Part Four

Two months later.

Ned is sitting in the Quartermaine living room.  Edward enters.

�Ned, what are you doing here?�

�I don�t have anywhere else to go.�

�Look, Ned, I�m really sorry about what happened between you and Alexis, but you can�t mope around here all day,� he scolds.

�That�s what you do all day!  Why not enjoy my company?�

�I can�t enjoy your company when you frown and snap at everybody.  It�s not our fault.�

�You�re the one that frowns and snaps at everybody!  Get your stories straight.�  Ned stands up.

�What you need to do, is find her.  You haven�t talked to her at all.�  Lila wheels herself in.  Ned kisses her on the cheek.  �Ned, maybe her feelings have changed.  It�s been two months dear.�

�I know Grandmother.  I don�t want to hurt her again.  I don�t know if she�s ready.�

�There�s only one way to find out.  Go find her Ned.  She might surprise you.�  Ned sighs and puts on his coat.  �How do you do it?� he asks Lila.  �Do what dear?�

�Make everything so easy and simple,� he bends down and kisses her.  �Wish me luck.�

�Good luck!� she waves. 

Alexis is in the park, sitting in the same spot where she was kidnapped.  She closes her eyes and breathes in the fresh spring air.  Footsteps interrupt her thoughts.

She opens her eyes.  �Ned!�

�Hi.  Mind if I join you?�

�No, not at all.�  He sits down in the grass next to her.  An awkward silence follows.


�Alexis.�  They say at the same time.  �You go first,� Alexis tells him.

�I was wondering why you�re here.�

�It�s two months today,� she says quietly, playing with a blade of grass.  �I was wondering how you knew I�d be here.�

�I just got a feeling.  It makes sense.�

Ned takes a deep breath.  �Alexis, I came to tell you that I love you.  I always will.  I can�t change what happened to you.  I can�t change what they did to you.  I wish I could make your nightmares go away.  I can�t do any of those things, but I can help you, listen to you, or just hold you.  I can be there when you need me.  I know it will take time for you to be able to be intimate again.  Monica warned me of that.  But the thing is, I never got the chance to tell you that I could wait.  I was willing to completely start over and take it slow.  I�m willing to do anything that will help you and make you happy.�

They sit in silence for a minute.  Alexis is silently crying.

�Well, I�m guessing you wanted to be alone,� he says, standing.  Alexis opens her mouth to say something.  Ned holds up his hands.  �If you want to talk, call me, I�ll come over.�  He turns and leaves.

Alexis reaches for the phone, but pulls back.  She had done this a hundred times.  She never got the nerve to call him.  Was she ready to be with him again?

Ned stared at the phone, chewing his nails.  �She isn�t going to call,� he says.

�Who isn�t going to call?�  AJ wanders in.  �Please go away,� Ned sighs.

�Who isn�t going to call?� AJ insists.  �Alexis, who did you think?�

�I dunno.  What are you doing here?�

�I�m living here right now.�

�Oh yeah, since Alexis kicked you out and all,� AJ smiles.  Ned stands up quickly and gets in AJ�s face.  �Why don�t you leave before I do something to permanently alter your appearance?�  AJ backs off.  �You don�t know anything about what happened to her.  You don�t know what she feels like and what�s happening to her.  So get out,� Ned voice shakes with anger.  �Ok, whoa,� AJ shakes his head before leaving.  Ned resumes his post on the couch next to the phone.  Around midnight, he nods off.


The shrill sound of the phone wakes Ned.  He picks it up and glares at the clock.  2:19 a.m.  �Hello?� he says groggily.  �Ned?� Alexis� tearful voice comes over the phone.  �Alexis, what�s wrong?�  He is fully awake now.  �Please, Ned, come over, I need you,� she hangs up.  �Ok�� he looks at the phone before hanging it up.  He searches for his coat and keys and quietly leaves the house.

