|Review| -

Artist: Soilwork

Album: Natural Born Choas

"Natural Born Chaos" is the newest CD from a great Gotheburg metal band: Soilwork. For many years they've been making great gothenburg thrash and have really shaken up the scene. But now with "Natural Born Chaos" we see a transformation of sorts. Soilwork has evolved into a more melodic, catchy band. Many people love it, many of the old Soilwork fans hate it. I personally love it. The older Soilwork CDs such as "Steelbath Suicide" were great, but weren't fun enough to listen to. This is great technical metal you can rock out to.

The CD is full of great songs, from "The Bringer" to "As We Speak" to the title track "Natural Born Chaos". Also collaborating on this CD was Devin Townsend who many metal fans will know as a God in the scene. He helped them avolve into a more melodic band and even contributed vocals to "Black Star Deceiver". Everything Townsend touches is golden, and this CD is no exception.

An excellent listen, and one of the best of 2002 so far.

-Seifer psx ([email protected])

Rating: 9.7 / 10