|Review| -

Artist: The Chemical Brothers

Album: Come With Us

Number of songs: 10
CD Length: 54 Minutes, 42 Seconds

Track List:

1.) Chemical Brothers - Come With US 10/10
2.) Chemical Brothers - It Began in Afrika 10/10
3.) Chemical Brothers - Galaxy Bounce 9/10
4.) Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar 8/10
5.) Chemical Brothers - Hoops 8/10
6.) Chemical Brothers - My Elastic Eye 9/10
7.) Chemical Brothers - The State We're In 7/10
8.) Chemical Brothers - Denmark 10/10
9.) Chemical Brothers - Pioneer Skies 8/10
10.)Chemical Brothers - The Test 7/10

This CD is one of the Chemical Brothers best yet. It has hipper, and more defined beats then The Chemical Brothers Previous CD's and would be easier to dance to. This CD has something to offer to everyone. It has a lot of fast-paced songs, but at the same time has some slower-paced ones, flawlessly molded in with the other songs. And the songs are all completly different, so there is absolutly no repetativness at all.

The first two songs have been greatly improved upon since their debut's on singles, and they aren't bogged down with repetative lyrics as they previouly were. The third song, Galaxy Bounce, was a disappointment to me. It is a shorter version that didn't include some parts that were used in commercials and other videogames. But none-the-less, it's still a top-notch song. Tracks four, five, six and nine are all great, but are a little bit slower than the others in the songs. Track eight is one of my favorites, it has a fast tune, with multiple parts. And the worst songs on the whole CD include seven and ten. Seven is way too slow for my tastes, and stands out against the rest of the CD. Number ten has just too much lyrics. And half of those lyrics are the ame two phrases repeated over and over throughout the whole song.

Overall, this CD is great and one of my favorites at this current moment. It's also amazing how many times I can listen to this CD over and over, without it getting annoying. That's takes talent to acheive. And one of the coolest parts of this CD is how in some of the songs, at the end it transforms into the what the next song is, so it's like one big song. It's a great CD, and if you are into this genre, it's a must buy.

One last thing. Don't get suckered into buying the limited edition package. Why pay $8 more for a carboard sleeve instead of a jewel case. And that's the ONLY difference. .

-Valentin Zukovsky

Rating: 9.5 / 10