Ned quietly opens Alexis� apartment door.  He walks in and almost trips over a box of files.  He turns on small lamp and squints in the harsh light.  The floor and desk are littered with papers and files.  �Alexis?� he whispers.  He walks up the stairs.  �Alexis?� he slowly opens her bedroom door.  He walks over to the bed.   Alexis is buried under the covers.  He gently touches her shoulder.  �Ned?� she says in a muffled voice.  �Yes.�  She slowly uncovers herself and sits up. She reaches out for Ned.  He holds her tight.  �What happened?�

�I�couldn�t sleep.  I kept thinking about what you said.  When I finally did fall asleep, I had another nightmare.  But it was different than the others.  This one wasn�t about the rape or Sorel.  You were in it, but you were standing very far away from me.  I couldn�t get to you.  Then a beautiful woman walked over to you.  You put your arm around her and walked away.  You both had wedding rings on.�  She is crying.  �That woman wasn�t me.  It scared me, because I finally realized how close I�ve come to losing you so many times.  And I know I can�t keep doing this, leaving you then getting back with you.  If I do, I�ll lose you forever.  That�s what the dream told me.�  Ned has knelt down on the floor, Alexis is sitting on the edge of the bed.

Ned moves a piece of hair out of her face.  He gently wipes her tears away.  �Honey, that will never happen.  There has to be a reason for us to keep finding each other after we�ve separated.�

�I know,� she looks down at her hands.  �I just don�t know what to do.  I don�t know what to feel.  I know I love you, but I don�t know how this [the rape] is going to affect our relationship.�

�But we�ll deal with it.  I�ll deal with it.  We can do this together.�

�I know we can.  I just hate this so much.�  She starts to cry again.  He pulls her back into his arms.  �I hate it too sweetie.  But it will get better.  You can�t try and deal with this by yourself.  Look what it�s done to you.  I almost broke a leg when I came in.�  She smiles.  �I�ve been trying to organize everything.  I don�t have anything else to do.  If I don�t keep busy, I think about the rape.  Then I just bury myself under the covers and cry.�

�Why didn�t you come to me?�

�I couldn�t.  I felt so confused.  I thought that you had moved on.  I was pretty sure that you were sick of my games.�

�No, that�s not right at all.  I like your games,� he says.  She smiles.  �Alexis, in case you haven�t noticed, I can�t move on.  I don�t want to move on.  I want to be with you.  Can�t you see that?�

�Yeah, I can see it, but it�s still hard to believe.�

�Believe it.  There only has been and only will be one person for me.  You.�  She smiles through her tears and hugs him again.

The next morning�

Ned wakes up on an unfamiliar surface.  He opens his eyes and almost falls off the couch.  He stands up and stretches, groaning as every bone in his body cracked.  He trudges to the downstairs bathroom.  Alexis walks downstairs in her bathrobe.  She hears the shower water turn on.  She folds the blanket on the couch and walks to the kitchen to make coffee.

Ned walks out in a bathrobe five minutes later.  He sits on the couch.  Alexis walks in and ruffles his wet hair.  �Hey!�  He smiles.  �What?  It was messed up anyway!�  He attempts to flatten it down, but without success.  She hands him a coffee mug.  He takes a sip before asking, �Are you alright?�


�Good.  So, what�s on the agenda today?  Besides cleaning up this hurricane of an apartment.�

�Very funny.  Yes, I�ll clean it up.  Eventually.�

A few days later�

Ned walks in and hangs up his coat.  He kisses Alexis on the top of her head.  �Hello.�  She replies without looking up.  He crouches next to her chair.  �Busy?� 


�What are you working on?�

�The case against Jim Stines.  I�m filing a suit.�

�Good.  That�s great.�

She looks over at him.  �You know what?�

�No, what?�

�Sometimes I wish Sorel was alive so I could��

�Nail him too,� he finishes.  She smiles.  �Believe me, I�ve thought about the same thing too.  But I�d kill him, not take him to court.�

�Oh, Ned, you�re such a sensitive guy,� she says sarcastically.

�I can be mean when I want.�

�I know.�  He laughs.  �Is this what you�ve been doing all day?�

�Yeah, pretty much.  Exciting huh?�  He kisses her cheek.  �Very.�  She turns her head and quickly pulls him into a passionate kiss.  Ned sits stunned when she pulls away and stands up. 

