Poison: 05/00/2007

Attitude Wrestling Organisation



The Detroit crowd are sitting around, but are unusually unexcited. Sickness will be held late. Either that or it will be delayed until next week. Sickness it always delayed or late. That’s the way of the NMW. And so they sit, waiting for that dreadful announcement, when suddenly the lights dim and 1000 pyros go off all over the arena. It may not have been that many, but for the previously silent crowd, it sure seemed like it. A roar goes up amongst the crowd, as they realise that Sickness is about to start, as ‘Down with the Sickness’ begins to blast over the loudspeakers and a video is played showing all the various NMW superstars giving various moves to each other.

Rob: “Hello and welcome to NMW Sickness! We’re live from Detroit, although when I say ‘we’ I am seated here by myself as Steve has yet to arrive at the arena. I guess like most of this crowd, including those who should be filling these empty seats, he figured Sickness wouldn’t be for another several hours, or days! But I must say I’m glad he isn’t here, and even less happy that he survived my brutal attack last week after spending the week in intensive care.”

When the Sickness video finishes, silence comes over the arena as replays are played showing the build up to tonight’s match. It starts with the reformation of Ego Trip, then works throughout the week as the 4-team tag match is declared, Decade returns to be Tripp’s partner, and Mike searches desperately for an unseen Maverick. When the video ends, the crowd begins to cheer, and the camera cuts back to ringside, where Steve sits, covered in sweat, and breathing ridiculously heavily.

Rob: “What a great match we have tonight! If there was any way to decide the NMW Tag Team Titles this would be it! I’m Rob and this is Steve with me at ringside! Steve, what do you think of tonight’s match?”

Steve shakes his head, still trying to recover from his apparent run to the commentary table, as Larry takes his stand in the center of the ring and begins to speak.

Larry: “Ladies and Gentlemen…”

The crowd livens up, suddenly sending a tremendous cheer through the arena. The crowd knows what’s coming. This is the biggest match they’ve seen for a long time, and may be the biggest match they see for quite a while.

Larry: “The following contest is for the New Millennium Wrestling Tag Team Championship Title! Competing in the match will be four teams of two, and it is an Elimination match up. If any man is pinned or submits during the course of the match, he AND his partner must exit the arena immediately.”

Rob: “Hey, I didn’t know that was the rule! If your partner eliminated, so do you! This match is gonna call for some REAL partnership Steve!”

Steve: “Yeah, too bad for Ego Trip that they aren’t a TRUE team.”

Rob: “Oh give it a rest Steve…”

Larry: “Introducing your first tag team for tonight’s match up, a team who are newly formed but ready for action… Armageddon!!”

The crowd lets out a long droning boo as the arena is thrown into darkness as Armageddon’s music, ‘Bad Religion’ by Godsmack, plays softly but loudly over the NMW sound system. A single flame then shoots up from the center of the stage. It dies down slightly, before travelling in opposite directions to both sides of the stage, creating one large line of fire. Eventually, the fire curves, and creates to rings of fire on either side of the stage. From inside these rings, two figures begin floating upwards These figures, the crowd now know, are Bond and Steele. The darkness fades into a dark red light, as Armageddon meet in the center of the stage and begin to head down the ring. Once inside, they stand there solemnly. They nod at each other, before both men turn and look upon the entranceway, awaiting their opponents in the heavily anticipated match up. The lights come back on and their music fades out, as the crowd and Armageddon continuing waiting for the second tag team in the match.

Steve: “These guys are really gonna shake things up around here Rob. Too bad they have to debut against Scruffy Dog and Cheap Shot. They couldn’t have dug a bigger hole for themselves.”

Rob: “Let’s not forget about Ego Trip. But yeah, I’d like to see what Bond plans to do with this new group also.”

Larry: “Ladies and Gentlemen, representing the second team in tonight’s match up, and one half of the self proclaimed greatest tag team in the history of the world… Scruffy Dog!”

