. �I guess our wedding would be a good place to start.�

�I guess it would.�

Ned sat back. �So how about you tell me the real reason you ran out?�

Alexis looked away from him. �I honestly don�t know why I couldn�t go through with it.�



�Did you want to marry me?�

She looked at him. �I thought I did.� He just looked at her. �No I didn�t.�

�Then why didn�t you just tell me that?�

�Cause I knew you wanted to ............and I wanted to make you happy.�

�You already made me happy by just being with me.�

�But for how long?� She got off the couch. �How long could I possibly make you happy with you wanting to take the next step and me not wanting to?�

Ned got up as well. �How long did you possibly think you could pretend to be happy about us being married before I�d realize you weren�t?�

�I don�t know.� She yelled. �I guess I was just hoping that somehow being married would just...........�

�Just what Alexis?� He asked cutting her off. �Make all you�re fears about marriage go away?�


�That�s the stupidest thing I�ve ever heard.�

�So much for the adult conversation!�

�Well you need two adults to have an adult conversation.� He yelled as he walked closer to her. �And I�m sorry but you don�t qualify!�

�I don�t qualify?�

�No you don�t�

Alexis shook her head. �This is pointless.�

�Well at least we finally agree on something.�

�You know Ned Ashton I�m so glad I didn�t marry you. It would have been the biggest mistake I could have ever made.�

�And I think you walking out on our wedding was the best thing in the world. It gave me a chance to see the real Alexis Davis.�

�Oh this should be good.�

�Let�s see there is the I don�t care about anyone else Alexis Davis.........The my clients are a safe haven so my lover doesn�t know how I really feel Alexis Davis.........The I�m a mouth piece for organized crime  Alexis Davis and the oh so popular  let�s see how much further away I can push Ned today Alexis Davis.�

Alexis just stood there and shook her head. �Is it my time now to tell you all about the real Ned Ashton.�

Ned raises he hands in defeat and sat on the couch. �I�d love to hear what you really think about me Alexis.�

�Do you honestly want to know what I think?�

�Oh I�d love to hear some honesty from those lips.�

�Fine� Alexis yelled mad as all hell. �For starters I so hated that hair under you�re lip and I swear you grew it just to annoy me.�

�I happened to have shaved it off for you.� He yelled as he places his fingers on his chin.

�If you really cared what I thought about it you would have never grown it in the first place!�

�You never complained about it at first, how was I suppose to know you hated it?�

�You couldn�t tell?�

�No sorry Alexis but I�m not a mind reader.� Ned yells read to give up and walk out the door. �You know this isn�t getting us anywhere.�

�There�s the door.� She yells as she waves him by her. �Oh wait that�s right finding it isn�t a problem for you is it?�

Ned stopped short and turned around to look at her.

She couldn�t stand him just standing there looking at her. �What?� She yelled as loud as she could.

�I was just wondering?�

�Wondering what?�

�If you�re ear hurts?�

�My ear?�

�Yes from when they surgically removed you�re cell phone from it!� He stated as sarcastically as he could muster.

�I don�t use my cell phone anymore then you use yours.� She stated matter-factly.

�Maybe not but at least when I�m in the middle of kissing you or what not I don�t stop everything just to answer it!�

�So now you�re also jealous of my phone?�

�I am not jealous of anything you say or do Alexis Davis!�

�The hell you aren�t!�

�Why on earth would I be?�

Alexis threw her hands up and walked back over to the couch. �Just forget it.�

�No.� He yelled as he walked over and stood right above her. �If you think I have a reason to be jealous of you are anything else I want to know about it.�

�Fine I think you�re jealous of me because I made it outside the Cassidine walls and you haven�t made it outside the Quatermaine walls!�

�No Alexis that isn�t jealousy that�s down right resentment!� Ned yelled, instantly wanting to take it back.

Alexis just looked at him as the tears threatened to fall.