�Where did that come from?�



�Oh. I dunno.  Just seemed right.�  She disappears upstairs.  Ned sits on the floor with a thoughtful look on his face.

That night�

�Honey, I have to go on a trip tomorrow,� Ned calls from the couch.

�What?�  She calls from the kitchen.

�Come out here.�

�Yeah?�  She walks out with a bowl of popcorn.

�Sit down,� he pats the couch.  She settles next to him.  �I have to go away for a few days.  I�m sorry.�

�What for?�

�There�s some tour problems in Chicago.  I need to clear it up.�

�Can�t you send somebody else?�

�No.  Not this time.�  Alexis begins feeding Ned popcorn.  �Are you going to be ok?� he asks.  �I think so.  Only if it�s a few days, not any more.�

�I�ll make sure I�m not gone more than 3 days.  Ok?�

�Ok.  What time do you leave?�

�My flight is at eight.�

�In the morning?�

�Yeah.� He sighs.  She rests her head on his shoulder.  �You know,� she says, �I missed this.�

�What?  The popcorn?�

�Yeah, actually.  And just sitting here.  It�s nice.�

�It is.�  He looks at her.  �What�s wrong?�

�I just don�t want you to go.  I know it�s selfish.�

�No it�s not.  It�s expected.�  She begins kissing his neck.  �Is this an attempt to keep me home?�

�Yes.  Why?  Is it working?�

�Yeah, I guess so, but you know I can�t stay home.�

�I know�� He sets the bowl of popcorn on the table and turns to face Alexis.  �I love you,� he whispers.  �I love you too,� she pulls him into a kiss.

The next morning�


�What the�?� Ned shuts off his alarm.  It�s still dark out.  Alexis is lying on top of him.  He tries to get off the couch without disturbing her too much, but she wakes up anyway. 


�Yeah, I�ve got to catch my flight.�

�Oh, yeah.  I hoped that you would forget.�

�Yeah right,� he bends down and kisses her.  He tries to pull away but she holds on.  �Alexis�don�t do this,� he says as she plants kisses on his face and neck.  �You�ll just make it harder for me to leave.�

�That�s the idea.  If I suffer, you should too.�  She smiles.  �Believe me babe, I�ll suffer just as much as you,� he says as he kisses her quickly, then heads for the shower.  He comes out ten minutes later.  Alexis has coffee ready for them.  He sits down on the couch.  She lays her head on his shoulder.  �Did you sleep well last night?�  She asks.

�Yeah, considering it was two people sharing one very small couch.�  He glances at his watch.  �I�ve got to get going soon.�  Alexis groans.  �Don�t worry, I�ll be home before you know it.�

�Yeah, right.�  He gets up and goes upstairs to get his bag.  Alexis folds the blankets on the couch and takes the empty mugs to the kitchen.  Ned comes downstairs and puts on his coat.  �Alexis?  I�m leaving!�  She walks out to him.  �Be careful ok?� she presses her forehead against his.

�I will.  Are you going to be ok?�

�I�ll be fine.  I�ll call you tonight?�

�Yeah.�  They kiss.

�I love you,� he says as he hugs her.  �I love you too.�  He kisses her quickly again before walking out the door.

�Flight 127 to Aruba, now boarding rows one through seven.�

Ned stands up and quickly makes a phone call before boarding.

�Hello?� Chloe is eating breakfast.

�Hey, it�s me.�

�Oh, are you there already?�

�No, we�re boarding right now.  Is everything taken care of?�

�Almost.  I�ve just got to convince her that you�re not up to something, which will be impossible.�

�Just do the best you can.  I�ll call you when I get off the plane.�


�Oh, and thanks Chloe.�

�Hey, it�s nothing.  You two need this.�

�Bye.�  He hangs up and gives the stewardess his ticket.

�Hello?�  Alexis picks up the phone at her desk.