A slight boo comes over the crowd as ‘Fallen’ by [HeD] P.E. hits and Scruffy Dog emerges from the back. No fancy pyros or illusions for his entrance. Just good old fashion music. He smirks at Armageddon, as they stare back at him with cold eyes, as he makes his way down the ramp. He reaches the ramp and walks around the side, rolling in the back of the ring. Armageddon turn to face him, but Scruffy Dog makes no attempt to approach them. He instead turns away from him and walks over to his usual turnbuckle, which he climbs and sits on, waiting for the rest of the competitors. He doesn’t have to wait long however, because his music suddenly cuts out as ‘Prince Charming’ by Metallica hits and the arena is thrown into darkness again. The crowd boo, not only because it’s Cheap Shot, but also because the darkness effect has already been done tonight. The 30 foot photo of Cheap Shot’s grinning face looks down at the crowd for a moment, before the trusty single spotlight falls in the center of the stage awaiting Cheap Shot. Not to keep the spotlight waiting, Cheap Shot steps into it, and the crowd boo again at the sight of him.

Larry: “And introducing the second member of the World’s Greatest Tag Team in the History of the World, and the first and only two time NMW champion… Cheap Shot!!”

He walks down the ramp, waving to the crowd and slapping hands, before rolling into the ring as the lights return to normal. Cheap Shot gets down on one knee in front of Armageddon, who look on cautiously, and plants a big sloppy kiss on his right bicep, before standing again. He walks in between Bond and Steele, pushing them aside, as he walks over to join Scruffy Dog. The two men of Armageddon turn, considering fighting back, but look up to see Scruffy Dog snarling at them, fists clenched. Armageddon shrugs off the idea to attack early, and instead walks to the other back turnbuckle, claiming it as theirs.

Steve: “Now these guys Rob, these guys are true champions.”

Rob: “Of course they are Steve. *cough*”

Steve: “What was that?”

Rob: “Allergies.”

Larry: “The following tag team is the third in tonight’s match, having only reunited last week on Sickness… they are… Ego Trip!!”

Finally a reason to cheer. And the crowd lives it up. While some of the members of the crowd are still a little iffy about Ego Trip, most of the crowd cheer madly as Mike and Maverick appear at the top of the stage as their music plays.

Rob: “See Steve, that’s how a true tag team come out. Together!”

Steve: “Bah, they’re just too scared to be alone.”

Mike and Maverick walk down the ramp side by side, smiling at the crowd, before reaching the ring, when all their attention diverts to what’s inside. They warily slide into the ring and glare at the other teams, trying to ward off any possible attacks. The other two teams however, don’t really seem interested at all in attacking, as Cheap Shot chats to the still seated Scruffy Dog about tactics, and Armageddon stare back at Ego Trip with blank expressions. This goes on for a little while, before ‘Rational Gaze’ by Meshuggah hits and the crowd goes back to booing.

Larry: “And, representing the final tag team in tonight’s match, coming off a debut win last week against the team of Mike Polowy and Scruffy Dog… Tripp!”

The crowd doesn’t seem to have any appreciation for Tripp’s win last week at all, as they keep on booing as he appears at the top of the ramp and begins to make his way down. He hesitates before getting into the ring, knowing he may be a sitting duck inside, but slowly climbs the ring steps and steps through the ropes. He backs sticks to the only remaining turnbuckle, punching his open palm and waiting for his partner. The crowd settles down, and only a slight buzz comes from them.

Rob: “This is eerie, it’s like the calm before the storm.”

Steve: “Phhfft, the crowd have obviously been brainwashed. This man was beaten by a damn steel chair!!”

Suddenly, ripping through the calmness of the crowd, ‘Scorched Earth Erotica’ blasts through the speakers and the crowd’s calm turns to a massive cheer as Decade walks out from the back. He walks over to one side of the stage and raises his fist high for the crowd, only setting them off further.

Rob: “What an ovation for Decade!”

Larry: “And completing the last tag team, and the line up for the match, in his return match for the NMW, former NMW Survivor Champion… Decade!!”

The crowd continues it’s ovation as Decade struts down the ramp. He reaches the ring and rolls inside. The crowd continue to cheer as he climbs his turnbuckle and raises his fist in the air again. Tripp scoffs and turns away, which turns out to be a bad idea as suddenly Mike Polowy runs over, jumps onto the turnbuckle and leaps off again, pulling Decade down with him and executing a neck-breaker from the middle rope! The ref quickly calls for the bell as the match begins!!

Steve: “It’s on Rob! This thing has begun!”

Rob: “How strange that Mike went straight for Decade.”

Steve: “You’ve gotta start somewhere. Wait, what’s Bond doing?”

As Cheap Shot and Scruffy Dog watch on, Bond has climbed outside the ring and snuck up behind the pair. He climbs up onto the apron and before Scruffy Dog has a chance to notice, Bond pulls Scruffy Dog’s shoulders back sending Scruffy Dog backwards off the turnbuckle, landing awkwardly on his upper back on the ring mats!!

