|Review| -

Artist: NOFX

Album: The Decline

The Decline is a CD by NOFX that was released November 23, 1999. When you first shove this in your CD player the first thing you�ll notice is that the CD is one song. That�s all ya get, yup, you paid 15 friggen dollars to get one single song. But this song, this song is absolute brilliance. I never get tired of it. It�s an 18 minute long epic of rock solid punk. This is political punk, as is much of NOFX�s work and many other punk bands. With lyrics like....

10,000 messages a day a million more transmissions lay
Dead victims of the laissez faire
10,000 voices 100 guns, 100 decibels turns to one, one bullet
One empty head now with serotonin gone

The Christians love their guns the church and NRA
Pray for their salvation
Prey on lower faiths
The story book's been read
And every line believed
The curriculum's been set
Logic is a threat
Reason searched + seized

It�s obvious that it was centered on gun control and senseless killings done everyday. This truly is an awesome CD, but I don�t recommend going out to pay 15 dollars for it. Don�t get me wrong, I love this song, but I�m not willing fork our 15 bucks for 18 minutes of music. I recommend burning it off KaZaA or maybe getting it used off eBay or something. If you like their work I recommend checking out other bands like Anti-Flag and Propaghandi. Because of the price and lack of other songs I give The Decline by NOFX a 9/10.

-Bio ([email protected])

Rating: 9 / 10