|Review| -

Artist: Slipknot

Album: Iowa

Slipknot is at it again, the 9 members of this heavy, relentless metal onslaught have once again combined their skills to create one of the most aggressive and violent metal albums to date, Iowa. This album, the whole way through is a twisting, turning adventure ride through the distorted minds of these 9 individuals. From the down to earth message in their song "People = Shit" to the oddly enough, quiet intro of "Gently", this band has sculpted their own style in the midst of evil guitar riffs, machine gun type drumming, high speed lyrics and crazy sampling.

The album starts off with an intro track named "515" which consists of a mixture of disturbing noises and screams and then it eventually flows into track 2, commonly known as "People = Shit". Every single song on this album is a smart, accurate and extremely heavy attack on society. Lead singer Corey(number 8) has a great mixture of insane shouting and harmonous singing. His lyrics portrar perfectly the anger inside directed towards the plastic people of society, the nobodys who try to be something their not. That, combined with all the other members of the band and their respective talents creates an army of unstoppable noise. This band and this album is made for the people who don't a shit what anyone else thinks.

In the end, it's a brilliant album by a brilliant metal band. They have a huge amount of musical talent and this is proven on this album which is just as good as their previous album, if not better. And there is only one word needed to describe the nature of this album. Violent.


Rating: 8.5 / 10