Rob: “My God! What a cheap shot!”

Steve: “Yeah, Cheap Shot IS great.”

Rob: “What? Oh… just shut up Steve, for crying out loud.”

Meanwhile, as Bond climbs up to his corner, Maverick and Tripp also climb onto the apron, leaving Jason Steele, Mike Polowy, Cheap Shot, and a still fallen Decade in the ring. Decade however, quickly rolls out of the ring after the cheap shot by Mike, and Tripp replaces him. Tripp, unhappy with the treatment of his partner, or perhaps just hungry for revenge for his treatment last week, charges at Polowy, only to be met with a quick elbow. Tripp stumbles back after the counter from Mike, and Mike starts laying right hands into him. This doesn’t lat long however, as Mike is suddenly clothes-lined by a running Jace Steele! Jace Steele quickly starts stomping down on Mike Polowy, as Tripp backs away, giving him time to recover. He doesn’t get much time however, as Cheap Shot, taking advantage of Polowy’s attack, appears behind Tripp and pulls him over into a school boy pin!


Tw… Tripp hurriedly scrambles out of the pin, and both men jump back to their feet. Cheap Shot tries to give Tripp a right hand, but Tripp ducks it, and drives his shoulder into Cheap’s midsection, eventually forcing him back into his own corner, where Scruffy Dog would be standing if he wasn’t lying injured on the mats still. After driving Cheap into the corner, Tripp then starts delivering left and rights into Cheap’s upper body and face, as a surprised Cheap Shot doesn’t seem to know what to do.

Meanwhile, Jace Steele delivered several hard boots into Polowy, before Polowy rolled out of the ring. Jace climbs through the ropes in pursuit, and Polowy begins to back up the ramp. Jace follows, taunting him, but doesn’t realise it’s all a ploy, as Maverick comes from behind and grabs his arm, before whipping him right into the turnbuckle from the outside!! The referee, distracted by Cheap Shot and Tripp, misses everything as Polowy runs back and both men begin to double team Jace, stomping the hell through him.

Back in the ring, Tripp winds up for a king hit, but Cheap Shot dives out of the way just at the right time, causing Tripp to punch the turnbuckle pad. Cheap Shot backs away to the Armageddon corner, and Tripp charges at him again. Cheap Shot drops however, and trips Tripp over, forcing him to clothesline himself on the bottom rope! Cheap Shot is quick to grab Tripp and pull him up and in between his legs, trying for a Detonator! Tripp hurriedly backs up and grabs the ropes though, desperately trying to escape the finisher. Cheap lets go of him and instead delivers a knee right to the side of Tripp’s head.

Steve: “Nice try by Cheap Shot, but it was just too early in the match.”

Rob: “He underestimated the new guy it seems.”

Back outside the ring, Bond rushes around to the aid of Steele. Maverick backs away, and Mike helps Steele to his feet, and rolls him into the ring. The referee finally turns around and reprimands Bond for leaving his corner. Without even reaching Steele, Bond is forced back to his turnbuckle once more. Mike rolls into the ring and tags Maverick in, letting him have his shot at Steele. Maverick helps Steele to his feet before trapping him in a sleeper hold. The crowd, the commentators, and even his partner Mike start to sigh as Maverick applies the most boring move in sports entertainment. Even Jace himself seems to sigh, but that may just be him losing consciousness.

On the other side of the ring, Cheap Shot turns to his turnbuckle to see Scruffy Dog resting, but upright, outside the ring. He turns back to see Tripp nowhere. That’s probably because he’s crawled away, and is making his way towards his turnbuckle to tag in Decade! The crowd cheers, wanting Decade to enter the ring, but Cheap Shot grabs Tripp by the leg and drags him back to his own turnbuckle. He pulls Tripp to his feet and pushes him back into the turnbuckle, using his forearm to choke him. The ref rushes over and counts to three, having Cheap Shot release the choke before the three count. The ref then turns to see what’s happening at the other side of the ring, and Cheap Shot takes the advantage to quickly kick Tripp in the balls! Tripp falls to his knees in pain, and the ref looks back missing the whole thing.

