As the priest continued with the ceremony Ned
kept glancing over at Alexis. She looked beautiful and
elegant in her simple white dress. He couldn't believe
they had finally made it to this point. They had been
through so much and they still were in love with each
other. He took one final look at his bride before
turning back to face the priest.

As Alexis listened to the priest's words about the
bond of marriage she glanced over at Ned. He looked so
calm and handsome as he listened to what was being
said. She couldn't understand it, she was so nervous!
Was she going to remember her vows? What if she
started to have a panic attack? Then she realized it
didn't matter. She loved Ned and he loved her. She
felt at peace and was happy about getting married to

"The couple has decided to recite their own vows,"
the priest said interrupting Alexis' thoughts. "Ned
will go first."

Ned and Alexis turned to face each other for the
exchanging of their vows. They smiled at each other
and locked eyes as Ned begun his vows.

"I have nothing prepared, so I'm going to say what is
in my heart right now." He looked deep into Alexis'
eyes before continuing. "I believe everyone has a soul
mate, someone they are meant to spend the rest of
their life with. Alexis, you are my soul mate, I know
this because God has thrown so many obstacles in out
path and we are still together and in love. Through
everything I never stopped loving you and I never
will. Alexis, when we say 'I do' today I will be
giving you my heart forever. My one request is that
you never try and give it back to me. No matter how
hard you try I will never take it back, because I love
you with all my heart and I always will."

As the priest stepped back up Alexis wiped tears from
her eyes. What Ned had just said was so beautiful and
sweet. The priest smiled and said, "Now Alexis will
recite her vows to Ned."

Alexis was still crying some as she begun. "I never
in a million years thought I would get married, but
Ned, you changed all of that. I sometimes think I
don't deserve your love, you are always there for me
and that means so much. You are my best friend, my
hero, and the man that I love. Whenever I need you I
know you will be there, despite everything else going
on. I only hope that I can repay you during our
marriage. No matter what happens though I am going to
be there and I will always love you. You are the best
thing that ever happened to me and I will love you
until I die."

"Now Ned repeats after me. With this ring I thee
wed." The priest said continuing.
"With this ring I thee wed." Ned said placing the
wedding band on Alexis' finger.
The priest nodded and smiled. "Now Alexis, repeat
after me. With this ring I thee wed."
Alexis took the ring and as she slide it on Ned's
finger repeated the words, "With this ring I thee

The priest smiled again and said, "By the power
invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Ned you may kiss your bride."

Before the priest finished Ned and Alexis were
embracing and kissing. The small group of guests
clapped their hands at the happy couple. Ned and
Alexis turned to face the group as the priest said
"May I introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and
Mrs. Ned Ashton." They smiled at each other and shared
a quick kiss before starting back up the aisle to
leave the church.

At the reception all of Ned and Alexis' friends and
family expressed their happiness for them. Edward and
Lila welcomed Alexis to the family. Monica and Alan
also welcomed her and said that they could see that
they were truly happy together and in love. Emily and
Nik said that they were glad they finally worked
things out and would be together forever.

Towards the end of the reception Stefan came up to
them, "Ned I know you don't like me very much and I
don't enjoy you, but I can see that you really love my
sister. You make her the happiest I have ever seen
her. So anything that makes her happy makes me happy.
Even if you don't like the family very much, I still
would like to welcome you to it." With that he kissed
Alexis on the cheek and skook Ned's hand.

Ned and Alexis got back to the penthouse around
midnight. They were going to spend the night there and
leave for their honeymoon tomorrow morning. Outside
the door Ned stopped Alexis before she walked in.
"What?" Alexis asked Ned.
"It is a tradition to carry the bride over the
"You don't have to do.." The shock of Ned picking her
up cut off Alexis. "What in the world!" She asked. The
only answer she got was Ned's kiss.
When they got inside Alexis kicked the door shut with
her foot, as her and Ned continued to kiss. Ned
carried her over to the couch and set her down ending
the kiss.
He sat down with her, never losing eye contact. "You
have made me the happiest man alive. I love you so
"I love you too Ned and I'm so happy to be your wife.
I only hope I can live up to your expectations."
"I have no expectations for you. I love you just the
way you are, clients and all." He leaned over and they
started to kiss again.
Alexis pulled away one last time and said, "Thank you
and I have none for you."
With that the spent the rest of their wedding night
holding each other and making love. They were finally
man and wife and nothing could come between them now.
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