�Hi, it�s me.�

�Oh, hi Chloe!  What�s up?�

�Nothing, really, I just wanted to know if you have a few days free.�

�Um, no, not really.�

�Are you sure?�

�Chloe, what is this about?�

�I�just wanted me and you to go on a trip together.  We�re best friends Alexis.  I haven�t seen you in weeks.�

�I know, I�ve just been busy.�

�Can you be un-busy for a few days?  Please?�

�Chloe, I don�t know��

�Please?  Don�t make me come over there and beg.�  Alexis rubs her forehead.  �Fine, fine.  I need all the details.�

�There aren�t any.  We�re getting on a plane tonight.�

�Chloe!  Are you insane?�

�No, just bring clothes for really warm weather.  Ok?�

�For how many days,� she asks dejectedly.

�Um�three or four.  Maybe a week.�

�Chloe, is it three, four, or a week?�

�I�d say a week.�


�I�ll come get you at five.�  Chloe hangs up.

�Why do I let her do this to me?� Alexis says to herself.  She climbs the stairs to pack.

Chloe and Alexis are riding in a limo.  They pull up to an unmarked, white private jet on the runway.

�Chloe, please, at least tell me where we�re going.�

�Nope,� she says with a smile on her face.  �Before we get out, we need to go over the rules.  One, you can�t open any windows.  Two, you can�t call Ned.  And Three, you can�t talk to the pilot or any stewardesses.  Got it?�

�What is this, boot camp?�

�No, just a trip.�


�Come on, we�re late.�  They get out and climb the stairs into the plane.

Ned paces his suite.  There is a knock on the door.

�Room service Mr. Ashton.�  Ned opens the door.  The bellboy rolls the tray into the room.  �Thank you,� Ned tips him and he leaves. �C�mon Chloe, where are you?�  The phone rings.  �Hello?�

�Hey, it�s Chloe.�

�Finally!  What took so long?�

�Nothing.  Why?  A little anxious?�

�Yeah, just a little.�

�She�s on her way.  Five minutes.  She thinks your room is hers.  So don�t scare her ok?�

�Yeah, alright.  Thank you so much Chloe.�

�Yeah, whatever, have fun.�  Ned moves the trays to the dining area, turns off the lights, and sits on the couch.  A few moments later, Alexis slides the access card into the door.  She enters and closes the door.  She turns on the lights and turns to look at the room. 

�Welcome.�  Ned smiles.

�Ned�what�what is this?�  She smiles.  He gets up and kisses her.
�A surprise,� he replies.

�Well, it worked!  Wow.  This is great!�

�Are you hungry?�

�I�m starving!�

�Good, I ordered food.�  He sits the trays out on the table.  They both take their seats and begin eating dinner.

�So, you had no idea?� He asks her.

�No, not really.  I did suspect something when Chloe insisted I come to my room alone, that she would catch up with me.  And she didn�t pack much.�  She sips her wine.

�Well, that means I�m good at this.  I�m proud of myself.�  He stands up and turns on some music.  �May I have this dance?� He holds his hand out to her.  She takes it and they begin dancing.  She tilts her head up and kisses him.  She slowly unbuttons his shirt.

�Are you sure about this?�  He asks.

�Absolutely.�  He pulls her back into the kiss, and they disappear into the bedroom.

The next morning�

Ned has been awake for some time.  He reaches into a nearby drawer and removes something from it and hides it in his hand.  He gently runs his fingers through Alexis� hair, then down her bare back.  She sighs and slowly opens her eyes.


�How long have you been awake?�  She yawns.  �Oh, not long,� he lies.  She looks up at him.  �What�s wrong?�

�Nothing,� he smiles, then kisses her.  She lies on her back, her head on his chest.  He begins playing with her hands. �You know what?� He asks.

�No, what?�

�You have beautiful hands.�

�Thank you.�

�But there�s something missing.�

�What?�  He pulls out the ring he has been hiding.

�This.�  She stares at the ring.  �Ned��

�Will you marry me?�  She takes the ring from his hand and slips it on her finger.  She turns over and kisses him, tears running down her face.  �Yes, I will.�

�For real this time?�  He laughs.

�For real.  No trucks, no running.�


�I love you Ned.�

�I love you too.�  He pulls her back into the kiss.
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