On the other side of the ring, Jace appears to have lost all consciousness. Maverick lets him drop to the floor, before going for a pin. The referee however, is too busy asking Cheap Shot why Tripp is clutching at his groin and screaming in pain. Maverick climbs off Jace angrily and pulls him to his feet, before whipping him into a corner. Unfortunately, it was Jace’s OWN corner and Bond tags himself into the match! Maverick’s shoulders droop as he realises the mistake he’s made and Bond jumps through the ropes and into the ring. Bond charges at Maverick and Maverick ducks a clothesline, sending Bond past him and into the ropes. Bond springs back however, as happens when you run into the ropes of a wrestling ring, and knocks Maverick down with a shoulder block. Maverick jumps up quickly, and Bond bounces back off the ropes…

…meanwhile, Cheap Shot has picked Tripp off the ground just enough to give him a fireman carry back over onto his back. He smiles, seeing the perfect opportunity for a Slamma Jamma, and runs towards the ropes…

…Bond bounces off the ropes and charges back at Maverick, but doesn’t make it. In a perfect world, Cheap Shot and Bond would have crisscrossed with perfect harmony, but this is the NMW, and the sound of their skulls cracking together as they collide is sickening even for the NMW crowd. Bond stumbles and collapses to the mat, and rolls outside. Cheap Shot spins around, to find Tripp standing behind him. Tripp delivers a quick kick to Cheap Shot’s gut before giving him the Breakdown! Tripp rolls Cheap Shot over and pulls his leg up for the pin as the ref drops.



Th… before the refs hand can hit the mat, Tripp is dragged off his Cheap Shot and to the outside of the ring, by none other than Scruffy Dog! Scruffy Dog then gives a hard right to Tripp, who responds with a hard right of his own. This carries on for a while until Scruffy Dog instead vies for a kick right into Tripp’s midsection, followed by a Scruffbuster right on the mats outside the ring! He pulls Tripp back to his feet and rolls him into the ring, as Cheap Shot rolls on top of him for the pin.



Thr… once again the refs count isn’t completed, as Decade charges into the ring and drops an elbow onto the back of Cheap Shot’s neck. Decade then pulls Cheap Shot off Tripp and throws him to the other side of the ring, before the referee herds him out of the ring once more and onto the apron. He claps and cheers Tripp on, urging him to tag him, as Tripp climbs to his knees. Cheap Shot is back on his feet, woozy, and Tripp crawls over to Decade. He reaches for Decades hand, and Cheap Shot rushes up and drags Tripp away again. This time however, Tripp rolls over and kicks Cheap Shot right in the jaw, sending him back. Tripp then leaps up and connects with Decade’s hand, as the crowd goes wild and Decade leaps into the ring! Cheap Shot, not wanting any of Decade right now, joins Scruffy on the outside, so instead Decade’s attention turns to Maverick, who simply smirks at him. Decade smirks back, and suddenly the two run at each other! They collide and fists go flying back and forth. The crowd is going insane as the two men beat the hell out of each other with their clenched fists. Finally, Decade runs back, and bounces off the ropes. He attempts a clothesline at Maverick, but Maverick ducks. Decade keeps running however, right into Mike, punching him square in the face and sending him off the apron and into the ring barricades. Decade turns back and charges at Maverick, this time connecting with a flying clothesline, taking Maverick down.

Outside the ring, the referee has gone to check on Mike to see if he’s ok. He taps on Mike’s shoulder, and Mike slams his fist right into the referee’s face, thinking it was an opponent! Mike turns groggily, to see what he’s done, and a look of guilt crosses over his face. Seeing this however, Scruffy Dog wanders over to the time keeper and pushes him off his seat, grabbing his chair and folding it.

Rob: “I don’t like the look of this!”

Steve: “Well your hero Mike is the one who took out the ref for no reason at all!”

Rob: “It was an accident!”

Scruffy Dog walks around the corner of the ring to where Bond is resting with a semi-conscious Jace. Bond looks up at Scruffy Dog but has no time to react as the chair is brought down hard onto his skull! Further on, Tripp is recovering also, and can’t defend himself at all either as Scruffy Dog smashes his face in with the chair. Cheap Shot, seeing this and also noticing the ref is down, grabs another chair and joins the fun. Jace begins to set off after Scruffy Dog, but is cut short as Cheap Shot trips him up, and then slams the chair down on his torso.

