Lady of Dreams
by Casey Carpenter

Nick paced the loft. He still worried about Lacroix and whether or not
he had believed his lie. He could not let anything happen to Natalie.
She was too important to him.

Was it really only a few days ago that he had told Nat he loved her? It
seemed like ages ago. The fact that Nat's memory of that night was gone
and his vow of love, made it all seem worse...

Save me a place
In the heart of your hearts
When you think of love
Never forsake me

When he saw Nat the night after Valentine's Day, he noticed the change in
her attitude toward him. Gone was the loving face he, see.

Wanting and dreaming you
Each time I think of you
Lying naked beside me

Her eyes had seemed a little dimmer, a little sadder, ever since then; it
was as if her heart remembered what her mind could not. The very idea
tore at his own heart. He loved her so much it hurt. And yet, he
couldn't allow himself to get close...all he could do was dream...

Only a Lady of Dreams
She will bring magic
To sing to your heartstrings

In his dreams he could see them together. Mortals in love without a care
in the world. Walks in the sunlight, children in the yard, normal
everyday activities that he wanted. Things he wanted to experience with

Only a Lady of Dreams
Come alive - you are all
That I desire!!

But what if a cure is never found? Was he selfish enough not to let her
have a chance at her own happiness in a mortal life? For now, she had
that chance, because without the knowledge of his love she was allowed a
little more freedom. What about when the time came for him to leave?
Could he ever let her go, whether it was to another man or time?

Save me a place
In the heart of your hearts
When you think of dreams
Never forsake me

Sighing, Nick sat down on the couch, a glass of blood in his hand. Each
time he was near her, all he wanted to do was hold her and kiss her. To
tell her how much he loved her and show her in every possible way...

Wanting and holding you
Each time I come to you
Lying naked beside you

Natalie meant so much more than just fulfillng his dream of becoming
mortal. Sometime, somehow, she had become the reason *why* he wanted to
become mortal.

How did it happen? *When* did it happen? It was almost as if she had
cast a spell on him and he was completely powerless. Sure, he had loved
before, or had fallen into an illusion of love, but nothing like what he
had with Nat. With Natalie, the darkness seemed brighter, more vibrant
and alive. In his endless nights, she shone like the brightest star on a
clear night and he craved more...

Only a Lady of Dreams
Could there be magic
To sing to your heartstrings
Only a Lady of Dreams
Come alive - you are all
That I desire!!

Nick took a sip from his glass and cringed a bit at the taste. He began
to wonder what Natalie's blood might taste like...would it be sweet and
spicy? Would it be filled with the hope and love they had expressed to
each other just a few nights ago?

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He shouldn't even be
thinking like this. He knew it was dangerous, and yet, he could not help
it. He was in love; hopelessly in love and she didn't even remember...

Something tells me
This is love that surrounds
Only a fool
Without wisdom can see
Blind as I am
In your eyes
My Lady of Dreams

Blind as I am
In your eyes
My Lady of Dreams

Nick set his glass on the table and rested his head on the back of the
couch. He stared at the ceiling above him blankly. He sat and felt
every feeling that washed over him. He felt the love he had for Natalie,
the anger he had toward Lacroix for that damned promise, and the pain it
caused him to distance himself from Nat. But most of what he felt was
the pain. The pain of loving someone whom he could not allow himself to
love completely back. Slowly he closed his eyes as a single red tear
flowed down his cheek.

Save me, save me
A place in your heart
Tears escape from me
When we're apart
Please dream of me now
My Lady of Dreams

Would she ever realize his love for her again? Or her love for him?
What would he do if she did? Would he leave for both their sakes?
*Could* he ever leave her or would it be too late? He could only hope
that a cure could be found before any of those questions needed

So many wishes he wanted to fulfill, so many dreams. And for Nat, time
was running out. Time was always running out for him, for her, for the
world. It's funny how an immortal being can think that time is always
running out. Lacroix would laugh if he had heard him say it. He would
say that we have all eternity, but we don't, especially when the lifetime
of one person, becomes your own.

My thoughts and wishes
Are all the surround
Mysteries hold you
Then fly you away
You know you are my life
My Lady of Dreams

You know you are my life
My Lady of Dreams

And what is Natalie doing now, Nick wondered. I hope her dreams are
filled with pleasant thoughts. I hope they are free of the monsters that
roam the night, that terrify and terrorize.

Nick got up and finished his drink. Then decided it was best to go to
bed. He rinsed the glass, put it away and proceeded to his bedroom.
Changing into his black silk pajamas, he fell asleep with Natalie's face
in his dreams...

Save me a place
In the heart of your hearts
When you think of love
Never forsake me

Natalie turned in her sleep. She was restless in her dream. Something
was missing and she didn't know what. In her dream she was searching and
searching, but she couldn't find it. She continued to search when it
suddenly appeared before her. She smiled and sighed, "Nick...."

Wanting and dreaming you
Each time I think of you
Lying naked beside me

Nick smiled in his sleep and whispered, "Nat..."

Only a Lady of Dreams
She will bring magic
To sing to your heartstrings
Only a Lady of Dreams
Come alive - you are all
That I desire

Natalie approached Nick and hugged him. "How could I have forgotten, my
love? But I've found you again, and I'm not letting go so easily,"
Natalie said, holding him tight. Nick hugged her back and sighed. The
pain he felt earlier was gone, and nothing but warmth and hope radiated
from both of them.

Something tells me
This is love that surrounds
Only a fool
Without wisdom can see
Blind as I am
In your eyes
My Lady of Dreams

Natalie smiled in her sleep as Nick, her Knight in shining armor,
whispered his love for her...

Nick smiled in his sleep as Natalie, his Lady of Dreams, whispered her
love for him...

Blind as I am
In your eyes
My Lady of Dreams

The End

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