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"An unusual location, with believable characters, in a tale that builds nicely to a thrilling climax: what more could YA readers want? "

Sherry Hay, Kliatt, May 2008

"Highly Recommended "

Linda Wood, CM Magazine, vol. XIII, no. 21, June 8, 2007

Running on Instinct

"I went from scared to death to disbelief, and back to scared ...  What a roller-coaster ride!"

Cathy Stevens, I Love A Mystery Newsletter, August/September 2003 reviews

Silver Eyes

"Characters are vivid, personal, and involving.  Highly recommended."
Children's Bookwatch v. 12, n.2 (Feb 2002).

"Readers will find it difficult to put down"

School Library Journal


Violet Eyes

"Luiken has created a futuristic masterpiece that has the qualities of a great mystery.  It is suspenseful and explores ideas of how technology can work against the benefit of humans.  A definite page-turner!"    

Shaunna S. Silva, Teacher, St. James School, Biddeford, ME, KLIATT, May 2001, p. 26.

I just finished reading Violet Eyes, and I loved it.  It was the first time I saw the book, but it looked interesting so I bought it. I'm so glad I did!  It's now officially my favorite.  My two best friends each bought it after I gave them rave reviews of it, and they love it too.  I love how just when you think all the excitement is dying down, there's another twist or surprise. I can't wait until Silver Eyes comes out, I'll be one of the first to get it!"

Jaclyn, 15 yrs. old

"It was the best book I have ever read, & I have read a lot of books.  I have re-read it several times and some of my friends are reading it.  I have recommended it to our school librarian and it was through her that I found out that you lived in Edmonton.  It makes me feel proud that an author like you lives in our city."

Kyrsten, 11 yrs. old


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