Back in the ring, Maverick is desperately trying to get to his feet, as Decade continuously knocks him back down again. Scruffy Dog, having no one left on his side of the ring, rolls into the ring with the chair. Decade stops, seeing this, and lets Maverick rise to his feet. Scruffy Dog sizes both men up, and then decides Maverick is the bigger threat, and charges at him. Maverick backs up, but Scruffy Dog is suddenly grabbed around the shoulder by Decade, Scruffy Dog spins around, only to have Decade punch the chair right into Scruffy Dog’s face! Scruffy Dog drops to the ground and drops the chair, as Decade holds his fist in agony and the crowd roars. Decade spins around a bit before recovering and turning back to the issue at hand, which would appear to be Maverick slamming a chair down onto Decade’s head. Decade drops, and rolls out of the ring, as Maverick stands dominant in the ring, but with no referee to make any counts.

Rob: “My god! This match is like, steel chair chaos!”

Steve: “Yeah, aint it great?”

Cheap Shot rolls into the ring and he and Maverick glare at each other from opposite sides of the ring, both men holding a steel chair. They begin to walk slowly towards each other, sizing each other up, when suddenly Mike rolls back into the ring, behind Cheap Shot. He punches Cheap Shot in the back of the neck, causing him to drop his chair, before being spun around and given an Implant DDT in the middle of the ring! Maverick picks up the second chair and looks up at Mike, before throwing him one of the chairs. Ego Trip stand on both sides of the fallen Cheap Shot. Jace Steele lies, seemingly unconscious, outside the ring, while Bond, Tripp and Decade, are also outside on the ring mats, recovering. Cheap Shot struggles to lift himself up onto his knees. Mike and Maverick smile sadistically, as Cheap Shot arches his back and lifts himself onto one leg. Ego Trip are almost hopping with excitement waiting for the Third Rail

Rob: “This is it! It’s Third Rail time! Good night Cheap Shot!”

Steve: “Why isn’t anyone stopping this?”

Suddenly, before Cheap Shot can stand fully, a voice is heard over the PA system of the NMW. It’s Josh’s voice, and it seems to be a replay.

Josh: “I’m not Shay Semmens, and I won’t let you do what you want… Shay Semmens isn’t in charge here anymore, you can’t boss me around.”

Ego Trip lower their chairs, watching the entranceway, baffled, as more Josh quotes are thrown out randomly, concerning Shay Semmens, until it cuts to numerous other NMW superstars.

Chris Bond: “Hell, we’re all better off without the ass clown… without the ass clown… without the ass clown… without the ass clown…”

Bond looks up at the entranceway, not liking the fact that his statement is being replayed continuously, when suddenly it all goes silent. The silence only lasts for a split second though, before “Awaken” by Disturbed blasts through the speakers and the crowd goes wild!

Rob: “Listen to this crowd! Any enemy of Josh is a fan favourite it seems!”

Steve: “They should settle down. This happened last week, remember? It’s just a Cheap Shot ploy.”

But this is no Cheap Shot ploy, and the crowds cheers increase ten fold as Ex-President Shay Andrew Semmens steps out from behind the curtain and glares down at the three men in the ring.

Steve: “Oh my God!”

Rob: “It’s him! He’s back!! The original NMW president!”

Ego Trip stare back in absolute amazement, as Shay raises the microphone he brought out with him to his mouth.

Shay: “Cut my damned music! I said cut it!”

‘Awaken’ fades away quickly, leaving only a dying down cheer of the crowd in the way of Shay’s voice.

Shay: “Get the hell out of my ring you sons of bitches. Don’t just stand there!”

Shay begins to walk down to the ring as Maverick and Mike look at each other, not knowing what to make of Shay’s demands at all. They shake there heads, and stay put, staring at Shay some more. Shay stops at the bottom of the

Shay: “I warned you to get out of my ring. You really should have listened.”

Suddenly, the only two people that don’t seem completely dumbfounded by Shay’s appearance, Cheap Shot and Scruffy Dog, snatch the chairs away from Ego Trip. Ego Trip spin around quickly but it’s too late. With Cheap Shot bringing his chair down onto Maverick’s head, and Scruffy Dog swinging his across into Mike’s face, both men are laid out in the center of the ring. Scruffy Dog and Cheap Shot both smile at each other, and Shay also smiles. He walks up the ramp, and Cheap Shot walks forward and sits on the rope, pulling it down to allow Shay to step through.

Rob: “What the hell is this?! What’s going on? Has Cheap Shot sided with Shay Semmens.”

Steve: “It’d be a smart move, so I wouldn’t be surprised.”

