
Most of the time, the teachers who receive the most recognition are the ones who teach the classes in which the students are enrolled because they want to be. There is really no challenge in teaching students who have the skills, and desire. The real challenges are in the classrooms where the students are required to be, and very often for whatever reason, are lacking in necessary skills to be completely successful. While I was exposed to many outstanding teachers at the High School, the greatest thanks go to the elementary teachers, where I had teachers who had high expectations for me and gave me a very good foundation on which to build.

Exposure to the 3 R's began at Longfellow School. Back in the days when Mr. Kessinger rang the bell to tell us when it was time to come onto the play ground, and when it was time to go home. He also did an excellent job of keeping the premises clean.

First grade with Ms Summers, second grade with Ms Simms. Then we moved to the west side of town, but Washington School had been condemned, so we were sent to Horace Mann on the NSC campus for third grade, with Mrs Sipes.

Fourth grade, Washington School was completed and it was into a new building, Mrs McCalpin dispensed the knowledge. Fifth grade was Mrs McKinney. Sixth grade was under the watchful eye of Mrs Hoch.

Junior High, 7th and 8th grades were back on the campus of Northwestern. Again, with exposed to many outstanding teachers.


Burial Association


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Updated: 10 July 2001

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