She's A Witch, A Witch I Tell You!
We all know that Shannon is a bore,
But now she wants to be just like me.
Everyday is worse than the day before.
Stand her next to me and you will see.
It's starting to be too much, I'm ready to flee.

She uses her powers for evil, not good.
My originality is starting to shrink.
I think she would even take my name if she could.
She talks when I talk, blinks when I blink.
Hmm...a little like The Talented Mr. Ripley, you think?

One day it's wanting to go to my concerts like Pat Green,
The next day she's dressing exactly like I do.
I think it's getting a little too rough and mean,
Soon she'll take me on a boat to the sea so blue,
And stab me to death with a stick or a shoe!

Imitation is supposed to be the greatest form of flattery,
But I feel more attacked than anything else.
She never stops, like she's running on an Energizer battery.
It makes me want to go walk on a thousand rusty nails.
But HAHA, she better watch out, for her plan fails!

So there.
Shannon trying to be me.
***This poem was written in response to walking into Contemporary Moral Problems class, and noticing that Shannon and myself were dressed the same for the second day in a row. Coincidence? I think not. I always thought she was way to interested in the X-Files....She could be an episode all on her own with her supernatural psychic powers....***
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