Shay Semmens reaches the center of the ring and is about to raise the microphone to his lips, as all the wrestlers, both those on the inside and the outside, watch on. He doesn’t get to make his speech however, before ‘Take My Scars’ by Machinehead hits and the crowd give a mighty boo as Josh comes storming out from the backstage area, microphone in hand.

Josh: “No, oh no. I KNOW that you aren’t coming out into MY arena, stepping into MY ring, and expecting me to allow it. Shay, you don’t belong here anymore. I kicked you to the curb. The NMW is mine. This whole place is mine. You have no right to be here. Security! Security! Come out here and escort this man to the door! I don’t care what he has to say!”

Shay watches on as about 10 large security officers walk out from behind the curtain. They begin to walk past Josh when Shay puts his hand up and begins to speak.

Shay: “You don’t want to hear what I have to say? That’s not smart Josh. That’s not like you. Because trust me, you’ll want to hear this. Security, stay where you are.”

The security guards stop, and Josh pushes them onwards, yelling at them to go and get Shay, but they ignore him. Outraged, he looks back at Shay, confused, and a tad worried about the lack of respect the security guards are giving him

Shay: “You see, I’m a rich man Josh. I made a LOT of money in the short time I owned the NMW. And I already had a decent amount beforehand. I wasn’t broke. But I don’t appreciate it, when I’m sitting at home opening my mail, and I open an electricity bill for one… New Millennium Wrestling Arena in Detroit Michigan.”

The crowd cheers, hearing their home town, as Shay continues.

Shay: “I thought to myself when I received the bill, damn it. Hasn’t Josh done enough? Now he’s charging me for use of the NMW arena? But then I realised something. I made some phone calls. I contacted my lawyer. And guess what I discovered Josh… I discovered that I’m not the one who has no right to be here. Because you own the NMW Josh. Sure, I can not deny that. It’s yours. Keep it. But right now, you’re standing in MY arena! Right now, I’m standing in MY ring. And the security guards which are about to carry you kicking and screaming out of MY building, have recently been employed by ME, to work in MY arena.”

Rob: “Oh my God! Josh is being kicked out of the arena! The NMW is being kicked out? Where will we go?! The NMW is finished!”

Steve: “Oh this sucks. This really sucks. That son of a bitch! I finally get a steady pay check again…”

The security guards suddenly grab Josh, and sure enough he starts kicking to get free, and manages to pull the microphone to his lips for one last time…

Josh: “But… but… you don’t need the arena! You have no use for it! I’ll buy it off you! I’ll do anything!”

Shay smirks before replying.

Shay: “Grovelling is so unbecoming of you Josh. But you’re right. I don’t have any use for this arena. You’ve got the NMW, and what the hell do I have to fill this damned arena. Oh wait… there is something. You see, it’s not just security that I put under contract. It’s also the ring techs, the sound techs, and most of the backstage crew. But you’re right, what is the use of all that when I don’t have the NMW. Well I’ll tell you Josh. Because all of your staff is not the only thing I bought. Oh no, I came MUCH more prepared than that. Your wrestlers? No, they’re under NMW contract. I can’t touch them. But that’s ok. Because I bought something much more valuable. I found a man, and I had a talk with that man that ended with him being slightly richer, and me the proud owner of three little letters…

Suddenly the aprons fold down and the letters NMW are covered with new ones. New ones that send the crowd into a frenzy, and Josh’s face to a look of shock and terror.

Shay: “That man’s name… was Trevor Macinal. And those three letters, as you can all see before you… were the A…W…O!”


Steve: “Which means we’re out of a job!! Everyone here is out of a damned job!!

Shay: “So take a good look around Josh. Because this is the last time you’ll see this arena, until you watch an AWO event that is! Security, escort that bastard out of my arena, and out of my sight.”

The wrestlers surrounding the ring are still dumbfounded, worrying now about losing their jobs, while Ego Trip roll out of the ring, only just woken to discover what’s going on. They watch Josh being carried away from the building and then look back at Shay, as he smiles sadistically, watching Josh get taken away. Next to him, stand a smiling Cheap Shot, and a seemingly stunned Scruffy Dog, who looks overjoyed. Finally, Shay turns to the cameras.

Shay: Turn those damn cameras off! This show is over!”

Steve: “What’s gonna happen to the NMW?! What’s gonna happen to US?!

Rob: “This is unbelie…”

Rob is cut off suddenly, as the show turns to static. No NMW logo flashes past the screen. No copyright signal. Just static, before everything turns black, signalling the end of NMW television, and perhaps the rebirth of something even greater…




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