|Review| -

Artist: Rage Against The Machine

Album: Evil Empire

This CD is truly amazing, Its composition and mix is perfect for your average anyone. Rage Against The Machine's original sound blasts even louder and further than there last, sending there message nationwide, waking people up to the noise of RATM. This album was the album that got Rage Against The Machine noticed with its ear pearcing riffs and talented rhymes and well written knowledge filled lyrics, It was hard not to notice.

The CD features songs like "people of the sun", "down rodeao" and more with some of the best written lyrics I have seen, period. While songs like "bulls on parade" rocked the charts into rubble, with catchy rhymes and funk like riffs that caught the eye of the public. Zack really shows his strengths and talents in this album more than any of the other one's he has preformed in, Zack De La Rocha preforms catchy rhymes leaving listeners attached to the songs for hours.  While Brand beats some good stuff out of his drums, Tom shows his experience to the max.

Overall I say this album was a great album, but it takes people a while to get used to it's style even though it is some great music.  I would have to give this one a 8 / 10 for a great performance and catchy fraises but the fact that it takes a bit to get used to, still lingers.  You might want to check this one out if your the kind of person that listens to there cd's over and over and just doesn't give up on them the first time because they don't sound like "there type" of music.


Rating: 8 / 10