
      As Alexis got ready for the wedding she thought of everything her and
Ned had been through this past year. First, she left Ned at the alter,
because of her commitment phobia. Then, she got shot at coming out of the
PCPD on Christmas Eve, she would have died had it not been for Sonny who
pushed her out of the way. Next, they fought over her clients, Zander and
Sonny. Then they broke up over how she seemed to care more about her work
than Ned, which was not true at all. During their little break up they
barely saw each other or speak when they did see each other.Through it all
though she loved Ned with all her heart and still wanted to be with him. She
could still remember the day three months ago when they ran into each other
and worked things out between them.

~3 Months Ago~

      Alexis was walking on the pier thinking about her latest case when she
felt as if someone was watching her. She turned around and looked up and
there was Ned watching her pace back and forth.
      "I always thought you looked the best when you were thinking about
something." Ned said breaking the silence.
      "Hi." Was all she could manage to say. The last few months all she
could think about was Ned. His smell, his smile, his face, everything about
him. But all she could say was 'hi'.
      "How have you been?"

      Alexis thought about this before she answered, she could lie and say
she was fin or she could tell the truth, that she had been terrible and
missed him everyday, all day. Finally she looked at him and said "I have
been terrible. There last few months without you have been horrible. I think
about you all the time and everywhere I go I see your face. I miss you Ned.
I need you, I love you."

      Ned just stared at her in shock at what she had just said. He had felt
the same way. He longed to hold her in his arms again. "What did you just
      "I love you Ned. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, You
complete me." She paused for a minute and said "See I can make the first
      Ned smiled and then said. "I love you too. I want to have us again,
      "I will give my clients up, I don't care anymore, all I care about is
having you in my life forever." Alexis said interrupting Ned before he could
      "I don't want you to give them, I just want there to be a line drawn
between your work and me. When we are having a romantic evening together and
you get a phone call I want you to tell them you will see them in the
morning and stay with me. That is all I want."
      "Done! Just say that you will take me back."
      Ned looked at her for a minute wondering if he was hearing things.
Finally he realized he wasn't and said, "You don't have to ask me twice."
And with that they were in each others arms kissing passionately. I was like
they had never been apart.
      Alexis finally broke the kiss and looked up at Ned and said "I have a
few conditions too."
      "What?" Asked Ned with a nervous look on his face.
      Alexis looked at him and smiled. "One never ever grow that thing one
your chin again and two the leather pants have to come out for a visit from
time to time."
      Ned started laughing. "You have yourself a deal."
      The next month they made up for lost time. They spent every night
together and had many "business lunches". Alexis started to turn her cell
phone off when she was with Ned and never brought any work home. Everything
was going great. Alexis still had her work and the man that she loved and
Ned had more time to spend with Alexis.

~Two Months Later~

      Finally on their two month anniversary of getting back together Ned
took a huge step. He spent the whole day getting it ready. When Alexis cam
home from work the penthouse was lit by hundreds of candles, their were rose
petals all over the floor, and a fire in the fire place. And there was Ned
sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. They had a nice romantic dinner
that Ned had ordered. They were sitting on the couch afterward when Ned
turned toward Alexis.
      "Alexis these past two months have showed me that I can't live without
you ever again. I know we have tried this before and it didn't work out, but
here we are still together after everything that has happened. I think that
is a good sign. You are my soul mate Alexis and I love you. I guess what I
am getting at is, Alexis Davis will you do me the honor of becoming my
wife?" At that Ned was down one knee opening a red velvet box with a
beautiful diamond ring inside of it.
      Alexis stared at the ring with tears in her eyes and her hands over
her mouth. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She had never
pictured herself getting married, which was her problem before, but
know........."Yes! Yes I will marry you Ned."
      Tears were falling down Alexis' face. And Ned had tears in his eyes
too as he put the ring on her finger. Alexis stared at it and then leaned
over and started to kiss Ned. They spent the rest of the night celebrating
their engagement.
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