Ned placed his hands over his and back into his hair. �I�m sorry I didn�t mean that and I have no idea where it even came from.�

Alexis wiped the single tear from her face and looked up at him. �That�s the problem Ned you do mean it, you just don�t want to except it.� He sat down next to her and she took his hand  �So instead you blame me for everything that�s gone wrong in our relationship.�

Ned looked up at her and placed both his hands on her face. �I love you so much Alexis that sometimes I swear it hurts.�

�Trust me I know how that feels.�

�I hate myself for feeling the way I do.� Ned stated with tears in his eyes. �I hate resenting you and I honestly don�t know why I do.�

Alexis wiped the tears from his cheek. �The only way you�re going to get over this feeling of resentment Ned, as much as I hate to admit this,  is for you to go back to doing what you love most.�

�I love you most.� Ned said in the most sensory tone.

Alexis smiled at him and kissed his lips lightly. �You love and miss ELQ.�

�I was miserable working for grandfather. I hated him always being on my case.�

�But you loved being CEO of a major corporation.�

Ned closed his eyes and Alexis rested her forehead against his chin.

�I don�t want to go back Alexis.�

�Then go forward.�


�I don�t know, you�re the business man I�m just the lawyer.�

�You�re not just a lawyer Alexis Davis, you�re my lawyer.�

�Actually I�m not, I resigned earlier this week.� She said jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

Ned put his arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace.  �In that case L&B is looking for a good lawyer if you�re interested?� He joked back.

Alexis pulled back and looked up at him. �As much as I loved being head consul for L&B I had something else in mind.�

�Like what?� Ned asked very curiously.

�Oh I don�t know something along the lines of the two of us working together to take over Cassidine Industries.�

Ned shook his head in disgust at the mere thought of it. �Alexis sweetheart I thought you got over this obsession of yours to get what�s rightfully yours.�

�I did.� She quickly answers.

�Then I don�t understand.�

�Ok you love me and I love you right?�

�Without question.�

�And you�re not happy with the way you�re life has been going lately, right?�

�Again without question.�

�So what better way to still love me but yet do what you love best and get you�re life back together.�

�Ok now you�ve completely lost me.�

�You want and need to be CEO of a major company. I still want but aren�t obsessed  with getting what�s rightfully mine.�

�Wait a minute I can see your little mind working overtime and I think I�m starting to catch on.� Ned stood up. �You want me to help you take over Cassidine Industries so I can once again be CEO of a major company.�

�Yes!� She yelled as she jumped into his arms.

�And just how do you expect us to accomplish that?� He asked as though she�d completely lost it.

�By going back to ELQ as CEO and taking me with you.�

He pushed her back and looked at her.  �You�d come back with me?�

�I think the more important question is will Edward let me come back?�

�Grandfather would kiss you�re feet if that�s what it took to get me back at ELQ.�

�Just what I�ve always dreamed of.� Alexis laughs

Ned just laughs back and then smiles at her.

Alexis titled her head and gave him a strange look.

Ned sat back down on the couch and pulled her with him. �Do you really think the two of us going back to ELQ is going to help our relationship?�

�I can�t see it hurting us anymore then we�re hurting each other.�

�Good point.�

�And we were both happier and a lot better off when we were doing what we loved.�

�Another good point.�

�Plus we�d be working together again so we�d have to spend more time together.�

�Excellent point.�

�And I do believe one of you�re biggest problems with me is that I don�t give you enough of my time.�

�It�s my main problem with our relationship.�

�Then do we have a deal?�  She asked as she brought her lips very close to his.

Ned loved the feeling of her hot breath on his face. �Would we be working late into the night?�

�It�s a requirement.� She stated as she brushed her lips against his and began kissing his neck.

�And would these long nights require us at times to wear things other then business suits?�

She brought her face back up to his and shook her head yes before kissing the other side of his neck.

�Well then Ms Davis I say we have a deal.� He barely spit out before she started biting his ear and driving him crazy.

Ned grabbed her and flung her backwards before crashing his lips down upon hers.

Alexis broke the kiss and pushed him back. �I think we�re gonna get through this.�

�I know we are.� Ned replied before getting up taking her hand and walking into the other room where they closed the rest of the world behind them for the next few days.

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